NEAR UNIVERSITIES 's, housekeeping room smoker 886-4I66 Church Services " Office Space Available Phone 886-2830 1 Coming Events 8 Announcements 2 Banquet Halls Availaple 2ND ANNUAL Martin Feedmllls Min- den Sled Dog Derby, January 1 1, 12 Fun for the whole family Spectators free. For more information call l- 800-461-7677, 10A Rooms tor Rent (one! of Glen Forrest & Swatch"! Lahesbore Village Rev. Kevin Walrall tau-ms Sunday, Jortuary inn 9: " a.m. Sunday Minn! ":1†an. Worship Servin- Sumon them. _ inhuman; 01 an autumn Enema». Viacom: MALE STUDENT will share bachelor apartment wnth another No smokmg or dunking Close to umversnhes $160 per month Call 884-8653 U) 3 Mortgage Loans 8A Houses for Rent VINYL REMNANT Clearout Variety ot no-wax vinyt floor covenng. all first quality Call 886-4080 (H) IF YOUR Banker says no to your mortgage refrnanrung phone All On- tario Financial. the mortgage people, 743-5361. 743-2t44 We buy exist- 9C Shared Accommodation COURT 12 - (Licenced lounge) now available tor parties. business meet- ings. etc For more information telephone Linda or Ellen. 886-5870 Columbia Racquel Courts, 140 Co- lumbia Street West, Waterloo (ll) VINYL No-Wax Iloormg Clear-out prices, all sues to choose trom Phone 884-085t (H) ALLOW US to assist m arranging or replacing your mortgage. Firsts and seconds - prime rates. Representing conventional and private lenders Regional Credit Group Inc. 886- 6441 (N) " Articles for SaIe $200 monthly plus a cut in mainte- nance expenses, 1 Year lease Please phone 886-6570. (3) CARPET REMNANT Clear-Owl. vaoety ot colors and sues all hrs! auaMy Call 886-4080 (m "---t2lliaeMiBiiif'iiietelll FULLY RENOVATED Victorian home Close to Uptown Waterloo Four bedrooms. 3 baths, family room. double garage Rent Negotiable 743-7904 (2) SMALL OFFICE TO RENT CARPET AND meI Remnants. ceram- ac ends Free 27-by-18 Inch mats, two Dev customer 884.9131 (It) WATERLOO NORTH PRESBYTERIAN REV. IRIS M FORD ing mortgages ll (X) a m Wovshnp crunch school. nursery 2 PLANER JOUNIER Ins! $?,535 Sale SL895 10 Planet. $788 Sad Tatham Woodworks, Woodstock ffit9) 537-?660 Rev David Morris. 884-8706 ALL WELCOME LAUREL CHURCH CENTRE (come! ot mohde ' mum) (corner at Highpoint a Northheld) ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH HESSIAH lllTllEllAN CHURCH LAUREL CHURCH CENTRE a an Enchant 9:15 on. Funny Sonic. _ Single light tor qul non. (l) (tt) o Regulav and Extra Fsrm In All Sues at Comparable Prrces o Avavlable m Sets or Separately . Free Estimates and Drrirvrrry m K~W Area 743-32 1 9 Bought and sold, top prices paid Encore Records. .297 King Street East, Kitchener 7A4-1370 (H) WINDOW TINT - For cars 8 buildings (lnsulates up to triple pane value & stops GLARE & FADE by up to 100%). In clear 8 colours. . SEAT COVERS - Custom-ht mm maichmg Mad & armrests. In 44 colours, Borg, velvet, vmyt ptissttc, factory-ooo) a sheepskin " Articles for Sale 48 WILLIAM ST, WEST, WATERLOO Spring or Foam Mattress Sets *Auto Beauty Centre Waterloo Chronicle Subscriptions Mailed outside ot Waterloo $16 oo per year in Canada Call 886-2830 Sec- ond Class Marl, Registration Number 5540 Members o ON A, CC N.A., S NA (tt) WANT TO get rid ot those unused Items clulleung your premises? Bring (hem to the auction Well sell them -- you walk away with cash' PO", comrmssuon Antiques household dems, farm and shop tools furniture. btcycies. beds, stoves, lndges, etc , etc Bring lhem to the STOCKYARD FARMERS It FtEA MARKET on Saturdays by 900 for the weekly aurlmn at 1000 a m No hassles You get rt here - we ll sell ttt And whrlo you re wamna, wstl tho mgular vnndors lo shon for pmducv. meat cheese, breads, malls etc STOCK- YARD FARMERS 8 “EA MARKET Wehm St North and old Hwy 86 (Wagner s Comm) Now vondovs wolrnmn Custom made clocks tor all occasions Also do-rt-yourself kits available Tic- Toc Toms. 578-4169 (i) Seasoned maple and beech. all cut and splat. 