288 Tailoring artistic expressions en- couraged through the use of Froebel's ems. based on the that»: at nature Catt 744-6448‘ (41) D. MOCHAEL TREMKO - Men's and Iad‘oes may. " A Wednesday evening group for 5-8 year o|ds WHY SIT On a waiting list? Waterloo Co-op Pre- school (Avondale and Erb Streets) has openings now tor Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Phase call 888-6359 or 579-0534 for further in- formation (44) FROEBELTME 25 Child C m: There is Sun space in this popular "Ieam through play" program. tor 2-4 year oIds. Music. crafts. climbing frame and tine motor skills. Call 744- 6448. (41) 23 Agents 8: Sales Help WANT TO get out of the house? Sell Avon and make good ssts Meet friendly people Call 743- 0421 Earn extra income. teach and demonstrate needle- crafts. No experience nec- essary; will train Call Lila 7449319 (42) ADVERTISING Salesper- son required by growung group at Saskatchewan weeklies. It you have newspaper sales expen- ence and layout knowL edge. you may be the person we are looking tor Wage plus commission and possible advance- BEAT INFLATION - Do you have spare time? Earn '7.00-s30.00 per hour. We train. Opportunity tor management. 742-7572, Fuller Brush. (41) BEAT INFLATION! Quality Tot Time uMWUIId dab rm, 81 about“: m. Wmmbov (41) narro-tiworht$ooarprt> Avon ment. AppIy in writing to: Stewart Crump, Box 1150, Kindersley, Sas- katchewan, SOL ISO NEWSPAPER CARRIERS WAN CHIONK‘LE. Att.: Carriers‘ Slmiw 'SEetSitreetEast,tVaterua,ottgaeuNutLt NAME.... . ._ ""_"'rrrrerr, ADDRF19i,,,_,,..,,r...,_......... P0S'rALCo0H.. ""r'"".wmwer-. TELEPHONE ,. 'TT .. _AGE..,.. If you live in one at these areas and would be interested in delivering newspapers on Wednesdays after 4: 00 p.m. (applicants should be at least ll yeah of age), please tttl in the application form and send it to our omce, REQUIRED FOR: MESH“! (41) DONATIONS OF Ctothing . 29 Leisure Activities FLOWERS AGAIN? Send a sensational balloon bou- quet to home. ofWce. hotF pital. Personalized for birthdays. attrtitrertraries. shops induce: Microwave cu.. to! Gaucho; Mi- crowavo Basics; Christan. Bathe in the “lama; Wm: Pd Foam. For more 'rtbttemaFt. col 766- 2000 at 685-5256. (43) CHURCH OF Gospel Min, Islry Hour Inc, tinterns tional worId wide). looking tor boys to join the chil- dren's choir. ages 6-13 years For further mien mation please call Rev, Father Garry Rhindress 893-5770 (42) CHURCH OF Gospel Mio, istry Hour Inc (interna- tional World wide). Cttil- dren s corttidentia, help line. 24-hours, Trained personnel on duty ' 5770 (42) Anthem ot the K-W Re- cords way Man "In GoodT-autumet work- 263 Tailoring LADIES - Have your make- up protessionauy done in the privacy of your own home, by a qualified, certified makeup artist Call Linda at 884-8023 after 6:00 p m (41) BIRTHRIGHT Is canng. nonnudgemental and witi, ing to help free ot charge ll you have an unplanned pregnancy. phone 579, 3990 (m Stuck tor a am tor the party? Want to surprise someone? Betty Dancing tor any occasion, Call Nalwa 744-1354. (ttt THE PERSONAL Touch - Confidential match mak- ing based on Christian ideals means results for you Call 884-3291 (42) USE OUR Team or dress- maker; complete ladies‘ or men‘s alterations. In- quire at Ragga tor Men. Waterbo sonata. 886- 1250 (H) 28 Personal: furniture, dishes to The Salvation Army, 657 King Street East, Kitchener. "Help us to help others." For pick-up call 578- 3t3tr (N) etc, Balloons and m. Hours: 9 a m.