LETTERS- Facing new generation of leadership it is evident from the current leadership race of the Progressive Conservative Party. and from the Prime Minister's stated intention not to lead the Liberal Party in another election, that Canadians face a new generation of political leader ship who will. for good or ill, guide our Dominion's fortunes through the 1980‘s and behond. A central question which must be on In their Provincial and Federal legisla- ton. should write to The Monarchtst League of Canada, 2 Wedgewood Crescent, Ottawa. Ontario RIB 434 We must act fun“ In assure the future of institutions which we have too often tended to take for granted'. PF put to all contenders for office. and especially to the leaders of parties. is as to their stance on maintaining the Constittr tional Monarchy, that pillar of Canadian democracy on which rests so much of what is Just and decent and traditional about our country. Rejecting the Monarchial minimalism of the past decades. which has seen an often subtle erosion in both the substantive powers and symbolic presence of the Crown in Canada. the Monarchist League of Canada has prepared a Manifesto. listing eight reasonable demands which, we believe. Canadian loyalists should make of their public officials with respect to the Monarchy For mstarwt, Wt' want the Canadian Citaenship Act It: be amended to remow any doubt that the members of our Royal Family are indeed Canadians: we wr,h the slatu~ (If GUI) SAVE THE QUEEN a's Hoya) Anthem In kw enshrined try “alum and w: wish lo Net' the proud. indigenous namr "Dominion ha}. restored as our mammal holiday, rejecting the ,leepy duplicn) by which "Canada my wax imposed upon Us Headerx'whu might wish to oblum "ne ur murr cupIew of this Manifesto for their own consideration and. hopefully. for passing Yet one more baby's death at Sick Children's Hospital is being investigated by homlude detectives, The infant's body contained elevated levels of digoxin. and the death occurred despite a recently adopted unit-dose drug distribution system which allows only single doses of drugs such as digoxin lo be administered Too bad Johnson wasn't just a drunken driver The news of this infant's death became public shortly after tho Attorney-General had announced a public inquiry into 28 suspicious infant deaths at the hospital According to the Attorney-General. it is quite conceivable that a person could admit to murder during the publit inquiry l wssh to take issue with the editorial "Double Standard" devoted to the news item that Professor Leo Johnson is fighting to save his teaching career at University of Waterloo In some sense. it is unfortunate for Johnson that his crime had not been simply to have got drunk and slaught- ered someone with his car He would have spent some months locked away but then returned to his livelihood without editorial comment The problem with drunken driving is that there is so little disgust associated with the crime that it borders on the acceptable Yet the disgust associated with sexual crime against children makes almost any revenge seem inade- quate So the indUpant editorial writer heaps coals of fire on what he identifies as hypocrisy in the debate over John, son's retaining his job. All the while, the greater hypocrisy of our attitudes towards certain other forms of crime escapes his holy outrage. John L. Aimers. Dominion Chairman & Founder Monarchisl League of Canada Waterloo, oat. EPP Roselands school reunion The Remember When committee of Rowlands Public School announces a 60th anniversary reunion from 2-7 p.m. May = 1983 at the school 990 Jane St., located at the corner of Jane and Lambton Avenue in the Borough of York. Metropolitan Torow to More information may be obtained by phoning tt6-ttEr.7565 or by writing Mrs. S. Ransom, Box 574. Streelsville P.O.. Mis- sissauga. MM 2CI, you...“ .._ -_-' Any megorabilia would also be greatly appreciated. Mrs. S. Ransom Workaholism hazard for media monks? l have noted with some amusement the attitudes and analysis you brought to bare on Professor Farina's post-industri- al lecono socio system. A short flap with his nibs at WLL' raised my hopes somewhat that your reporting April 20 Waterloo Chronicle page 7 was a trifle massaged, In fact. in McLunese. you slipped about 'alf it century You appear one of the successfully employed. altho' I might presume your talents could be transferred to the N Y Times or Manchester Guardian at a sis digit salary basis or retired next week on a particular Loin from Wintario. You media monks may profess dedication but I suspect work-a-holism is an occupational hazard and lie known a few to enjoy confinement in ioonybins on a regular basis For your kicks and information. I believe Jl‘ is far more on target than either your or the "panel" predict and if you‘d wish to hear an authoritative voice on a similar melody call in AppleJack (Lit. Encl l or read a bit on the subject, He spoke at GAN, yesterday to Rural Develop- ment Institute and they believed him Good luck, look about. learn a bit H.D. Woods, Engineer York University Toronto. om. Good and critical thinking I don't follow any paper closely. but your articles reflect some good and critical thinking. - I am responding to your April 20 issue on “It won't work." a clever yet serious response to Dr Farina. Interestingly enough. l am working on a book on work and take very much the tack you do, I gave the Etsy lecture on work here a few weeks ago and the lecture will be published. I have a copy of that lecture to loan you if you would be interested. I am "i/ti finished C,irrijait on work. and would be glad to show you the table of contents if you are interested, . " In any case. thanks for the article Farina has caught some of the important factors. but his idea that humans don't need work to remain human is absurd. Calvin “chop Conrad Grebel College Waterloo. Ontario probe into the deaths, and never be prosecuted. People testifying before the Royal Commission will be able to use the protection of the Canada Evidence Act, "That means any evidence they give cannot be used against them in a court of law". he said Police will be monitoring the inquiry and could lay charges on any new information. but he said "we have to face up to the reality that someone could admit to being the perpetrator of these crimes and we might not be able to lay charges because the only evidence is that person's own admission." "Liberal Leader David Peterson and other Opposition Members have pressed Miésissaugx tMt. Queen 's Park Report Just because I'm going to talk about the weather doesn't mean I don't have anything else to talk about. _ _ i willy want to talk about the weather, I know, I know. everyone is always told that there is no better icebreaker than chatting up a storm. I mean, chatting up about a storm. In any situation. Cocktail parties, boy first meets girl. tongue goes gah-gah. Boss takes client out to dinner. Heck. could be someone visiting a guy in the hospital who's just undergone a 36-hour quadrup- le by-pass, triple organ transplant. "Hi Jack, looking swell, did'ya hear We had more rain in April than almost any other year on record." "Win'I' haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....