13 Articles tor Sale 8A Houses tor Rent 3 Mortgage Loans ROOM AND BOARD Wanted: By CLEAR SWEET WATER: Just a few quotes from lolks who had bad water and now have good water. Barbara 3. Ben Bakker - Portland. Ont “Our water is crystal clear and it tastes great. Thanks for solving our prob- lem," Rev. Walter Kirk - Golden Lake. Ont. "We now enjoy clear, rust-tree. odourless water that is a pleasure to drink" Bruce & Joan Lockwood - Caledon. Ont. "We are extremely pleased with the results FV Barry Kinch - Denabeek. Ont. "Thanks again tor putting out a system that really does what you say it will," Let our new technology solve your prom too Call toll-tree I-800-268-2656 Aztec. first in water purification EARLY CHILDHOOD Progressive School. Vicinity King and Union, Watertoo. Junior Kindergarten and Nursery. Exciting. creative programs. Limited September openings. 576- 8873. DO YOU KNOW a “Good Kid" who deserves an award tor community service, bravery or courage in over- coming a physical limitation? Nomi- nate them tor an Ontario Junior Citizen ot the Year Award - Contact this newspaper for details. IF YOUR Banker says no to your mortgage refinancing phone All On- tario Financial. the mortgage people, 743-5361, 743-2144, We buy exist- ing mortgages. (N) HISTORIC HERITAGE Home in Up- town Waterloo. Fully restored. Fire- place. hardwood lloors. 2 bedrooms. study or 3rd bedroom. modern kichen and sunroom. garage, lull basement. Beautiful treed lot on quiet street close to universities. Mutual Lite and schools. Suitable tor protes- sional couple. Available immediately. $750/month plus utilities. 886- 4205. 1 Coming Events ' Announcements 113 Room a Board Wanted STEEL BUtLtNNGS Miracle Span Summer Sale. Example 32x40 $3,742. 401100 $9.138 Other sizes to choose trom Att buildings are complete with doors Call Ion-nee 1- 800-387-4910 CARPETS AND Upholstery cIeaned professionally by Control Services Group Save time and money by doing it right' Call 706-21 1 l and ask tor 15% oft Phone 886-2830 Church Services motion - In: Kevl- Wllnll KIM-3“! GM Setter. Row. WON-m My Ewyono Holcom- Waterloo Siskins Junior B Hockey Ciub. Phone 885-3031. or 886-6532 after 6:00 pm Waterloo North Presbyterian Combined Family Service 10:00 a.m. Laurel Church Centre (coma of Highpoint I ttortMtoM) ALL SAINTS’ ANGLICAN NESSIMI lllTIIEIAI alum Rare. mi M. Ford 885-5655 888-7870 cor-ct at Glen Fares: Rev. David Morris 884-8706 All Welcome (1,ltlllldttiiMBiii'fiiiertttlllll WANT TO get rid of those unused items "ctuttering your premises? Bring them to the'auction. We'll sell them - you walk away with cash! 20% commission. Antiques. household items, farm and shop tools. furniture. bicycles. beds. stoves. tridges. etc., etc. Bring them to the STOCKYARD FARMERS' & FLEA MARKET on Saturdays by 9:00 tor the weekly auction at 10:00 am No hassles You get it here - we'll sell it! And white you're waiting. visit the regular vendors to shop for produce. meat. cheese. breads. crafts. etc. STOCK- WP, FARMERS' MARKET a FLEA MARKET. Wagner's Corner. south at St. Jacobs. New vendors welcome. Call 884-2082. NEW PORTABLE band sawmills, Three models to choose from. Will saw 18" to 36" diameter logs. Priced at $6,015 and up. Call or write tor brochure, Enercratt Mtg, RR at, Barrie. Ont., L4M 4Y8. (705) 726- 3293, BUMPHREE - Premium] Inglown Hair and Razor Bump Treatment. tor men and women. Available at your tavoume drugstore or call 743- 3531, (32) SEWING MACHINE - Singer Desk included, Good condition. Reason- able. Call 884-9292 After 4:00. ORGAN - Lowrey Fiesta, with bench, Two years old $1595 firm 885- 0676, Large discount on high quality prod- uct. Reasonable prices and personal service. First 6 calfers receive special gift. 886-3902. (R) Ctean maple and beech. all cut and split. 