13A Garage Sales GARAGE SALE - Saturday. June 4th. 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m, Two cars - 1967 Chrysler and 1974 Mer- cury. Good used furniture including pianos. bed- room turniture, wardrobe. wall unit. stereo equip- ment, lighting fixtures. etc. Also swing set, bi- cycles, weights, clothing, books and much more Rain or shine, follow the signs to 186. IBB and 190 Pine Grove Crescent (Lakeshore Village) (22) GARAGE SALE - June 4th. 9:00 am -4:00 pm 582 and 584 Glen Manor Boulevard. Waterloo Highchair. playpen. baby clothes. Fisher-Price toys, tires. crafts, knick- knacks. clothes. ttrl- tiques. etc (22) GARAGE SALE - Appli- ances. household items, ctothing. collectibles. odds ‘0 ends Saturday. June 4th, 9:00-2:00, 108 Mayfield Avenue, Water- loo. (22) SECOND ANNUAL Senior Citizens Garage Sale, Saturday, June Ath, 9:00 am -2:00 pm. 335 Re- gina Street North, Water- loo Cottee and hot dogs (22) YARD SALE - Saturday. June Attt, 9:30 am. 167 Cornwall Street, Water- loo Many baby items. child\$ clothes, books. blankets. much more. ex- cellent condition Ram dale Sunday. June 5th YARD SALE - Saturday. June am, 9:00 a.m 4:00 p.m I3 Dletz Avenue South, Waterloo (22) YARD SALE - Dog house. tent. greenhouse. buggy. desk, portable clothes dryer and many more articles Saturday, June 4th, all day. 32-A Karen WaIk. Waterloo (22) G A R A G E S A L E - Black/white tetevision, an cortttittoner, clothes. dishes. collectibles. books. records. floor pol- usher, ptctures. storm mn- dows, motorcycle. eight- track, antiques, sleeping bags. television antenae. toys. Elvis memorabilia on request and much more Saturday. June 4th. 9:00- 3:00. 102 Alexandra Ave- nue. Waterloo Rain date June t8th (22) HOUSE SOLD _ Moved to apartment Gigantic garage and lawn sake. Saturday-Sunday. June 4-5th. 10:00 am†218 Herbert Street. Waterloo All articles In good condi- tion, bug variety Including toots, Rain date June 11- 12th (22) GARAGE SALE - Saturday. June 4th, 9:00-5:00 pm . Sunday. June 5th. 2:00 GARAGE AND Household Sate - Saturday, JJhe Ath, 10:00 8111-6200 pm ' 94 North Drive. Kitchener Lawn tools and furniture, double IO-toot wooden extension ladder; dishes; luggage. two kitchen tables and chairs. steamer trunk, radio and eight-track. stereo and weaker. radio and tetevi- don cabinets onty Otoor washer. dryer and electric stove Grundig reel-to- reet and many other items (22) 4:00 pm. 54 Academy Crescent. Waterloo loft Old Post Road) Rain or shine' Men's, Iadies‘. children s bicycles; chan- deloar, sleeping bags. adult and children‘s clothing. coats. numerous toys, books and house- hold items. (22) (22) 13A Gauge Sales " Articles Wanted CASH FOR Unwanted lawnmowers and roto tillers. Phone 864-2761 ESTATE GARAGE Sale in- cludes bodvoom wile; Duncan Phyle mahogany dining 'ooo, suite (needs retinitsttingh washing ma- chine, lawn roller; house- hold amcles. some chil- dren‘s clothing Saturday. June 4th. 9:00-1:00, 83 Fountain Street, Water- loo (22) GARAGE SALE - 263 Lourdes Street West. In- eludes crystal chande- liers, luggage, cast Iron stove and many other items Beginning Friday, June 3rd. 2.30 pm Free coffee (22) GiGANTiC FOUR Family garage sale Variety ot household items, screen door, sewing machine, books, records. jewellery. three pairs Sheers. an- tiques. Some tree items Saturday. June 4th. 9:00- 4:00 pm (Rain date June 11th) 51 Northside Drive. St Jacobs (22) GIGANTIC RUMMAGE - Bake Sale and Car Wash Articles too numerous to mention, Bargains .. Sat- urday. June 4th, 9:00 a.m -1 :00 pm Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, corner River and Lorraine. Kitchener (It raining sate will be held inside an church gym) GARAGE SALE - Mum- family. baby clothes, 1oys; skis, furniture, tires: household Items and more Saturday. June 4th, 9:00-4:00. 