-9 pm. 5r9-255+ tttl BELLY GREETING WHAT'S COOKING WITH MIRANDA RENOVATIONS - Rdiablc RUBEN-q REMOVAL - Wan "who, tight moving. cleaning (basements. WOO... attics). odd jobs Jo“ Harding 884.2831. CHIMNEY SPECIALIST - Cleaning tireptace and chimney $35.00; clean- ing chimney $30.00; cunning furnace $25.00, Any type ot chimney re- built. hick. block; remin- ing taut, fireplaces. thsat6tnoittmartsttio.Asit Mom guaranteg, Cal 704-2052 after 3:00 42 Transportation 38 Education Trade Sdlools 45 Services Everything done by hand: washing. waxing. interior shampoo. Cars, vans. pick- ups, temals. 312 Marshnd Drive (rear building). 886- 1511. Open 8:00-5:00, Saturday till 4200 The patting lot is paved tor your convenience. (ti) porches. â€not. cutouts. some“! work. con-9. ro- yTImling 'trmtt.o-. or what have you? For hee m. Phone Tom 745-3253 (Aluminum' and/or Vinyl) Rootirtg, Eavertroughrng. Shutters, Doors] -- Replacement a Storm and Windows chimneys. lencol. PIANO LESSONS from CAR POOLNG - Waterbo FREE 120 Dace Career Guido m. how to train IMPROVEMENTS EXPERENCED OW Macho: of piano and durum 0-7). Emu no. at The Yamaha Music School. 13 King South lat Ertst, Wm. BOO-0‘01. ttn A-I CAR CLEANING -e?tttgiiutqriie - “has: Codtpkte bookkeeping, accounting and income tax service available to smali businesses and individuals. 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE M096 ’7 '5ilWgt5Fig REFERENCES AVAILABLE FREE ESTIMATES TICS and“ to, It, " and ts. Phone ttBo- 2641. toN Clinical than: only 835-6272 Mt) ttt home tor 205 top paying tull and part time jobs. Granton Institute 265A Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today, (39) to Guam. Monday to Friday. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm, 885-5572. (41) SHAN I Z children and Ida! boom- 33. 162-1976. (43) 576-4025 MARY Wt s ass-6% Siding, Soffit, HOME at" to3r (43) Oil spraying done try owner/operator n w in eighth year of gym Located on gravel road Open Monday - Saturday about. Ram's skates. Shop hours: 8:00-5:00. Saturday“! noon. 884- CARPENTRY AND Re- pairs; reasonable rates; small jobs preferred Phone 749-1510 ttf) Phone 886-5850 (48) 312 MInland Drive, Com- plete trimming mice: " twat. carttittes. dream OIL SPRAYING BOOKKEEPING Munch! mm. in rqtttma -altettt. Iov and W. Phone 742- um (44) Residentiat shingling. Call today for tree estimate and inspection. Compare our rates and guarantee. 743- 1495, ttfl TREE STUMP REMOVAL. Call G. Schaefer 742- 4675, (n) TOPS ROOFING 20-Years experience. Govt. Consumer licence. PAINTING And walipaper- ing. interior and exterior, over 25-years expen- ence. Phone H.A. Wilkins 745-6738. Itf? WATERPROOFING SPECIAUSTS Sonny'u Shaman Tidy I lcidi Cleaning Scn'iccs ' an. - 6 pm. NO SPRAY!†ON WET DAYS LOW PRICES Tmmsm Work Guaranteed services m, Dr Economy Service - A gen- eral tidying, cleaning and disinfecting of your home. Full Service - A thorough cleaning of your home - guaranteed lo shine from ceiling to floor. Ask about our special Requests & Emergency Call MOLLY MAID for a Free Estimate on your home, You'll be pleasantly surprised at our reasonable weekly and bi-monthly rates. CALL 886-2078 745-7790. MOLLY MAID provide. their own transporta- lion bringing tith thank an the acquired 9193mm Eutishau, even their own vaéuum -Ftii2i- AUTO A 1'3th YOUR DEPENDABLE HOME CLEANING SERVICE You'll ' Coming Home to n Closn House :" _ *onL’smvme' RUST 'NtOTEthrl0pt AT Low cost L- n: "4 oommiiiféb'ecmzo ht Tidy Heidi provides a vari- ety of services performed promptly. efficiently and courteously by fully in- sured and bonded person; CERAMIC REPAIRS - Beaumont nod “chem Single shoots. new: bole- tina. catalogues, etc†my mama». mm. Call Wa- terloo Chronicte 888- 2830. tttl McTAWSH'S CLOCK " w Shoo - Specializing in reptgir and We ovar- TREE TOP - Tree Care. " aspects of tree mainte- nance. My can“. fully insured. Free with!!!