64 cubic feet, $9000; 160 cubic feet, $220.00. Delivered. Phone 579- 41 Its. (if) NEW 1986-87 Bargain Hunters Guide. Over 240 Ontario factory outlets to save. Famous brands, Samsonite, Greb, Savage, McNiece, Arrow, etc. Send $6.37 (includes tax/handling) to Oliver Enterprises. Dept. 7K11. Box 2173, Cambridge. NSC 2V8. Also available at Zehrs Markets. WHAT ARE THE hidden causes of stress and anxiety? Become free ot them. read and use Dianetics! Paper- back $5.95. order now 745-3521 VINYL REMNANT Ciearout, Variety ot no-wax vinyl floor covering. all first quality. Call 886-4080 ttt) CARPET REMNANT Clear-Out. variety of colors and sizes, all first qualily, Call 8t56-a080, ttt) 13 Attic!“ " San WINDOWS, Ideal for cottage. Alumi- num window units, 61 by I 18 and 52 by str Aluminum storm doors, 2 tt, ltr' by 6 tt 10", Phone 743-1705. FOR SALE" Used Cttr batteries. tor recycling. " each Phone 743- 6965, MAYTAG WASHER/Spinner and Dryer, apartment size. portable, white ExcelIenl condifoon $400 pair Derby Stoneware. Shamrock pattern, 34 pieces, $90 Lilac and purple rug. 11:10. $30 Phone 886-7309 SKILL SAW. esttactiy like new, $35 745-7434 PAIR OF beige dacron drapes with wide satin hem 1 18 wide by 95 long. with arttinue white decorative rod Phone 743-0723 USED OFFICE FURNITURE: Desks. chairs, tiling cabinets. store displays and shelving. showcases. steel ad- justable shelving. Bakers New & Used, 1000 Bishop Street North, Cambridge. (519) 653-0500. Mon- day-Friday 9-5. Saturday 9-12, (R) FREE CRYSTAL FIREWOOD tat) TROUBLE Wrapping coins? Wrap pennies, nickels, dunes and quarters quickly, easily†Send $8.95 plus 636 tax to Peony-Roller, Box 405. Fort Erie. Ont. L2A 5N? Waterloo Chronicle Subscriptions Mailed outside of Waterloo 516 00 per year in Canada. Call 886-2830. Sec- ond Class Mail, Registration Number 5540 Members OC.N,A_ CCNA., S.N.A. (tf) 14 Adidas Wanted to Buy LOCALLY MADE solid oak roll top desk, $599. Antiques and co0ect- ibles in the basement ot the St, Jacobs Mill Closed Monday, ttt) AL'S USED Furniture and Antiques on Maple Lane in Elmira, Spring opening starting Wednesday-Saturday. to-5 Bedroom sets, new and used, mat- tresses. tables and chairs. cedar chest. roll top desk Worth your while to take a look. Phone 669-8787. (tt) Bought and sold. top prices paid. Encore Records, 297 King Street East, Kitchener. 744-1370 ttt) " SACRIFICE " SACRIFICE '" Buildings Special otter. Priced low tor immediate clearance. 28x40x14, $3.900; 46x90x16. $9.600; 70x80x24, 316.300. Complete with large doors. Other sizes available to 120' wide. Serious buyers only. No price shoppers. Guaranteed lowest prices. Call tree: 1-800-387-8148 or (416) 828-6262, GARAGE SALE, Wringer/washer, grey platform rocker, garden tools, small appliances, Hoover upright vacuum. lamps, household items too numerous to list Drop around. 214 Bristol Street. Waterloo. Saturday and Sunday. 9:00-4:00. CASH PAID FOR BOOKS: Literature, tantasy. occult, westerns. history, anthropology, philosophy. an. Excal- ibur Books, 29 Young Street East. Waterloo 746-4012, Top cash paid for records Encore Records. 