Phon. BBB-2830 1 Coming Events & Announcements FALL BOOK FAM. Sunday. October 16. 1983. 11 am. to 5 pm. Concert Hail, 888 Yonge Street. Toronto. Rare and, Sec- ond hand books. maps. prints, and reiated items. $2.00 entrance. 416- 424-2287. _ (41) DOCTORS. DENTtSTS or Insurance office space, Lots of parking. Located in busy mall. 34 50 and up 578-7656. tttnt FENCED N Waco in! boats. traiters, motor horn... can. M04 M Oran Norton. 274 Hut- land on". Waterloo. 0044131. on ANNOUNCING Blue Water “FOCE FOR RENT. 626 6 Office Space Anitable " Sway. Space Anihbh SUNDAY SCHOOL . all ages 930 am and " am, WORSHIP SERVICES " am and 7 pm nursery u provided I. in“. you to on m Id â€be!!! Waterloo Christian Reformed Church Itr30irm -WmSemce lawn-mm watchman aluminum molar-t. Angus 29th Annual Sale, Saturday. Octobet 29th. WtMtterton Agriculturai Arena. " Lots, Banana mercial or Purebred News. Catalogues avait- able. Wm. Leo. RR. 83. Conn. MOG 1N0 (519) 323-4868 WtMerroo, Phone 888- 18tt 10:00-6‘m (43) --Church Sen/ic e TRIDENTINE LATIN MASS HOLY ROSARY Each Wed. 7:30 pm. "Our Lady Of The Immaculate Conception" . 91 Madison Ave. S. Kitchener C0NFESSK9NS, ROSARY a MASS Every Sunday at 9 a.m. Phone 885-2457 Evenings In. bib Wilt-ll 915am - Warsaw Caner d Glen For“! All Welcome [m “In: MESSIAII lllTIIERMl at the Great Hall thnrad (in-bl College Wesxmunl " North NM!!!“ (‘1) PA Commercial . Space for Rent STORE FRONT Office and retail space tor rent m busy mall $425-$500 squate toot 578-7656 9 Ants. tor Rent " Articles for Sale Close to Conestoga Mall 2 bedrooms 1lh bathrooms En suite Luxuriously broad, loomed throughout Must be seen to be ap- . 3 O % o F F A l. L GREENWABE . 3% OFF GLAZES Thu. Fri. Sat., Oct. 13. ta, " Two SKLAR Low-la to! sale 39000. Phone 886- 7405 (41) NORTHFIELD GARDEN preciated Monday 2:00400 pm. Thursday 1 zoo-3:00. 6:00- 9:00 pm. Saturday 1t:o0-3:00 am or for appointment call rental office 8855002 or residence 884-6860. WANG SOUTH? Road MARY MOORE Cookbook Ninth printing. Hard cont. Over 1100 m recipe-O 816.00 not "on Marianne Moore CERAMICS ARE WUNDERBAR Savings At The 168 Wissler Road Waterloo off Northfield Dr. East “3 (tony Dr. Waterloo new mama". double on. good condition. 742- atM. (41) lacunae, Box 400. Thur. Fri. 10-5, 6:31" Sat. 10-5 MK“! tut. (41) 180. Phone (416) 563- 6323. tot; Agrarian: w RENTING Country style toning F-?, a"? E {'11 '/'i' " iiii (If) " Articles in! Salt BFC QUALITY Mu. Video. VHS. BETA. Uncut tNN- USED HUGS - Red 13-tty- 13-feet $40.00; purple 13-try-10-teet $30.00; yellow Io-try-g-feet $20.00. W262. (41) DCSPERSAL SALE - ro Head tree lined regis- tered Heretords, Western Pedigrees. horned and polIed at Carson's Sale Arena. Lisiowel. Ontatio. October 22nd at 1:00 pm. tor Findlay Lewis, Route 3. Ayton.-NOG ICO. tot) FURNACE MOTOR - Two- speed, used three winters, halt-price GE FREEZER - 15-cubic 1500 OVERNIGHT cm as“ Friday. 000000! 14th. BEIGE RUG And underlay. 1 2-by-1 r-feet-IO-inches. Call 885-5471 _ (41) PIANO - Red Mahogany Upright with bench, Re- finished, excellent contre tion. will move and tune it, Asking $1150.00. call 576M825. lit; Liquid Concentrate; B-ro compound: Rug Shampoo; Water DiatiBers, Fast reliable service. Phone 884-3225. BISSELL Carpet Sweeper, Three-tight 'ixture with hosted glass shades. Phone 884-0638, (41) SEASONED FIREWOOD - Top quality hard mote GRANDFATHER Clock pIus vanadium turni- lure 61850-1950. Phone M9-33ter. (41) SKATES - BAUER Su- preme 1009. one 4. and one season. 860.00. Mom‘sâ€. (‘1) Best Line Products. COLLECTOR PLATE FRAMES Sat. on. m. 9: cu: an. as mammal: ROAD WM“. â€4-1113 tou sions $39.95. iOO'ia guaranteed. tANtth4R53- 6555. Coda: brochure avail. Tricotor Video Dept s.. 1381 72nd Ave Sorrey,trC V3W2N5 cs T, at North BatttF ford, Saskatchewan‘uvo- Mock Pool, Contact John Florence. 