“ plus 10% discount lo: seniov citizen; Call Grog 742-2026 ntter 6:00. tto We Deliver Inserts APPLIANCE REPAIR - Why pay the big guys. their big prices? Ernie Snow's Arr- pliance Repair at a price you can afford. Retrigera- tors, stoves. washers. dryers. etc. Senior can. zen's discount, Evening appointments available. Call 745-9240. (N) ALL TYPES ot Renova- tions, guaranteed. qualily workmanship at competi- tive prices. Brick work. fireplaces, Plastering, drywalt, concrete work and carpentry. Free es- timates. Small protects a specialty. 884-2815 (41) ASTROLOGY _ 22 guess work out of busi ess de- cisions. investments. speculation. career. love, marriage and personal horoscope cast, Licensed astrtMoger, For appoint- ment 8tM-at98r. (41) pvotoulonnl "lining. Free estimate: Ono-you gaunt"... 884-7031, 9:00-5:00. tttt umou- tts mo»-- :21 Deetirtg&PtutRrintt--' I 855-3 1 3O l pin; on: 30-year} ox- wipnco. 742-8506. (to ‘-Wmumi ut-tcod-it-so on WM - Na and 000‘ on. driuod and "ttget. â€landho- bclon 650-2644. on FURNiTURE mtrtttitsttirti, and renovation, hand stripped. quality work- ALL PLUMBING Repairs - Water heaters and sot- toners installed. Painting and decorating. Cal! Bot, 578-2974. (m DRNEWAY REPAIR Ser- vice - Aachen scaling to we and armed your asphalt; also hot ttspttettt regain. M2-206t. tttt BEAUS TREE Service - Topping. pruning. temo~ vals and hedges, Spe- ciauzina in ornamental and fruit trees. 12-years ettperience. Special low rates tor senior citizens. ‘Free estimates. 743- 2375. 7 _fttl, $1.30» STEM) we and Oceania; caval- PANTING AND Wallpaper- ing. small repairs to was. Reasonable rates. rote!- ences. tree estimates. Dennis Kirby 742~9357. tBeqttet. T. “(as u m "trt-tr. “Era-m1. ttty I. "BEECHWO0D". Situated on 179’900a private. park-like lot, this executive home offers the elegance and quality of comfortable living. Centre hall plan. curved oak staircase, and pleasing neutral decor. Pegged oak floor in family room with ttreplace. Deck. Main floor office and laundry. Come early to inspect this beautiful home! Your Host: Call Sullivan. mm. or 55-4242. MLS mom. 'r11etr' -- his}; 742-0003 tt.eeh!.tttr.timse- â€he Ptumttiott atter- anions. Bath, kitchen. Phone 576-2898. tttt 450 Ertt St. W. Beechwood Centre Watertoo 886-441 2 DON SULLIVAN PERM Beechwood Beauty & Unisex Present This Coupon For A w. 2I-yun u- 102 KEATS WALK, WATIRLOO I on HAIRCUTS THIS WEEK ONLY oo DISCOUNT tto tttl $4500- And rem Com»- tive rams: no job too anal. For free em cal Mir- 1056. (If) " Auctiom GIANT 5 DAY AUCTION - Regular Price I 86010 an very IOIIONIDIQ. Pttomtmb.aars, ttft Wed. Oct. 19, 20, 21 and Sat. Oct. 22 and at Bob- caygoon on Sat. Oct. 29. 10 am. all days. tine china. antltwe furniture. 50 valuabte paintings. ori- ental china and furniture, period clothing, china dolls. miniature toys, ori- ental rugs. books. out- ters. buggies. sleighs. collectabtes. One of Can. ada‘s lamest auctions trom the Boyd 3 geneta- tion 35 room extended tamily house since 1833. Our best will be Wed. Oct. 19. Plan to attend. McLean Auctions a Linui- dations 7053244783. and homittin.r_ My tales $totrlqoeoteo, "no“. dance of the late MM ing at Own! McLean Auc- H. Ken-Hm _ ’ {so} W kid chonor. â€on. 570. condemn mm. musuu. Service - “lhtonlné‘ and 'eetttttM, M, M. This Week Only (41) Trite