Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 20 Mar 1985, p. 24

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PAGE " - WATERLOO CHRON|CLE. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20. 1905 Phone 886-2830 ALLOW US To asstst In arranging or replacmg your mortgage Frrsts and seconds - plume tales, Representing convention- 4 Property for Sale 98 Apartments Wanted to Rent 6A Parking Space Wanted PARKING WANTED tor one PROFESSIONAL WOMAN requires one or two bed- room apartment In house. April 1st or later Parking. povate entrance Call 885-0705 after five (12) Affordable co-op town houses proposed for Dean area. Kitchener 60 units. 2-3-bedrooms. some tor dosabled Close to schools and shopping For further Information call Guelph l- 800-265-8368 (13) URGENTLY REQUIRED - Three bedroom apart- ment m Waterloo Phone 745-9707 after 500 pm (12) BEDSITTING ROOM tor te- male in basement. adia- cent cooking facilities, separate entrance, suit- able tor student, prefer non-smoker Three blocks trom Watenoo Squate, B86-201 7 (1 1) " tMice Space OFFICE AND Retail space available m busy malt. reasonable rates, plenty of parking 578-7656 ttt) FURNISHED ROOM Cooking allowed. central Waterloo Phone BBS- 3648 (13) CABBAGE PATCH clo'h- inc, Sumnmly made. In- cluding overalls. track 10A mm Rent 3 Mortgage Loans m-Services.-. FURNISHED BEDSITTING mom for gentleman, freshly ttecorated. share kitchen and bath. M70 monthly Phone BB6- 1365 (li?) 13 AWMSOOO al and private lenders. Regional Credit Group Inc 886-6441 ttt) Allen /Weber Streets area Phone 5764623 evenings (12) crocheted outtm, and much more 704-9282, "When The Chill Dew Glisten: On The Brow" 578-7037 Mun thte Class 10 30 a m Mum Semce Sermon Theme "is tt My Body?“ 00-0? HOUSING Cor-er cl Glen Form! & Split-cull “in." VIII-gr Ttev. [ah “an“ suqur MARCH 208tt 9 15 am Sunday Sthag Church [Iowan Viacom. MESSIAII lllTIIEIAN CHURCH WED MARCH 2rtn Sermon Thom: Bought and sold, top pnces paid Encore Rocotds. 297 King Street Emgt, KiIchen- 9: 744-1370, ttt) LP. RECORDS VINYL No-Wax "oortng tyear-out paces; all sizes to choose trom Phone 884-0851 ttt) Unseasoned hardwood, maple and beech: cut and split: 64-cutxc teet, $90. ISO-cubic feet, $220 deliv. ered, 579-4118 ttt) 13 ”tickle!” CARPET REMNANT Ctear- Out, variety ot colors and sizes. all ttrtrt quality Call 886-4080, ttt) V t N Y L R E M N A N T Clearoul Vamey ot no- wax vmyt tloot covering, all his! auatity Call 886- 4080 ttt) Mailed outside ot Waterloo $1600 per year m Can- ada Call 886-2830 Sec- ond Class Mail, Regustra- hon Number 5540 Members 0 C N A , CCNA ' S,N.A (tf) You have seen on windows abroad are here now Direct from Europe. mun.- purpose THERMAL ROLL SHUTTERS are Inpenelrable, prowdmg security. pnvacy and a thermal barrier against noise. cold, sun. wind and light Protects from m- lruders For Information and estimate call CARPET AND Vinyl Rem- nants. cetamlc ends Free 27-by-18-inch mats, two per customer 884-9131 AUTO WWW Custom-m seat covers with matching head and armrests in 43 colors. in Borg, Velvet, Vinyl and factory-original material Window Tinting tor build- ings and vehicles: it in- sutates. keeps winter heat in and summer heat out; cuts glare and tade by up to 98%; makes glass shatter-resistant: clear and colors, AUTO SEAT COVERS 3. INSULATING WINDOW TINT 600 Howard Ave. Elmira Shop 8 W. Photo. amnion-mun Those Practical Exterior 743-321 . ROLL SHUTTERS Call Free From K: W Waterloo Chronicle Subscriptions SPRING AND POM MATTRESS SETS 669-2506 FIREWOOD 'tand-tttttlt-tttm Should-tom 885-4409 Minimal-u mined-.0.”