297 King East. Kitchener Phone 744-1370 (N) CARPET AND Vinyl Remnants, ceram- ic ends. Free 2r-try-18 inch mats, two per customer 884-9131 (tf) HARD WATER PROBLEMS? Introduc- ing the water softener that doesn't use salt. No more tugging heavy bags ot costly salt. Other softeners remove calcium and other good-for-you min- erals. We don't add satt, to your water or remove beneficial Minerals. be- cause that's not good for you, Other softeners take up lots ot room, use electricity, require backwashing. cost plenty to install and too much to maintain. We ttont Call toil-tree: 1-M0-26B-2656 for healthier, better tasting cleaner-washing water. MOVING SALE - Gas barbecue, 120 bass accordion like new, single bed. bunk bed, dresser, household "ems. garden tools. odds and ends. August 9. tr-a. 505 Kam Street. Kitchener. It rain, sale will be held on patio. YARD SALE. Saturday. August 9, 9:00-4:00. 34 Young Street E., Waterloo. Numerous household goods and furniture. including book- cases, wicker chairs. 911 Singer sewing machine, in aéod working condition. USED Wa'erIoo Chronicle newspapev carrier bags Paying S1 00 for clean tnot torrO new bags Wa'erloo Chron- icle. " Em Street East, Watertoo 886-2830 " Articles tot Sale PIANO WANTED - Regardless ot condition Catt 669-2280 or 669- 2311 anytime (N) 13A Garage Sales L.P. RECORDS RECORDS CLASSIFIED DEADLINE - TUESDAY, 10 mm. " Cars tor Sale Buying for Cash: Gold ma we: com My stoning untrue. lays, lea sets unique dock; pocket watches. old post cards, document: All scrap go†and dental 9000 WM J GRANT CCNNS, H25 Km St E. Kitchener 5764840 8 Water St S _ CambnOoe (Sh-0430 DOG and Cat grooming. Ail breeds styled professionally to suit your pet. Pick up and delivery service avail- able. Over 20 years experience. 699-4232. (40) THE SALVATION Army requires dona- tions of domino. turniture, dishes. books, stationery. appliances, etc. ANTIQUES: Furniture. rugs. jewellery. quilts, shilling crooks. glass and china, etc. One piece to complete estate, 10 years in business. AI Jones, 664-2830. St. Jacobs (tt) Discount prices on quality products equal or better than most commer- cial brand name dog foods. Dog Food Pellets, 20 kg _ . $11.75 Other types also available 19 Trailers - Saietr/Rentals 20 Typewriter SalooSeMce CASH PAID FOR wrist watches, 40 years or older. 743-2094. (37) " Pets ' Supplies Typewriters cleaned. cited. adjusted. repairs to alt makes; reasonable rates, work guaranteed. Add-Type Business Equipment. 28 Bridgeport Road East. Waterloo (just down trom Towers). 885-2570. (ti) " Articles Wanted to Buy 1981 DODGE ARIES - Air condition- ing, cruise control. tilt wheel, AM/ FM cassette stereo, power adjusting seat. 746-1392, 18 Motorcycles for Sale QUALIFIED plant superintendent, min- imum ten years experience in metal lubricating and welding work in non-union environment 40-50 em- ployees. only those with proven track record need apply, Excellent remurv eration and benefits, plus Send resume to Box 1120. Mount Forest, Ont, NOG 2L0 1981 SUZUKI 684008. Cate style bike. Quick, clean, reliable, Must sell Need money desperately $900 or best otter. Jim, 886-0092. FACTORY OUTLET 9 Herbert St., Waterloo (near King St. S.)884-9600 1972 MERCURY Marquis - Four door hardtop, power steering, power brakes, only 38,000 miles, Phone John. 578-0862, 1977 HONDA. Needs some front end work. Bargain at $200. Phone 886- 3987 evenings. 