"tat You Mo. " Waterloo firemen are silhouetted by flames while fighting a fire Saturday evening at the former Sunnyside Mill Supply on Regina St. The building housed some textile materials. Cause of the blaze is still undetermined United Way of Kittthetrtetr-Watatruto United Way goes over the top and Area Wodnooday, November 19, 1986 Chronicle Staff Pledges to United Way of Kitchener- Waterloo and Area have topped the $1.88 million mark, exceeding the organiza- tion’s public target of $1.825 million by more than 855.000. The campaign achievement, which re- fleets a 12.3 per cent increase over last year's total of $1.675 million, was an- nounced to more than 250 volunteers at a reception Monday evening in The Sea- gram Museum. - "It proves once again that this is indeed a great community in which to live," said campaign chairman Sonja Carney. The total is based on figures already received, estimates of several employ- ee/union campaigns still in progress and some traditional corporate and direct mail contributions still to be finalized. "It was essential that we have a successful campaign as we have four new agencies, as well as a commitment to our Waterloo, Ontario community for additional funds through the new demonstration/developmbnt grants and special project grants," Car- ney continued. "We presented our case for increased funds to the community, and it responded generously." United Way executive director John Thompson said the success of the cam- paign was due to several factors including the hard work of Carney’s nine-member campaign commmittee and the spon- sorship of loaned representatives who "provided a great deal of day-to-day as- sistanee." Corporate and employee group/union awards were presented Monday in recog- nition of outstanding campaign achieve- ments. Employee groups and unions recognized were: . Employees of Uniroyal Goodrich Can- ada Inc. and members of United Rubber and an investigation into the cause is continuing. Although transients were known to take shelter in the building, no one had been trapped in the building when fire broke out. Richard can... photo ss cents Workers local so and 677, who pledged $124,631. oEmployees of Electrohome Ltd. and members of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 2345, with a pledge of $37,671. ":rnployees of Mutual Life of Canada. $75,060 pledged. 7 o Embloyées of Budd Canada and Mem- bers of Canadian Auto Workers 1451, with a pledge/d 878.667. - - - iEniployees of J.M. Schneider Inc. $37,817 pledged. 7 7 o Embloyées of Dutch Boy Food Mar- kets. 833.726 pledged. - oEmployeés dt Manufacturers Life Insurance. $31,436 pledged. Waterloo companies honored included: Mutual Life of Canada, Labatt's Brewer- ies, NCR Canada, Raytheon Canada. Joseph E. Seagram and Sons Ltd., Manu- facturers Life, Canbar Inc., La-Z-Boy Canada and Clemmer Industries. . Photo on page 1 1