- (22) ttt) Now available at Cradles Too Beechwood Plaza. 884-2100 and Cambridge, 653-7335 (14) 13 Articles!!!“ HERD REDUCTION Regis- tered polled Hereiords 40 cows bred to PRL425E Klapper, 20 cows bred to Justamere 3176 Spitus Cows to calve April/May IO heifers Bred to Forders Justa V Nero will calve May 20 open heifers. IO service age butts Free- listed Harold Hawthorn. Foresters Falls. Ontario (613) 646-7693 CRIB SAFETY LOCKS PlANO - MAHOGANY Upright, refinished and tuned Please call 743- 1977 after 6:00 pm (12) Leading manutacturer with a limited number ot 1984 models I: having a cleav- ance sale. Package in- cludes motor. pump. sand tilter, sumo“, bitter, tence and deck. Begum! once. $2095 Reduced to 51295 We will beat anyone's pnce Call anytime ZODIAC INFLATABLE Boats plus Wmdsurters, Mostrats and Bic Sail- boards March IS the month to buy tor best prices and deliveries OW. Sports, 92 King South, Waterloo 886- 2840 (13) STEEL BUILDINGS. Best prices while steel build- ings last. factory direct. 20-year warranty. unrtmit.. ed sizes. as Iow as $1.81/squave ft For complete building, phone Brad. collect (416) 678- 1585 MOVING SALE - Harvest gold stove: microwave. lamps; 5003 and chair, large new Mouunex vege- table charter. ideal tor club kitchen 884-0453 ELECTRIC HO Train lame layout. 4-by-B-teet, free IDEAL FOR cottage - Toastmaster broiler oven, continuous clean. $25. GE canuster vacuum wim powerhead. $90. Phillips Dual-A-Brew 12 cups. $20. Phillips, blender. $25. boys navy blazer. size 18. $20 884-8989 (12) COAL YARD ANTIQUES 108 Duke St. East Kitchener ALL STEEL bate racks. orders Distorted. light and heavy grade: Hades, trailer bunk Medals Owen Martin Mtgrtuttgctur- mg, Route 3. Wanemtem. tor the taking Phone 885-4474 (12) One hour free parking at Market Garage At04 POOL SALES tat thc foot of Kitchener Market Building; 15% OFF COPPER ' BRASS POLISHING March Special 1 653-01 76 744-2700 at (12) (12) MANS SUITS - Size " Tall (42-unch waist), three-piece pure wool Park Lane‘, one navy pm amped. one ptttin navy Also pale blue 2- piece amped 000mm: summer suit all worn twice, temnab‘e 578- 0087 evenings (it) NORTHERN FOOD TREES: OId-tashioned apples, peat. apricot, nut trees. shrubs. even greens, seedlings Guaranteed delivery Reasonable pnces Cala- dogue St. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank. Ort- tano KOK 2L0 S OUONSETS - SACRI- FICE PRICES S Manutac- turers rep selling ott Nt- ventory tor rock bottom DIICBS For example, a 46 x 70 tor less than a 40 tt 60 Never priced lower All snzes Call Mt61663- 5322 WATER PROBLEMS'? New technology to Canada - CSA approved Ellmo- nates chemical contamin- ation, nuisance and coli- torm bacteria, starmng. smell, bad taste and more. no messy chem:- cats. maintenance tree. tested and proven In over 10.000 rural Installations, tree 30/Day trial otter Try It out, See the results tor yourself Absolutely no obligation and no cost to you Backed by a 20-year written warranty HANDMADE lCELANDlC swoalevs tor sale, all sins. SI IO Phone 886- 2598 (14) CHESTERFIELD, green. m good condition. reason- abOe Phone 885-6189 PIANO AND Bench. retirr ished. new keys and ham- mers. tuned and deliv- ered. $1295 Complete Piano Service. Elmira Call 669-1207 tor ap- pointmenl (13) ELECTRIC RANGETTE, two burners. Oven. draw- er at bottom. Ideal tor cthage. S50, gveen nau- gahyde swivel rocker. $50. both good condi- tion 884-8684 (12) A NEW Building In your (mute Wood. frame. all steel. straight/slant. halt- round cladding Free bro- chure on vequest For action. value and answers call Wally. I-416-626- 1794 Leave message or collect evenings and weekends (12) WASHER AND Dryer, good working condition. rea- sonable 6-toot couch and matching chair. ar- borile kitchen table, ve- netian blind 579-6956. 