PAGE 34 - WATERLOO WONCLE‘ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER I9, I -Iri--l-lil' 45 3mm Got the blues? "7 Want to get away from ihi nan? mmâ€, Take a walk?. Walk a mummy. 656-2900 WELLESLEY The Country Department Store That Sells For Less WELLESLEY HILL END STORE “IRISH DWIG "' TO a" Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat. BAY, Thurs., Fri. 8-9 WINTER BOOTS Ste. 1001 Manland Centre, Waterloo, Ont. 886-2363 or 886-2360 ANNUAL FALL SALE 430 Albert Street, Waterloo CompleteCollisionand 884-0550 Auto Body FINANGIAI. PLANNING SERVICES Starts Friday, October " to Saturday, October " STOREWIDE DISCOUNTS N o to 20% ' M 1/07; SPECIAL MENS AND BOYS Senior Consuttant Executive a Corporate V. John Fielding APPLIANCE REPAIRS - Retrigerators, ranges, vacuums. dryers, an con- a'moners. detturmditiers and hummihers My tales me very reasonable Phone 578-3375 (if) vice - Aaphatt “he to moumuudotouclm Mall. also hot a.ottatt minus. 742-206t (to The Optimist Club of Lakeshore Village, Waterloo will receive applications until November 18th, 1983 from persons between the age of 10 and 19 who have permanently lived in Lakeshore Village or Lakeshore Village North for a minimum of two years and are persuung a talent in the performing arts or sports and can demon- strate a genuine need tor a $500.00 bursary. Applications explaining all details should be sent to the Optimist Club of Lakeshore Village Box 272 Waterloo, Ontario. The recipient will be presented with a $500.00 cheque at the Optimist Club's annual Youth Appreciate Banquet on November 28th, 1983. Feeling Insecure about working for someone else? Management contracts just may be your answer to be m control . Sett employment In a service Industry . Starting part time and advancing Into qu hme . Above average and guaranteed Income . Independence o Flexibility . Security . Building a future Think about This opportunity to be self employed requires a minimal investment NOW in a maximum opportunity for the rest of your life: CONTRACT HANAGEIEH‘I’ Your [business IS oyr business. Ensuring that your busmess meennos, semu~ nars or conventions run smoothly us our bus" noss, We provide professional semces. atmos- phere. rooms, taccomodations. meals - every- thing um one root. Ray on our years otex- pen'once in the business meeting Moose. can todqy tor M - one mum. 475 KING ST. M., WATEMOO 884-0220 '50tP BURSARY " “who: And rmovahons Compon- Iwe rates, no pb too small For tree estimate call MB- :056 . (It) QUALITY ROOFING "reicq - Maintenance and lemon! lacuna " H. Km I Son. tut- charter Phone 676- 888-1800 tttl Independent living is something that most people take for grant- Not those who are handicapped, says Helen McMichael of Kitchener's Indepen- dent Living Centre. For these people. "the freedom to choose their lifestyle. to work towards their goals and Chronicle Staff EDUCATiON mums 139°“ 22 Kong St. S., Wtgterioo ROYAL ILC conference aims to step up awareness of independent lifestyle $10.00 DISCOUNT mus COURSE ONLY o PS hours ot classroom unsuucluon tt 'o-car lessons . one on orte m-car 'rtstrocttoo o anale leswns avattatue If) oo per lesson CALL NOW The 28 members of the IdC Waterloo Cuts Pack, like their peers across the city, were busy last week polishing and selling their product on Apple Day which was held Friday and Saturday. And these 146 youngsters were busy as Beavers, because that’s what they are until their official investment into the pack Thursday night. Displaying their well-polished wares are (H) Greg Stager, Mark Frieburger, Sean Murphy, Kevin Vaughan and Jeremy Stefner. I Protessttmul Inururlwn To Makr In" rm, Pmlmmmh SCHWElr2ER A Mr. and Mrs.†Leland Schweitzer to celebrate the occasmn of their 40th wedding onnwersory. Loomo and Leland (Lee, Schweitzer of 73 Dorset Street, Waterloo will be or home to greet "knives, friends and ocquotntortces on.Soturdoy, October 22 from 2:30-4:30 pm. and 7:30-9:30 pm. SCHWEITZER _ Mr and Mrs: Lt NEXT 8 DAY COURSE OCTOBER 24 884-1 830 7-10 p.m. BUSY BEAVERS complete the freedom to fulfil their full potential" is a dream which must be continually strived for. To speed the word about the concept of independent living, the staff of K-W's ILC has organized a two-day conference, to be held Friday, Oct. 21 and Sat. Oct. 22 at the Waterloo Inn. “ According to McMi, chael, more than um individuals involved in providing services to disabled people, in cluding doctors and so- cial workers. as well as interested handicapped individuals from across North America are expected to partici pate in the conference, "ICs a way of edu. eating the public, to bring about more pub- lic awareness of irtdrc pendent living." said McMichael. Keynote speaker will be Dr. Gerben De Jong. professor of Tufts Uni- versity School of Mali cine in Boston. who will give two presentations on the independent liv, int: philosophy. Thursday, De Jong will address the Philos ophy and Rationale of Independent Living. To cusing on different models for independent living. and Friday, hr will examine how other rountrios throughout the world are imple- menting the indepen dent living concept. Other conference speakers include: Jane Staub, a psychologist with the Psychological Services Department of the Ontario Crippled Children's Centre. who will look at attendant care in Ontario: Jim Derksen. chief devel- opment officer for Dis- abled People's lntema- tional, discussing the disabled individual's view of services in Canada; Peter Lawless of Health and Welfare Canada. speaking on the management and funding of ILC and Au- drey King, vice chair- man of the Ontario Advisory Council on the Physically Handi, capped. who will ex- amine the implications of independent living for rehabilitation ser vices. Registration for the conference is still open. and organizers are hoping for "wide par- ticipation from the local community." Fee for participation is $35 per day. or for stu- dents, seniors or those on a fixed income, $25 for Thursday"s semi, oars and $15 for those on Friday Since Kitrhener‘s ILC opened its doors late last year. similar programs have been undertaken in Winni- peg. Edmonton and Guelph. A community based group funded by the federal and provin- cial governments under the sponsorship of the Mennonite Cen- tral Committee, the ln- dependent Living Cen- tre develops direct ser- vice programs to meet the needs of physcially handicapped people in the K-W area. Its goal is to work towards greater Irttergrtstiuet of capped into the com- tummy. â€WW0