232 and 234 Taltock Court, Waterloo (Beechwood) (22) GAS LAWNMOWERS Wanted. not necessarily in workmg condition Phone 8844484 eve- nings or weekends (28) GARAGE SALE - Saturday. June 4th. 8:00 am at 309 Spruce Street. Wa- Ienoo Bicycles. tent. chairs, etc (22) NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE Sale - Saturday. June 4th. 1000-500. 44 Princess Street East. Wa- terloo Household am- cles. plants. crafts. bak- mg and clothes GARAGE SALE - r 3 Schweitzer Street. Bridgeport, Saturday, June 4th. 9:00 am 8:00 p m Cohee and end tables. men s golf clubs. gallars. lamps. combing, rugs. bedspreads, etc GARAGE SALE - Friday, June 3rd. 4:00-B:00. Sat- urday. June am. 9:00- 12:00 noon Studenrs desk, girls' ctothing new- born to a-years. Fisher- Price toys and more, 91 -A LiHian Drive, Waterloo GARAGE SALE - Saturday, June Attt. four tammes. 433 Tamarack Dave. Wa- Ierboo (Parkdale Plaza area) Furniture, house- hold Items (22) PIANO WANTED - Regard- less ot condmon Call anytime 669-2198 or OLD DISHES, Odd cups and saucers. Silva. sil- verplate and leweuory‘ Phone tNMr-2300 . ttt) BEER TRAYS. CROCKS. fumiture, china. violins. pianos. watches and clocks. estates and any- thing antique Phone 669-2345 (If) 669-2280 (22) (22) (22) (22) (If) " Articles Want“! CASH PAID tor old silver and gold, beer trays. guns. swords, old toys and toy soldiers. old tur- niture. 578-7656. ttty KNOWLEDGEABLE. Repu- table owner ot small an- tique shop wishes to buy household items rugs. silver, turrtiture, an tMMV 2300 ttt) CASH FOR GOOD quality 1964 Corvette Stingray One of a kind. Two speed powerglide automatic transmission coupe, 327- 250 hp engine with com- plete chrome accessories Saddle tan exterior with matching leather uphol- stery, Options include tai- tory air. AM/FM Delco radio, tinted glass. power steering and aluminum valve covers-7-rib, Origi- nally trom Ft Lauderdale. Florida, in 1979. Mileage 65.600. Phone Doug, 578- 861B, 21 Business Opportunities USED WATERLOO Chron- icle newspapov carrier bags Paying $1.00 tor clean tnot tom) news- bags Wtttertoo Chronicle 45 Em Street East, Wa- terloo 886-2830 WORKING SPARTNER Re- OUALtFIED DEALERS te- quited 1867 Confedota- lion Log Homes. manu- tttcturers of pre-cut log homes requires additional dealers. highest commis- sions paid Contact Mike Murphy. Box 9. Bobcay- oeon Ontario. KOM 1A0 705-738MI 31 (22) SALESMEN, Managers and Area Deamrs re- quired Immediately to market new concept m Resadenllai Fire Prolec- tion Enuipment Full train- ing provnded at company expense Call At6-252- 9347. Mr Jones, (22) 22 Help Wanted 23 Agents & Sales Help 17 Trucks/Vans for Sale 1974 GMC Custom Van, best offer Call between tr00-10 00 pm B86- 7225 (22) 20 Typewriter Sales tk Services PORTABLE TYPEWRIT- ERS cleaned, oiled. ad- tusted, tenants to all makes. reasonable rates. work guaranteed Add- Type Busmess Eauep- ment, 28 Bridgeport Road East. Waterloo (just down from Towers) tm5-2570 (I!) HANDYMAN Required to tenovate older home Phone 888-7789 (22) 16 Cars for Sale TRUCK CAMPER tor rent Propane stove. lrtdge 8 furnace Sleeps A Will fit mcely on 1 " ton $7500 weekly and speaal rates monthly 578-0992 "I8 Camper tor Rent EVERYONE DIETS' Inter- ested in making my Supplemc your present income, Shaw-Me rott- 1243. (22) antiques and collectv ables. One piece to whole household Complete es- tales handled N Jones. 664-2830 St, Jacobs.