“ "Nurse. this man's not well. lot of that going around what with all this low pressure. Who'd expect a humidex reading like this in early spring. eh?" And that's how it so often goes. Had a friend in Trenton once who bet me a week1s pay (I didn't accept. it was too cloudy» that the guy coming up the street towards us would start any conversation. any time, with a comment about the weather. Good thing I didn't for a public inquiry into the hospital and especially into the manner in which the police had conducted their investigation He warned that the Royal Commission "cannot be used by the government as a stalling factor or a white-wash of the issue" "The decision is long overdue", he said. and we hope the government's delay in initiating it will not prejudice any resulting benefit a public inquiry might bring." Sheila Copps, the Liberal Health Critic. said the public inquiry should have taken place a year ago. and Acalled for the A . -;,,__ 4.. .u...i...., L...“ "Looks like a storm brewing up, eh partner"" _ . I was too polite In ask whether he meant from the cloud in the eastern sky or the one on the western horizon, "By the way. heard you're getting married tomorrow. Sure hope the rain holds off .. Give me a break. What I would like to know is who decided when, that the instant remedy for silence. the ultimate conversation- fueler. would be a discussion about the weather? Who said. “oh. oh, I don't think this sale is going good. I better sweep him off his feet with a discussion on the merits of strato-cumulus clouds," Who was it decided that a woman would be more inclined to initiate a rela- tionship with a man, or vice versa, if he she could readily articulate about barometric pressure? Was it Shake- speare with The Tempest? Emily Bronte with Weathering Heights. Sorry about that, Gene Kelly with Singin' in the Rain? Why weather? Why not clothes? Relatively speaking. clothes are just as universal, just as obvious as the weather, How come. down through the ages, conversations haven't been start. ed. relationships blossomed, deals struck with the following: y...“ .. ,u. _..m investigation to be widened to review how the police had probed the 28 suspicious The Chronicle is proud of its tradition of accuracy and fair play, but we do acknowledge room for human error. We welcome complaints or criticism of newh. opinions or advertising and hope "Having any trouble lacing up the corset these days?" "My. what a simply awful looking bowler hat, Bob, have you always had these secret desires to dress like a fool " "F" _ Letters policy WATERLOO CHRONOCLE, WSDAV. MAY a, ‘RICK CAMPBELL Mild, isn't it'? “Hey, Mary, what an absolutely fabu- lous sequin blouse. Wanna shack up with me until I can find someone better?" I dunno. Maybe I'm way off base, maybe clothes aren't the right way to approach a conversation. Let‘s see... In our sad economic times. how 'bout starting every conversation off with a mention of money? Like this: "Gee Tom, see you‘re still driving that old 63 crapbox. aren't you ever going to bring home a salary that supports your family in style?" "Gee, Gerald; I saw these men putting your furniture out on the street the other day. Like we're good friends man, anytime you need a few bucks. you know you can come to me." "Hi, Mrs. Cleaver, did you see the projected percentage yield on a three» month treasury bill? Likely to alter greatly the interest rate on loyear or longer new issue of Canadian Rovern- ment bonds. Oh. by the way. is Theodore home, we have scheduled this lovely morning to mess around a bit." See? ICs not nearly as obtrusive slipping weather comments in after impressing the hell out of someone with your knowledge of far more worldly items And if you’re not up on dress codes. or financial matters, hey. it just doesn't matter. Talk about world lead- ers: -Did'ja hear Generalissio France- sco Franco has been offered six million dollars to reincarnate and play himself in Richard Attenborough‘s next movie?" Talk about food in the fridge: "Boy. I used to think cabbage kept a lot longer than lettuce, did I ever get the shock of my life when I opened the crisper drawer yesterday." And if you feel inadequate in any subject lines. as a last resort. talk about the meaning of life. Like: "These days I feel like just another rattling wheel in the shopping cart of life." Or, "Doesn't he make you feel like just another splattered bug on the windshield of life?" _ Or, "I exist merely as another jammed coffee cup in the vending machine of life." See. No matter how hard up you are. there are limitless subjects at your disposal to initiate that next conversa- tion, in the laundromat. bus station, or singles bar. deaths She also accused the Attorney- General of “talking out of both sides of his mouth" in saying he wants to give parents all relevant information about the deaths while refusing to let anyone see the Atlanta Report or police reports. fisere is absolutely no need to talk about the weather lie even devised an idea to help kick you of the habit. Every time you begin a conversation with a comment on the weather, send me five dollars. But it will help keep my furniture in off the street. ' A spokesman for the Hospital for Sick Children. reacting to the Attorney-Garner- al's announcement of a Royal Commission or Inquiry into the deaths in the hospital's cardiac wards between now and will. stated that the hospital has lived with low morale for two years. has continued to provide good service, and will do the same during the public inquiry. No. you're right, it won't help me kick the habit. we can resolve all complaints our. selves. Complaints that can't be re- solved should be addressed to the Ontario Press Council. ISI Slater St., Suite 70ti, Ottawa. Ont. Kl? 5H3