1-306-445- 9421 tor details, (41) white, complete 885- 0329. (41) feet. three years old. 8150. 88643584. (41) and beech. pry, split. duh/cred. $46.00 for 32 cubic 000'. 8a8-rtir6. (to condition $40.00. We 315.“). Phone 742-0126 anylimo. tot) (‘1) 13m‘vusau VINYL REMNANT Clemout. Variety ot no wax vinyt Boor covering; all first quality. Call 886- SHOP Knlchener Water- loo s Wallpapev Supermar- het tor selection and sav- mgs up to 75% and move Do 4 rooms for me once of 1 Open Mon . Tues . Wed,andSat.9‘30am- 6 pm Thurs, Fri, 9_30 a m -9 p m . 680 Highland Road West, Kitchener be- tween Weslmount and Fisctter/Hattmart BRtt0G was AD IN AND RECEIVE A FREE GIFT WITH YOUR PURCHASE. WALLPAPER PIANQS - Lowest prices Fender gustars now on sale, Lowrey organ clear- ance _ only at Joe Carto Music. 42 King North, Waterroo,BB6-0500 tttl VACUUM CLEANERS Best CARPET REMNANT Ctearout,tmrtetyotcxtlors andeizete.attfirtttttualitr. Causes-4060. tttl GRANDFATHER CLOCK - Maple and beech. cut in 1982, $40.00 tor 32-cublc feet or $45 00 delivered Bulk rates on bush cords and tour-foot lengths, 578- 9023. 886-7825. (48) Why buy mod or pay retail who: when you can but first quality Orthopoatur6 mmâ€... at “story and m? Moo Mom one. and. to m. KROEHLER Swivel rocker. _ / ATTRESSES [um-co. ploplne hot valet honor. Min 30 ttr gnome (AMI. two " gallon bedding tanks. puns many many extras. Must he seen, Come to West Mommas Camping, Hwy 86 (between Elmka and Guelph) any weekend or call 894-1183 tor ap- WE no»: - " toot Shamrock Trust-sleeps QUALITY FIREWOOD EZEihrCiD 0.00 loo. ttt M. " ..m. may bt Fm. Assembled. unfinished case. complete with mole chime movement. reconditioned. Offering youthebostmd quick"! proteBsiortat service in your home at no extra cost, Art expert with It years experience. Don't miss this opportunity. “Tempus Fugit" diat. 6395. Canadian Standing Clocks. 272 Woolwich Street North, Kitchener (Bridgeport). 743-3291. Phone Joe 884-3852. (N) rcvevsible T-cushion, 8100. Phone 885-1195. (41) 21 “on St. 'Nat, Itt) " Am his.“ SEPARATED OR di- APARTMENT. Home. car, DOG HOUSES - We!!! MICHELIN Radial snows mounted on VAht. Rabhit rims, 4V2-by-13, ready to mount, 590400 885- 0329. (41) TREASURE Hunters Equipment. We otter a full line at Garrett Metal de- tectors, accessories tor hobby, industrial and law enforcement. Factory Trained Service Centre. Dealers wanted. Carta- dian Metal Locators, R.R. ti, Waterford. (519) 443- 51 93. (41 l THIS YEAR "ttr much lea than you think). tsurprise but with Canada's but Built in vacuum system. Easily insulted in any home! Ideal anniversary, birthday. Christmas gitt. IMPORTED From China - CATTLE MANURE tor sale - $25.00 tor heaping pick-up trucktul deliv- TAKING ORDERS tor 10- tine ensihoe torks. $46 each. Wanted to buy: 200 Grimm sap pals. Enos S. Martin. RR3. Waltenstein, Ontario. N08 230. (519) 669-0400 (41) CLASSIFIED "ADI-III " WI! USED FILE Cabinets. desks. storage cabinets. bookcases. office chairs. tucking Chain. Iockon, track lights. dinning tables. restaurant Mixes. vowed? Tour Idle insul- ance may need a revues: Phone 518-7656 tttt his inswance trom a mum: insulance com- pany. Phone 578-7656. 885-3119 barrowful. Min. 3 wheel- Barrows. Will wheel full loads inlo Hackyards for extra $15.00. 578-0992 Bernie Canon 893-2930 days. No obligation. (42) Quality black bamboo framed hand embroidered silk art, $65.00. smatt to $165.00 large. 576- 2898. (If) piece. Single box eating and mattress. Retrigeta- tor. tables. wooden desk. Avon ankles. 744-5868. (43) 254 Adelaide Street South. London. 1-681- 2254. Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00. Saturday 919-1200. (41) Phone or Drop In 743-321 9 MAIDEN “masses tttarttFtrCqMttgtt '; Madonna aluminum a vacuum - tau tttr Fresh. naturally raised 13mm“. Phone 886-5850. (48) Lamb $2.50 w Lb, wrapped and moaned. $2.50 pet pound. 742- 4103. (42) EXCELLENT German violin 13A Garage Sales GARAGE SALE - Saturday. October 15th. 9:00 am.- 4:00 Fm.. 203 Rodney Street, Waterloo. hams too numerous to men- tioo. (41) BARN SALE - Saturday. October 15th. 9:00 am.- 5100 pm. at Erbsville (opposite GtFNart Track). Wood lrame lable saw; gasoline engine 4 h.p.; metal garage door 7-by- B-teet: wooden extension ladder; roof ladder; step laddet; w and 46-inch iron pipe; snow fence; com planter; garden seeder tile scoop; pine box; ttat- back cupboard; lube vise; blacksmith anvil; toot box: wont bench; oil drum; steel barrels; electric motor; heavy plank; trac- tor chains; several furni- ture frames; small tools; scrapwood for fireplace or stove. 884-2698. (41) YARD SALE - 36 Unit condominium, 285 San- downe Drive. Waterloo, Saturday. October 15th. 9:00 am, Household items and children's clothing. (41) CASH PAID tor used appli- ances. refrigerators, stoves. washers. dryers, dishwashers. mi- crowaves. Call 742-atWt Beck Appliances. 5-D Pauhndet Drive; Kitcttetet- sr. (43) L.P. RECORDS Bought and soâ€. top prices paid. Encore Records. 297 King Stroet East. Kitchen- er 744-1370. ttft " Artidcs Wanted GARAGE SALE - Saturday. October 15th. 9:30 a.m., 207 Atten East, Waterloo, Clean clothing. television. fur coat. stereo cabinet. etc. (41 ' CASH PAID for old toys. comics. old camevas. classmate. post cards. figurines Tony Latimer 578-7656 (N) WE BUY Used rettqera- tors, slaves. washers. dryers. dettumid'tf'ters and an conditionen Phone 578-3375 ttO PIANO WANTED - Regard- less ot condition. Call anytime 669-2t98 or 669-2280. ttty h-size, recently over- hauled. 6t9ti, Phone 885ANMMi. (41) WMWW‘ chm-Mo! FIREWOOD I! 1N7SMOMS HUI] . oak; cut. last 15 Pets & Supplies 16 Cars for Sale 14AM Hamid FREE TO Good home out ms. Odd cups aw' WAYERLOO Chroo- icle newtonâ€! carrier but. Paying 81.00 tor 1974 BUCK Century two- door, v-8 automatic. power steering: power brakes, radio. 85,000 mues. 6550. Phone 885- 0676. tttr PANTHER Black Mercedes KNOWLEDGEABLE. Repu- tabie owner ot small an- tittue shop wishes to boy household items: rugs, silver. immune. etc. 885- 2300. (N) CASH FOR Goon QM antiquoa and collect- nbioa. One piece to when household. Complete oa- tates handled. Al Jones. 664-2830. St. Jacobs!!!) 1975 FORD LTD Wagon, as is. best offer. Phone 884-1286. (41) " Trucks for Sale 20 Typewriter Sales GOOD WINTER car - 1974 Gremlin three-speed, good condition. four new radial tires. certified, $1200. firm, 742-2284 after 6:00 pm. (41) MUST SELL - v972 Ford Custom pick-up. 1978 Dodge Diesel with power tailgate. Phone 745- 6901. (43) MAKE MORE Money wom- ing overseas in countries like USA. Kuwait. Saudi Arabia. Vonozuda. 00c. Petrmartertt/temportrry when nqedgd an In- 1974 SCAMP - As is; 68.000 miles, needs body work. brakes. two tires. battery, tune-up, tymer- gency brake cable. 179 Sirvercrest Drive, Water- loo. 745-1044. (41) 21 Business [ Opportunities BEAUTY SALON - King Street, Waterloo; three chairs. two sinks Phone 1-291-3574. (44) PORTABLE TYPEWRiT- ERS cleaned. “ad. ad- justed. repairs to all makes, romantic who. work quantum. Add- Type Business Equip- ment. 28 Bridgeport Road East. Wateetoo (just down from Towers). 8tMr-2Sro. Guinea pig. cage and water Dome. Phone 886- 7405. (41) butwuonoo Chroma. " Erb Sires! East. Wa- lerIoo. 886-2830. leather interior. exceilent condition. $3500. or best offer, 576-2898. tttl Muses-2300 m. dc. For M bettortotioet, and your nun. and more“ to Box 727. 39.000 "F", Town- to. Ontario. my "ttr (41) (u) (if)