744-4306. (13) 9-BY-7-FO0T garage THREE EXCELLENT fish mounts: one Mallard duck mount; Yashica camera with flash; heavy duty house trailer hitch: Lorance tish-finder 885- 3493 " you want better water tor better country llvmg. call toll-free 1-800-268- 2656 or (416)624-4344 door. $70 complete Phone 886-3853 (12) Ili?) '. 13 muss. USED ELECTRK} table saw wanted in good condition Phone 885-0571 . (I I) CINNAMON RUG 12 123‘ Kenmore Vacuum um: beater mush and swear sodas String guitar and case Ladnes teller states 9, men‘s 8 Ex- celient condition Rea- sonabte 742-9590 SET OF The Book of Knowledge wanted in good to excellent condi- Iion, reasonable. Phone 885-0571. (11) 14 Adidas W Med to B STEEL BUILDINGS. Manu- tacturers clearance Lim- ited quantities Buy now white supplies last Sub- stantial discounts durmg sale Widths 30 to 12ty Call toll-tree I-BOO-MI- 7689 (Area code 807 call (705) 335-5972 ) WHOLESALE STEEL Buildings Factory direct prices No Middleman Ouonset and straight wall buildings Won't be un- dersold Guaranteed best value on market today Call (416) 221 -7353 (Clip and save) OLD DISHES Odd cups and saucers. silver, sil- verplate and pewellery wanted Phone 885- 2300 (m THE Salvation Army re- quires donations ot cloth- ing. furniture, dishes. books. lewellery. apoli- ances, etc. Help people who don't have as much!! For pick up at your home call 578-3130. (N) PIANOS WANTED - Give name, height, number tound under top lid Have your piano "rtimshed, re- stored. new low rate Village Plano Shop, El- mira 669-22BO or 669- 2311 (12) Top cash paid tor records Encore Records. 297 King East. Kitchener Phone 744-1370. (If) SPRING GARDENING - Ev, erymmg to start Seeds. nutrients, heating. ugh!- Ing, germmahng his. greenhouses. solar openers, metal haltdes at Best OrlceS an Canada Send $2 tor catalogue and once list to Western Water Farms, 1244 Sey- mour Street. Vancouver. B C BBB 3N9 1-604- 682-6636 (12) CLASSIFIED DEADLINE - TUESDAY, " mm. KN0tlltt.EDGEABLE, repu~ USED Wtgterhoo Chronic|e mummy!» carriev begs Paying 81,00 tor dean tnot tom) musings Wa- terloo Chtonbcte. " Erb Street East. Walerloo 886-2830. ALSO WILL PAY CASH For Good Clean Appliances Working or Not Working FREE REMOVAL Ot Unwanted Appliances -tt'tetqeattopwiettesto buy household Hem. mos. div-v. immune. etc 886-2300. ttty PHOtlE 743-2946 RECORDS oil Gold and silver conns. Iewel- Oevy, stemng silverware, trays. lea sets. antnque clocks. poch- el watches, old post cards, documents Alt scrap gold and denim gold WM. J. GRANT COINS GAS STOVE and rettrigtrra- tor (white). wantod in good working order Phone 578-7656 (‘2) 1976 OLDSMOBILE Dona Roya|e ”can. an coodi- Cash paid tor good clean refrigerators, stoves. washers. dryers. etc, C 8 V Appliances 744-3231 ttt) SUBURBAN!) I VANS 1.1982 Lincoln 21, 1981- 83 Chevs, Fords and Ply- mouths 32, 1979-82 Ford Fairmonts, Aspens and Vo- Iares, 4 and 6-cylinders IO. 1978-81 Station Wagons 6. 1978-80 Sub- urbans and Vans 4. 1977- 79 Ram Charger and Sub- urban 4x4‘s I. 1980 Ford Courier pick-up 14. 1977- 80 M and ba-ton ptck-ups, some propane A, 1980 Dodge Crew Cabs 7. 1974-78 1-4-lon Cab and Chasms and Stakes 2. 