64 cubic feet. $l00 160 cubic feet $245 Delivered Phone 5T9-41 18 (tfl 145 Carolina St. S. Watodoo I K-W SMALL ENGINES Is Your New Sales and Service Centre For ENERGY CONSERVATION L.P. RECORDS ALSO AVAILABLE 6-BO Howard Ava. Elmira Shoo & Residence Phone !s§?_g) mmsss a u " l 'Yts: 3;};11’ AitMkat3ulldlLER2H CHAIN SAWS In GENERATORS 669-2 sos Frm' from K - W FIREWOOD CLOCKS ',.'r"' nu; uvv ll f , ['li'ih _ti/i-_7ii'jj 5 79-4400 " Articles for Sale CHICAGO 8 foot Pan Brake, $4,500,' MUBEA 811 Ironworker. $4.500; tr' swivel casters. St? each: Grimm Evaporator Pan A' x IO . $400. Martin s Metal Shop, RR ar3, Wallen- stein, Ont NOB 280 (519) 669- 8400. PIANOS Apr-size. w/bench, $995. uprights. 52-inch, $495 Pianos re- finished trom $995. We buy. restore, refinish pianos, Village Piano Shop (behind Kentucky Fried Chicken). Elmira (519) 669-228th WATER PROBLEMS? New technolo- gy, eliminates rusty, smelly, bad tasting water, coliform bacteria. staining. iron, manganese. hardness. chemical contamination, more, Fully automatic. tested and proven in over 12.000 rural installations. no messy chemicals, no taste or smell ot chlorine FREE 6-Month Trial Otter See for yourself. " you want better water tor better country living, call toh-tree: 1-800-268-2656. or write: Aztec Water Purification Systems. zI203-1030- Kamato Road. Missis- sauga, Ont.. L4W 4B6, The Lowest . Cost System that Really Works, 14 Articles Wanted to Buy TELESCOPE - Must Sell. 45 inch reflector, excellent condition. Must be seen, Compare at $500 new, 6250 firm 745-1205 anytime. (I) ARTIFICIAL CHRISTMAS tree. 7' Northern Spruce, $30; Singer sewing machine - Old, but works. $30, Phone 886-7153. (I) TUXEDO - Size 39. like new, 3100 885-4424 (1) POT BELLY STOVE and pipes. $200 or best otter. 886-9737 (1) BEEF. COSTS LESS than $6 00 per case ot 24 lo make at home and wme costs tess than $2 00 per home. Why pay more? Find out how fun and easy it vs at Brewski's. Waterloo Town Square, 885-4060 (4) FLOWERED CHESTERBED In perfect condition Mens and ladies skis used very Mile. and boots 885- 3198 (1) HARRIS TWEED Jacket. size 38, hardly worn. $50 Salomon SP40 cross country ski boots and bund~ mgs Brand new $55 745-1205 (1) THE SALVATION Army requires dona- tions of clothing, furMure, dishes. books. Iewellery. appliances, etc Help people who dont have as much" For pick up at your home call 578-3130 (tf) OLD DISHES Odd cups and saucers. silver. sulverplale and jewellery want- ed Phone 885-2300 (tt) PIANOS WANTED Not necessarily good coruhttotn Gwe name hmghr number vound under top Ind Or have us rehmsh, restore your piano thlage Plano. Elmua (519) 669- 2280 ANTIQUES Furmture, was teveettery gums. shodhng (rocks glass and chma. etc One ponce to corhplete set IO years In Busmess N Jones 664-2830 St Jacobs (H) Moo,-Frt, M Sat 9-4 “to uni-mun Gun-dun CLASSIFIED DEADLINE . TUESDAY, " mm. PIANO WANTED - Regardless ot condition. Can 669-2280 or 669- 2311 anytime. ttf) 14 Articles Wanted to Buy Top cash yard tor records, Encore Records, 297 King East, Kitchener, Phone 7444370 ttty USED Waterloo Chronicle newspaper carrier bags. Paying $1.00 tor clean tnot torn) new bags. Waterloo Chron- icte, 45 Erb Street East, Waterloo. 886-2830. IO kg _ _ _ T 20 kg _ ' _ V _ IO kg puppy food 20 kg puppy food MILLEFLEUR CHINA by Damion want- ed Call 742-3947 (1) DOG and Cat grooming. All breeds styled professionally to suit your pet, Pick up and delivery service avail- able, Over 20 years experience. 