22 Help Wanted MA CHERIE Home Fashion Shows Est 1975 Join our successful family of representatives in presenting quality lingerie and loungewear at in-home parties tor women " fun trs easy trs profitable Call too-tree I-BOO- E C E TEACHERS Wanted 885- HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Mature, responsible woman Three ".1 days weekly Otrn trtgnsportattoo FRefer- ences 888-5S75 Typewriter Sales-Services DOG FOOD SHUR-GAIN Help people who don’t have as much!! For pick up at your home can 578-3130. ttO LOFT TOP Tent Trailer for rent to responsive family at $100 weekly. Sleeps five comfortably. Call 886- 1175. (32) 263-9183 5181. star! immediately. between 800-5 30 WATERLOO CHEW. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6. 1906 - PAGE 21 'gtt6gttttntttr-ttqtB08." "g9tagettt-tt.ttett$" 'tOtt-tIt-taim-tFMA-at' STUDENT WANTED tor occasional babysitting tor 3 and 5 year cm. In Hazel and Columbia Street area. Call before 6 pm. 886-2053 COLONIAL ACRES: Wanted - Clean- ing lady. Beginning September. Ret- ereoces. Reply to Box 416WC. Waterloo Chronicle. 45 Erb St. East. Waterloo. N2J IL?. BABYSITTER REQUIRED Anndale area. part time 2 or 3 days a week. To come in. Prefer non-smoker. 886- 3877. LAKESHORE NORTH, Stimulating day program run by qualified mother and assistant. For mtants and pre- schoo|ers. Limited space. Receipts. references 886-2769. DAY CARE - First week free. Emailing children l '/2 to 6 years old tor tull or part-time programs. Lincoln and University Area. 884-7561. (34) We have several openings Nor open- tors with a minimum at t you experience and a good employment record Shins. Days and nights Loca- tions. 410 King St. w. and 75 Rivet Rd We otter a competitive wage and benefit package with excellent incen- tive earning potential, Apply to. 25 Child Care KNITTERS REQUIRED - Good work- manship. Call 742-8863. 6-10 pm and weekends all day, (39) BABYSITTER - Starting end of August, Come in, 2% and 4 year old. Approximately 2-3 full days. 2-3 Watt days per week. Car an asset. Must be reliable Maple Hill area. 884-8077. BABYSITTER REQUIRED, Part time for school year Roselawn and Pineridge area Call 885-4076 TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future - with Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available, 720 King Street E., Kitchener, (519) 743-501 C, 300 Qolborne St. E., Brantford, (519) 756-0223. COUPLE OR people with transporta- tion for part-time evening janitorial work. Will train. Phone 699-atM5. 23 Agents & Sales Help 28 Pamela PREGNANT? Need help" Birthright we" help y0u Totaity tree and cootidentiat Call 579-3990 (N) DATES GALORE For an age: and unattached Thousands of members anxious to meet you Prestige Ac- quain'ances call toll-free L800- 263-9163 Hours: Noon MI 8 p m 22 Help Want“! CELLULITE. EXTRA inches. extra pounds, lose it now 100% satis'ac- tion guaranteed within 30 days or your money back Call (519) MB- 0225 , (R) As an independent Safes Representa- tive tor Avon, your business hours are completey flexible and your earnings potential unlimited, Call tor details. 81 IN FASHION FUN - Successful Home Party Company in children's fashions now hiring tatt sales repre- sentatives, For details contact Polly- Togs, PO. Box 56, Burlington, Ontario. L7R 3X8. (416) 336-1507. PUT YOURSELF INTO A NEW BUSINESS Kaufman Footwear 4tO King St, W Kitchener, Ont, N26 we SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS 743-042 1