PAGE 6 - WATERLOO Cttrt0httXE, “WWI OCT Oh give us a dome, so we all can go roam, to see the Jays and the Argonauts play.., -- _ _ _ . . .. Ah, all the domed stadium talk that has been circulating around Toronto for months (years?) spilled over to Waterloo city council Monday night when council was asked, and agreed, to throw its support behind the Trillium Dome Corporation $150 million proposal for a site at Highways l0 and 401 in Mississauga. _ Second Cuss mu Be‘islndoll Nun-her "" established t 854 -UnG. listening 16’th looking at a slick, well-documented package, council, as its Kitchener counterpart did two weeks ago, backed the_proieA for several reasons.“ . Only one of a handful of proposals now being studied by a special committee headed up by retired Ontario Hydro chairman Hugh Macaulay, the Trillium project is unique in that it is privately funded, meaning it will be more of an indirect rather than direct burden on the taxpayer. Of course, in whatever way, we all pay in the end. But Trillium is also attempting to drum up support here for its venture because of the Mississauga site, which would be far more beneficial to Southwestern Ontario residents than any downtown or East Toronto site. , Never mind the fact it would cut off about half an hour travel time patrons from this area are now faced with heading to the lakeshore for events. The fact Highways 10 and 401 are equipped with four-direction access is an even bigger plus, given the parking headaches and traffic tie-ups any downtown Toronto site faces with the Lake Ontario natural border. The actual facility proposed by Trillium is a slick one too, with accommodation for a retractable roof to qualify for Olympic-style events and allow sports purists to still enjoy their pastime under sunny skies. Most of all, it would give the metropolitan Toronto area a professional-looking sports facility, one that has been sadly lacking in that city save for the Taj Mahockey, Maple Leaf Gardens. . There's nothing more exhilarating than going out on , limb. 7 _7 _ _ It begins when you‘re very little. when you eat a worm to see if he'll really stay alive inside you, or pick up a toad to see whether you‘ll wind up covered with warts. -rrGTiiriuium's project would be easily accessible to the provincial market and would be for us just a quick hop down the highway is an opportunity/we must not let p.ass by. Later. it might be climbing out on a long, shaky tree limb over a deep pool, when you ean't swim. Or it might be caught up in a tree, shirt stuffed with apples, while the voice of Geo. J. Jehovan thunders from beneath. â€Come down, ye little dlvlls; l know yer up there and I'll whale the tar out of yet and the police‘ll put yez away fer Or it might be caught in the act of swiping corn and racing through back- yards and over fences with the cabs dropping and your heart thumping and the shotgun Quin; ttff into the sky. . "Unleoss pihieirsi ch}; match" it or surpass it" in teians of benefits, it should have our whole-hearted support. mi." ont Hugh? be, about mi t2, smoking butts with the hoboes in the "jungle" beside the railway tracks, and having a BILL SMILEY published every Wedneaday by Fairway Press. a division at Kitchener-W-oo Record Ltd., m 225 Fairway Rd.S., Kitchener. Ont. Dome desirable ‘wuonoo Chlonocb one. It located an no "you. My and We Law oma, BM (um nuance. - noorr Parking at tho no: otthottottbtg opoetMooturtoFottar.tr00toc 105009"! address core-ttHoe' to Waterloo other: " Ertt tit, E, Walerioo. thtt. NN tM, telephone “2830 It could be saying, "Don't you say that about my mother'." to the bully of your age and sailing into him, yourself outweighed an pounds, but your fists and feet and teeth going like a windmill. drunk with a gallon of wine come up and start terrifying you with all sorts of ottscenitiespoy don't understpnd. 7 7 7 Or it might be, about 14 and spotted like a hyena with pimples, having to ask a girl to a party, knowing that you are the most repulsive, awkward booby in town. This is a rotten limb to be out on. Or it could be a swimmingly exhilarat- ing moment, like the day when i was in high school and kissed my French teacher up In an apple tree. She was a spiaster and six years older than i, but iii recall. it was a swooning experience and I think we both wound up hanging by our knees from the limb. These are some of the limbs l've been out on. Lots of other limbs. You've had Publisher: Paul Winkler Manager: Bill Rages Editor: Rick Campbell "They're so damned happy to get a job. they are out to eliminate the stigma and myths associated with being disabled. They are going to be there (on the job)." Going for " yours; round limbs. crooked limbs, rotten limbs. smooth ones. brittle limbs. sturdy ones. We have all gone out on g limb. -- When you‘re young, you don‘t really know the difference, or you just don‘t care. It's climbing out on the thing that matters. Even at 20, l was climbing out on a limb. trying desperately to make the grade as a fighter pilot, sweating blood so that I could climb out on the fragile wing of a Spitfire and be killed. What an irony! Those who didn't make it were broken-hearted. And then there's the limb of marriage. Most males will climb out on the first limb that is endowed with long eyelashes or trim ankles or a big bust. Even though they know it's a very green one. or a very brittle one, out they go. . . l was lucky. The limb I climbed out on was firm but yielding. green but not brittle. And I damn soon discovered that when you climbed out on that particular limb, you didn't carry a saw, but a It is written The old limbs(or the young limbs) creaked and swayed and cracked and dipped. They are replaced by the limbs of safety and conformity and security and enough life insurance. And the sad part is that these are the limbs we want our children to climb out on, no farther than two feet from the trunk and no higher than two feet from the ground. While they want to climb on the swinging limbs that will sell them to the skies or break and let them fail. All this of course, is a preamble to the fact that I'm still willing to go out on a limb. If somebody will fetch a step-ladder to help me get started up the tree. parachute and, an iron-bound alibi. However, what I started out to say was that, as we get older. we climb out on shorter and shorter, safer and safer limbs, until we are finally left, clutching the tree-trunk, even though we're only two feet off the ground. Ontario March of Dimes project supervisor Bunny Waechter commenting on the loyalty of the disabled. - SEE PAGE 3