1ttx PAGE 32 â€" WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1. 1983 EATON‘S CANADAâ€"W/IDE MESPECIALS CANADIANâ€"MADE REGAL THERMIC RAY COOKWARE IN SHINY STAINLESS STEEL. VEGETABLE LOVERS REJOICE! THE RIGHT SAVINGS CANADAâ€"WIDE AT EATONS Plenty of free parking at Westmount Place HALEF PRICE! EATON‘S Out of Town Call Toll Free 1â€"800â€"265â€"8732 Phone 744â€"6113 Buy the set and save! Or choose the pieces you need from open stock, at halfâ€"price, and be set for years of great eating! Size Laton reg Covered saucepan, J.2 litre :=> 35.98 Covered saucepan, 2 Iitre . ... 39.98 CLovered sauc epan, 3 hitre 2220 46.98 Covered Dutch oven, 6 litre 62.96 Covered double bosber 1.6 htre ditre . 62 98 insert bâ€"cup poat her msert hits 26 on skitlet All‘sizes are approximate (Covered skilket 26 Om Steartmrer Market Square Westmount Place Housewares (391) DADDY sets up Shop in Eaton‘s Your Dad‘s the driving force behind our new DAOOY Shop. It‘s where you‘ll find the fun, the novel and the gifty all for Father‘s Day. Yes, he‘s quite the man, your Dad And Eaton‘s DADDY Shop is quite the shop for him! Saucepdat l â€"cup poa her insert hits 2 hitre ‘"This Item Specially Priced" 349 98 19.98 faton price UH 17.99 19.99 23.49 31.49 31.49 24.99 9 .99 each $.99 Pach