PAGE 22 - WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, MAY 11. 1983 Regardless of the posted speed limit, traffic in both directions must STOP when a chrome, yellow school bus flashes red lights-front and rear. Conviction for failure to stop when required carries a fine of $128.00 and an assessment of 6 demerit points. (A highway with a median strip is considered to be - two separate roadways). Did you know that..... SCHOOL BUS STOPPING LAW Children experience death in many ways. When a pet dies. or perhaps a relative dies ifs important to answer the child's ques- tions directly and honestly. and not to say that the person went away or went to sleep. An indirect answer may cause children to become angry at the deceased for having gone away. or angry at God. or they may even be afraid of sleep. Hiding death from chil- dren is not helpful. Direct and honest answers mean saying that the perSon or pet has died and will no longer be part of our lives. It's helpful to tell the child that death is natural and that when we die our bodies don't feel anything. A child should be allowed to go to the funeral home. but never forced. =',""=="= HEY MoM,zz:rc=rc:cr. HOW COME GRANDPA DIED? WHAT HAPPENS WHEN PEOPLE DIE? Datz ~Bcchtcl funeral hype gmkchapel R.J. Cline - Director - 62.1 W9 WEST - 799425 Priva.te Parking for over 100 cars.' antenna Welliggum or King Street Easter Seals Timmy, 10-year-old Steven Hendry of Waterloo was in fine company last week as he thanked in advance all the people who support At Balding's Goll Week for Timmy. On hand to lend encouragement to Steve were bottom, Weetmount head pro Gus Maue and Balding himself, and top (H) Merry-Hill pro Paul Cotey, Waterloo Regional Police Association president Ralph Van Dalen and Carling O'Keete regional sales supervisor Dave Ryan. _ Met Wm» help the handicapped Golfers across Ontario at more than 150 courses will get the chance to buy a $10 ticket to enter the competition with male and female winners from each participating club eligible to attend the Tournament of Champions at Rolling Hills in Stouffville in July. Mary Schleuter of Conestoga Golf and Country Club was low net women at last year's event. 1tkttt 08mph?" Chronicle titatt He's never known the thrill of sinking a 4tNfoot putt - nor the frustration of a persistent slice or hook. By purchasing the $10 ticket, golfers contrib- ute $2 to prizes, while the other $8 goes to the Easter Seal Society. Anyone buying a Timmy scorecard also becomes eligible for a one week's vacation for two to Sun 'n Lakes Estates in Sebring, Fla. Assisting Easter Seals in the co-sponsoring of the event is Carling O'Keefe Breweries, with the co-operation of the Waterloo Regional Police Association locally and the Ontario Professional Golfers Association. "There's about 400 people in this town (KW) alone who are handicapped. a lot of people who need our help," said Balding at Westmount Golf and Country Club. host for the pre-week But the fact IO-year-old Steve Hendry of Northlake Dr. hasn't played golf is immaterial when it comes to analysing what he means to Al Balding's Golf Week for Timmy. Because Stevie is this year's local Easter Seals Timmy and the mere presence of the friendly youngster at last week's press gather- ing brought increased significance to the goal of the 10-day charity event. iiiilEEEllMl2 SATURDAY CONTEMPORARY . CHRISTIAN MUSIC SKATE 9-1 1:30 FOR ADULTS SKATE RENTAL 75: ALL SESSOONS "TWIN CITV'S LARGEST ROLLER RINK "test when only) ALL SWDIN'I’S 81 .00 - 13th 7:30-9:30 s" 1 'so 341 Mnrslond Dove, wifeyuoo 21 I OVIR - 1 attt 0:30-0:30 mm. reception. "We've been charging $10 for eight years now, you'd think we didn't know what inflation is." To keep the cost for the participant at such a reasonable rate. the Golf Week for Timmy organizers invested in a corporate sponsor this year, and Carling O'Keefe came through with flying colors. Balding is hoping for increased interest locally in the event. Last year, a Metropolitan Toronto course. Humber Valley, raised more money than all local courses combined. That's Al Balding's Golf Week For Timmy and Tammy. May 14-23. at all local courses. Now you know, why mA go out and do something about it? "The only thing that's really left now," Balding told the gathering, "is to make people aware of where to go and when, to urge them to get out to help someone else have a little better life." SMOKERS DEN & GIFT SHOP SUNSHINE MARINE SALES & SERVICE 300 Pttlitt St. Waterloo 886-1930 50% Astimo you'll know why. DRY CLEANING SERVICE Except. shut, leather a suede Items otter good until May 31st. 1983 CONESTOGA MALL M4-6621 For your convenience available at OFF ALL DRY CLEANING