(tl) quured toNitsssst In the management and devel- opment of existing bust- ness, Business 'ully capa- lallzed No Investment reunited For mlervnew. write to Box WC-362, Waterloo Chronicle, 45 Erb East. Waterloo N2.) IL? t22) NEWSPAPER CARRIERS 22 Help Wanted To type student essays at home Typist must pick-up and dvop-ott work at Uoi- versity Own Iypewntev and transportation necessary " Interested come to Wil- tnd Laurier University. Monday. June 6th. 8:00 p m . Peters Building. corner of University Ave- nue West and Albert Street (signs will be posted , Do not phone the Uncversity Call 886-8685 if neces’ any (22) If you live in one of these areas and would be interested in delivering newspapers on Wednesdays after 4:00 pm. (Applicants should be at least 'll years of age), please fill in the application form and send it to our office. WATERLOO CHRONICLE Att: Carriers" Supervisor, 45 Erb Street East Waterloo, Ontario N2g 1L7 NAME . . . . . . ADDRESS . . . . POSTAL CODE PHONE . . . . . . 410 King St. W, and 75 River Rd. The applicant must have a minimum of 2 years experience with a good employment record, Applyur WAGES We offer a competitive wage and benefits pack- age with excellent incen- tive earning potential THE PERSON LlCENSED MECHANIC re- quned tor Chrysler Deal- ership. Must have work experience in lune-ups and all other fecal: ot automotive renal! Must have own tools and be able to opevale scone, Only serious applicants need apply Work to com- LOCATIONS: SHIFT Days. Quality Typist Needed 410 King St. W., Kitchener mence immediately Top wages paid to right pet- son. Gonna! New Franklin at Tweed‘s. Mom. Mani- Ioba ttt 622-3232 or after 6 pm, ttt 522-3983 (22) mum Immediate Openings exist for Sewing Machine Operators KAUFMAN FOOTWEAR Personnel Office Rammed tor: 22 Help Wanted Invest in your son or daughter by giving them summer employment. We provide " materials and full training in a successful business, No risks in- volved Call 742-7572, ATTRACTIVE Person to share Aloe Vera natural and organic products. Teach akin care Excel- tent commissions and bonuses. Will train, Phone 1-856-4723 (23) 24 Employ ment Wanted YOU CAN earn good "' selling Avon. For more information call_743-0421 . EXPERIENCED cleaning lady ava'gable. $7 00 per hour. Monday mornings. tau-weekly on Tuesday and Saturday Call atter 6:00. 57B-5l 13 (27) SUMMER Secretary. eXpe- nenced dtcta-typtst, avail- able for secretarial work during summer months 886-4649 momlngs (26) D MICHAEL TREMKO does all kinds ot tailoring and alterations. even leather. nickel Iapels nar- rowed Reasonable, 81 Ridgevnew Crescent. Wa- lenoo. Le. (23) USE OUR Tailor or dress- maker: complete ladies" or men's alterations M- quire at Rages tor Man. Waterloo square. 886- 1250, (N) BIRTHRIGHI Provides support for dustressed pregnant women For help and Inendshlp. tele- phone 579-3990 tttl 23 Agents 3. Sales Help EXPERIENCED and relu- able cleanmg lady avail- able. days or nights Will clean your home or ottice Call anytime 888-6592 268 Tailorina Summer session. Viaduct day nights 8:00-9:00 thm,, First United Church (beside Waterloo Square) Call now below class fills 744- 3810 (23) MAGICMN AVAILABLE for picnics. banquets. anni- vusarm. special mm tor Ways Amazing and humorous Call Han- by The Human 668- .68tt, (28) Avon 28 Personal: PARENTS PM Class AGE wATERLoo we, mamv. m l, Y" (23) (23) Make that special occasion most memorable with I middle eastern dance pre- sont-tion, and a message trom News 764-1354 eve- Mags. tto "ENSN'CHttMttBemttr " Services LEONA'S HAIRSTYUNG - 104 King Street South. Wtttertoo, Unisex. Phone 884-6541 tttr EXPERIENCED Teachet at piano and theory for all grades; children and adult beginners, Phone 7a2-1976 (23) BELLY GREETING 32 Musical Instructions 36 Tutoring DONATIONS OF 000mm. turrtiture, dishes to The Salvation Army, 657 King Street East. Kitchener. "Help us to help others." For pick-up call 57B- 3130. tttl 30 Camp Sites/ Summer' Camps SIMPLE - Reasonable camp sites. good until December Twenty min- utes trom Kitchener-Wa. terloo and Cambridge. 