B.F. Goodrich elects two to major roles A new chairman and a new president of B.F. Goodrich Canada Inc. have been elected by the company'tboardRf direct_qrs.__~ " . . David H. Hall, president of The BFGoodrich GEON Vinyl Division, Cleveland, Ohio be- comes chairman and chief executive officer. He succeeds Dover R. Fouts, J r., who is retiring in June, Frank W. Hovey, BFG Canada's vice president and general manager - Chemicals was elected president and chief operating of- ficer. - iian will continue to be located in Cleveland. Hovey remains at BFG Canada's Chemical Group offices- Columbia, sr,_lylterioe. . _ As previously announced, BFG Canada is in the process of combining its tire business in a new joint venture company with Uniroyal Tire Ltd. When the new Uniroyal Goodrich tire company becomes a reality this summer BFG Canada will become, essentially, a chemical company which manufactures and markets PVC resins and compounds and provides resale products to the Canadian market- place. Bauer Industries receives federal contributors Bauer Industries Ltd. will receive a federal contribution of $436,150 towards the comple- tion of its machinery and equipment upgrad- ing program. Bauer Industries plans to invest $2,826,000 over a three-year period to acquire state-ol- the-art machinery, including computer assist- ed equipment. The assistance follows earlier CIRB con- tributions totalling $684,000 that enabled the company to undertake an in-depth analysis of its operations, to develop a restructuring plan and to launch a major modernization pro- gram. Second annual business awards Richard Wynia, assistant centre director at the Kitchener Young Drivers of Canada location, steers through the slalom course during Sunday's car rally at Fairvlew Park Mall. Winners hom the event, all from Kitchener, will go to the two-day national championships in Montreal. For the second year, Junior Achievement of K-W is seeking nominations from the eommu- nity for companies that are deserving of recognition for their contributions to the community, The award of excellence, as well as special achievement awards, were created to recognize the outstanding contributions made by certain local businesses to the benefit of the community. To highlight the performance of these superior local corporations, Junior Achieve- ment is hosting the second Gala Awards Night Tid-biz SKILL THRILLS September 23, 1986, at which time these awards will be presented. There will be one top award for the most outstanding company, as well as special achievement awards to recognize exceptional performance in specific categories. Nominations are being actively solicited from any person or coporation in the Kitchen- er-Waterloo area. Companies may be corpora- tions, partnerships or sole proprietorships. Companies nominated must have a significant presence in the Kitchener-Waterloo area and their major achievement must have origin- ated locally. Anyone considering a worthwhile candidate should think of areas of achieve- ment such as: high standard of labour relations, excellence in community relations, international impact, innovation in product or service, technological advancement, entre- preneurial accomplishments or any other impressive business achievement. The dead- line for receipt of nominations is June 30, I!“ at the Junior Achievement office. Laurier stays in black Wilfrid Laurier University, which has man- aged to operate in the black for many years, expects to do so again in 1986-87 and hopes to chalk up a small surplus of $7,080. Current income is expected to increase by 5.3 per cent to total $34,595,584. Government grants and academic fees account for 98.9 per cent of the university's current operating in- come. "iiiterest income on the investment of the university'], accumulated surplus from prior years is expected to total $730,000. Manu Life introduces growth fund Pfiéiddéef was approved at the meeting this week of the board of governors. Manufacturers Life, Canadian Operations. has announced the introduction of its Capital Gains Growth Fund. Contributions to the Fund are invested in Canadian equities and convertible securities Such part of the Fund as Manufacturers considers advisable will be kept in cash and short-term notes. The objective is to achieve long-range capital growth by active manage- ment of the portfolio. The Fund is available for both registered and non-registered contracts. but is expected to be of particular interest to individuals looking to take advantage of the $500,000 lifetime Capital Gains Tax Exemption. 325 a month, Units in the Manufacturers Capital Gains Growth Fund can be purchased for as little as and: mm“: LOSE 4 to 7 POUNDS PER WEEK Proven Results With A Herbally Balanced Program FAT {ran up? (,., ; _: Ill-STOCK WALLPAPER FRIOM " I 99 E/R CALL 886-61 1 T PEARLTONE INTERIOR SATIN LATEX WATERLOO TOWN SQUARE 886-3791 72185" TS" 84"x85" 9995 ONLY ONLY A beautiful way to control light and privacy. Easy to install. Valance and all hardware included. High fashion corduroy look in Champagne. Grey or Beige. REG. $35.96 MIRACLE AmaMIRACLE DO IT YOURSELF “56,331 7.48 WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, MAY 28. 1986 - PAGE 1 1 Yt?,y,!a.lh,f,itf2?ptiir' EXTERIOR STAIN WITH A Tickets: Adu" $3.00 Child $1.00 Family $8.00 A Musical For Young Voices Presented by: Emmanuel United Church Largest Selection In Kltchonor-Walorloo Buy only what you need. We cut uncle rolls a gladly accopl returns "Yi,ty,,ilh,fj,i,tpf2ll,tt,iir SOLID HIDE OR SEMI TRANSPARENT WATER REPELLENT PATIO DOOR VERTICLE BLINDS 361 7.98“ INFORMATION: 886-1471 MAY 31, 1986 Available Only At . TWO WATERLOO LOCATlONS . PRICE BREAK FROM St. Clair Albert and Dorset Streets 7:30 p.m. In the Sanctuary "Sam lk Emsctive" CONEST0GA MALL 886-2789