699-4232. (40) 168 Automotive Supplies KNOWLEDGEABLE, reputable owner ot a small antique shop wishes to buy household items: rugs, silver, turni- tore, etc, 885-2300. m) 20 ikGFiielsaks-SFvrc' GET 75 mpg large car. RN '5, etc. Build and install a new covey gas vapour cart), Fit any car. truck or RAI, For info. send self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Thrift Carb. 10731 King Geo. Hwy, Surrey, BC V3T 2X6, 15 Pets 8. Supplies INTERNATIONAL Domestic Water Dis- tiller, Manufacturer offers local dis- tribution rates tor new dealer, World s only automatic fully patented water distiller, Outperforms. outsells all others Inventory purchase only. no franchise tee, Phone toll-frce l- 800-661-3866. Typewriters cleaned, oiled, adpusled, repairs to all makes: reasonable rates, work guaranteed. Add-Type Business Equipment. 28 Bridgeport Road East, Waterloo Oust down trom Towers). 885-2570, (m FRAGRANCE CONSULTANTS Want- ed Market Seasons' 30 excluswe Replica Perfumes and Colognes -. World's Finest Fragrances! Earn hundreds. saving others thousands Specia $300 retail kit."$99, I-800- 3874875 LOOKING FOR WOMEN who would like to have the best of both worlds. by blending work and mothering without sacrificing either Desirable auatities - Must be neat. orgamzed. and ambitions Send your aualrfica- [tons and inauiries to The Waterloo Chromcle. Box WC 406, 45 Erb St E , Waterloo. N2J 1L7 21 Business Opportunities 22 Help Wanted A CAREER W TRUCKING Transport drnvers needed Now us the tune to trmn tor your Class A Incense For prescreerung mtervrew and 10b plar emenl tntormation contact Merv Orr Transport Drwer Trarmng Cam- bridge 1-800~265-1260 (tf) FAMILIES WANTED to provide foster care tor chlldven Dally rate Naming and support services Drowned Farm- ly and Children s Services 576- 0540 Bm James (48) SHINE HOME Supdort Services 's Inoiuno tor pmsons whilmq to do cleamng tor 99mm cpl-lens naer-e work, " 00 no: how D‘nisv (51" 570-6930 Typewriter Sales-Services WATERLOO CHROMCCE, WEDNESDAY. “$15315 was - PAGE " 9 Herbert St, Waterloo Factory Outlet RECORDS DOG FOOD SHUR-GAIN 884-9600 ,$7 50 $14 50 ‘$8.50 St? oo TRAIN FOR A Job with a Future with Trr-County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available. 720 king St E, Kitchener, (519) 743- 5011. 300 Colbome St, E, Brant- tord. (519) 756-O223, DOUG MARSHALL Motor City, 1 1044 - 100 St, Grande Prairie. Alta , T8V 2NI, Required immediately a Li- censed Parts Person - GM. experi- ence preferred Contact G, Hunt. 1- 403-532-9333, 22 New Wanted 23 Agents a Sales Help English tive-in nannies and' experi- enced live-out homemakers,available tor child care and related housework. 744-6448 (4) 28 Personals 25 Child Care Were you remarried after the age of 60? It so, your partici- potion in a University study is greatly needed. It interested, please call 886-7394 evenings or 885-4419 days] Represent Avon. Canada's Number One Direct-Setting Company. A District Manager is ready to talk to you now, STORK NANNY SERVICE REMARRIED SENIORS available for birthdays. ban- quets and Mags. Cheerful, professional, reasonable. DATES GALORE for all ages and unattached Thousands ot members anxious to meet you Prestige Ac- quaintances Call totl-tree I-BOO- 263-9163 noon till 8 pm (13) HARTLEY: 658-681 1 LOOKING FOR CHALLENGES AND REWARDS? Permanent Removal of: Unwanted Hair - Facial and Body Short Wave and “Blend" methods 930 King St. w. Kitchener (across trom K-W Hospital) 2% hr. consultation includes: . skin care 0 seasonal analysis o make-up application 8 Also: "COLOUR FOR MEN" instruction q individualized wallet coding o wardrobe planning q personal style 8 design Creative Colours BY APPOINTMENT ONLY GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE CALL 743-0421 Free Consultation 208 King St. S. Waterloo MAGIC SHOW Make your wardrobe work tor you 744-7561 743-1 1 1 2 Electrolysis Studio