632-7939 (22) 36 Education Trade Schools HAVE YOUR Dethumi6ifior, olectromc air cleaners and an conditioners set» vised new Pick-up and drttivery availabde Phone ass-4‘20 (25) Become a professional Transport Driver Call us now Merv Orr's Trans- port Dover Trammg School. Cambridge, 519- 6a8-2519 (19) Notice us hereby given that Federal Energy Manage- ment Limited intends to dissolve. petsuant to the Business Corporation Act Dated at Watetloo. this 25th day of May 1983, SINGLES MINGLE And PROFESSIONAL Tutor, certified. bilingual. avail- able in K-W area for all high school sublects. Reasonable rates. Call 884-1871 (23) PAINTING - No rob too big or too smelt indoov or outdoor, experienced “News. very muontbh m DEPTH Comprehensive assessment Diagnostic and prescriptive ptogram- ming and suggestions presented to parents and school Counselling. play therapy. tutoring Educa- tional and Family Ser- wces, 119 University East, Waterloo 884- 2221 35 Educational Services 39 Legal Notices WW. Catt My tttr 2733 meet interesting friends Wednesday and Thurs- day evenings at "The Living Room" Phone 885-4861 for information as to place and time. “Mite 579-5 rt" (25) DENNIS ROSS? President Ono-Ton Roller Telephone 884-8289 FEDERAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT LIMIT ED LAWN ROLLING (23) Fro; ',stimites on repairs amt paving your, driveway RUBBISH REMOVAL - Wan washing, light movnng, cleaning (basements. RENOVATIONS - Rename work, "antennae rates CERAMIC TILE and plaster repairs: tree estimates. reasonable rates. Phone 885-1044. (25) QUALITY BICYCLE Re- pairs tor less. Round trip pick-up and delivery for $300 in Waterloo area Six-years experience Call Ben Redekop BBA- 0944- (24) ALL FOR '2818.' BEAUS TREE Service - Topping. pruning. remo- vals and hedges Spe- cializing in ornamental and fruit trees, 12-years experience. Special low rates tor senior citizens Free estimates, 743- 2375. ttf) Summer s coming! Call us now tor a tree estimate TREE STUMP removal Call G 7 Schaeter 74 2- 4675 (24) DyieuocrEY Service for "all occasions. speciauing in weddings, anrtiver- sarues and singles dances Call 5764388 or 579-8544 (24) o SUIDECKS o FINDS o EIGIWIS q W000 FENCING "" WWW 57W" TREE TOP - Tree Care All aspects of tree mairrte- nance. lulty ouatified, tully insured. Free estimates plus 10% discount for senior citizens. Cali Greg 2a2-2026 after 6:00 (t1) Complete chip repairs. re- finishing or color changing done in your home Five- year warranty Free es- (males H.B. GLAZING 894-3990 CARPENTRY AND Re- TOPS ROOFING Residential mingling Catt today tor tree estimate and mwtton Compare our rates and guatantee 743- 4495 ttf) Fisea Giir%r 886-5612 PAINTING And walla-pov- ing. interior and auction ovet 25-year: experi- ence Phone HA. Wilkins 745-6738 (If) LAWN CUTTONG - Very Imam atâ€. Avon- date are. and Burrourt0- Ino unwory Phone 806- 5953. (23) CERAMIC REPAIRS - Bathrooms and butchens our specialty. Call 886- gadget“). odd tobs Jett Naming 884-2531 (26) chimneys. fences. porches. patios. Carports, cement wont. cottage re- pairs, recreation rooms, {Replaces or what have m? For tree estimates. phone Tom 745-3253 small jobs moaned Phone M9-t5t0 ttO BATHTUB REFINISHING att' some“! your after 500 p m fi-o-- OW'M†PAGE " roofing. (26) (26) (23) (if)