3-axle Tag-A-Long trailers 8 Van bodies and Utility bodies Mrghlon s Car Sales. 4 mites west ot Durham on 84. or 6 miles east ot Hanover on 34 Highway 1-369-3136 MASONRY TOOLS want- ed. 99. brick hammers, concrete saws. concrete anus Phone days 743- 8161. evenings 743- 9649 (12) 14 MWUMMM OLD GOLD Jewelry, rungs. menial was. odd turm- ture 578-7656 (I!) 15 Nt0supplies DOG and Catgrooming All breeds styled profession- ally to suit your pet Pick-up and delivery ser- vice available Over 20 years experience 699- 4232 10 kg _ V . _ _ 20 kg 10 kg puppy food 20 kg puppy food ANTIQUES lurniture, rugs, iewelry. quilts, shilling crooks, glass and china, etc One piece to com- plete estate. IO years in business, AI Jones. 664- 2830. St Jacobs, ttf) APPLIANCES 33$ 16 Cam tor Sate 1979 BELAIR Four-door. V8. automatic. power steering and brakes, good condition. Certit"tqd 742-2789 evenmgsr ttfl 1977 PONTIAC Lemma. o'tgttt-cytboder. automatic. was with red stripe, good condition. w»! cer- my. $2500 or been one: Cal 744-9105 ttO BUYING FOR CASH 110 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, STATION WAGONS. bake: and windows, good condnion 885- 0009 (14) Factory Outlet 9 Herbert St . Waterloo 1125 Kung St E ' Kn 576-4840 8Water St S, Camo 621-0430 DOG FOOD SHUR-GAIN 884-9600 s 7.50 $14.00 t 8.50 $1635 ZOTMSM Typewmere cleaned. cued. adjusted. repair: to an makes; reasonabte rates. work guaranteed. Add- Type Business Equipment. 28 Bridgeport Road East, Waterloo Oust down trom Towers) 885-2570, ttt) HOTTEST NEW business opportunity Small Invest- ment gets you rotting 3-wheel pedal powered Great tor your city (tourist too), 6-speed. steel and fibreglass construction, disc brakes Trans-Cana da Pedncab. 628-5th Street, East North Van- couver. BC V1L 1M7 1- MM-9BA-9635 (12) i1 Bttaitt-0trtttMtrtiti" Mt M BUSINESS Oppor- tunlty New Canadian product, everyone needs" Minimum investment, nol Inventory. don‘I miss this one Send sen-ad- dressed. stamped enve- lope to B.A ND. 189- 1450 Johnston Road, White Rock. BC, V4B 5E9 (12) HOMEMAKERS. Students STUDENT REQUIRED for summer employment. must have car and know sign language, Phone 885-3256, (12) COUPLE WITH transporta- tion for part-time laniional work: wilt train Phone 8844833 (12) WALLPAPER SALES He'p required with oulgomg personality, pvevuous sales expenence and color co~ordmahon Phone 743-3561 (12) Tr-rites-vita BE YOUR own boss' Operate profitable bus:- ness repainng stone dam- aged Windshields Tre- mendtius profits, We need a distributor in your area, For intormahon without obligation, write to A a. C International Marketing, 325 Broad Street West. Dunnville, Ontario, N1A IT2, (14) LtFEGUARDS REQUIRED - Summer. pan-hme Must be 17 and have leaders Apply to Beechwood Bridlegale Homes Assoc-- anon. 335 Bridbe Path Court, Waterloo. N2L 6A3 U3) DISTRIBUTORS WANTED FAMILIES WANTED to pro- v'vde lode! care tor chil- dren Deity mic. training and suppon services pro- wded Family and Cttil- dren's Sevvucos. 576- 0540. Libby McLean at Bitt James (N) 22 Help Wanted Others: Turn your spare time into money. Full and part-time agents and tits- tributors wanted through- out Canada. Operate trom your home. Projected profit 550.000 m first year Write Galaxy Crys- tal and China tnc , 11 Latonia Drive, Rexdale. Ontario M9W 2.11 l- 416-741-1758. (12) - Top nuatity panty hose. 34 colors. satistaction guaranteed. commission to 30%; ground Mor op- ponunity. no investmem, territory or quota. Call W.I.N. 886-4025. (12)

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