Your N HARMACY EADQUARTER Mode. Martinuk Chronicle Staff Anyone who has ever studied another language would have to agree, with the seemingly-endless vocabulary memorization and drill it can be very, very dull. Pioneering techniques inlanguage learning Thanks to a development out of Wilfrid Laurier University, that need no longer be the case. Dr. Herminio Schmidt of Laurier's German department has pioneered a new educational tool which combines video technology, the computer and conventional teaching techniques to make learning another language both easier and more fun. His first so-called "interactive video", entitled Video Germany, was introduced to WLU German students this year. According to Schmidt, Video Germany was developed to give the student the impression that he or she is actually conversing with another person. Each session begins with several minutes of Baroque music to relax the students then proceeds to video drills, in order to practice pronunciation, and finally to segments which are designed to replicate a "real" trip to Germany. Schmidt said the interactive video approach to language learning offers many advantages over conventional teach- ing techniques. Because students are more involved, they're encouraged to interrupt the speaker for example, their interest level stays highers. Also, he said, because the video recreates a real conversation, the students are exposed to different German dialects, and the challenge of deciphering the rapid-fire speech of a native German. Video Germany consists of 10 different wto 30-minute sessions, ranging from arriving at a Frankfurt airport and taking the train to Marburg to going on a picnic and visiting a patient in a hospital. "This is a democratization of the teaching process," said Schmidt. “It gives the students the opportunity of travelling to Germany without having to pay. Because the camera is the student's eye, it creates the sensation that they are actually there." “Conventional language lab was very frustrating for the students because the machine was constantly driving them. It was boring. We've outgrown the old way of teaching. The new generation of students has grown up with television. they won't accept being passive learners any longer. We have to provide something that is more challenging," he Sixty tive WLU German students are now studying using Video Germany and quite clearly they are " enthusiastic " Schmidt about the program. "It makes it easier to learn," commented Lynn Eagles, a first year student. “It's not just a matter of sitting, staring at a textbook and flipping Schmidt estimated the cost of developing and filming Video Germany at approximately $30,000. Laurier's French department is now in the final stages of editing a French video, which they plan to introduce to students next fall. 'Wve been to Germany and I wish I had done the video before I Went. This is more practical-you get a better feeling of the language and how fast people speak, so when we have to use German in real life we'll be able to," added Mary Hehir. :'i'irru 'iit Pariah Plan . Albert and Hazel in Waterloo REGULAR 1irttit. â€.5 " “I MU LE iiW8 ' 'tu:,,',,',- M tity Rose Dabin, superviaor of Lauder’e language lab and Herminio Schmidt monitor a class learning German using the new Video German program. M gal. tank - '3.TO '"', mo. 60 gal. tank - M.30 per mo. Big Slze,b1g §§§ performance l Electric Water Heaters hold up to 40% more Jji-lecetrjcyratet heaters give you up to 40% more storage than the largest gas heater. With dual heating elements and better insulation, they're the s"""')' ., ' s most efficient water heaters available. And, a 3 electric water heaters can be installed most water heating. For more information about worry free rental water heaters call: anywhere. No need to be at the end of the basement beside the chimney. No waiting and waste to drain cold water from long plumbing lines. Avoid hot water runouts and waste ,ritlrefficient, economical electric Waterloo North Hydro The Electricity People 886-5090 WATEMOO OWE. WEDNESDAY. DECEMSErt to. I†- PAGE " -td.oNrttmAttetotrt