Noon hour concert T First United Church, corner of King and William Streets in Waterloo will present a piano recital by Jana Seareeky, as sistant to the director of music at the church. Tuesday. May IO, 12 " p m Admission Is Iree Open house at CNIB headquarters The Kiteheaer-Waterloo Bunch of the:Canadi-n " tional Institute of the Blind will hold the grand opening and open house " its new headquarters Monday. May 9, 4 to 6 pam in Suite 100 of the Allen Square. "minus: St. S. in Waterloo Kitchener-Waterloo and St Mary's Hospitals will urspum wt a health promotion display in Market Square In Kitchener to mark Canada Health Day Thursday, May l?. The dis. plays will be on view to the public from 10 am to 6 pm The congregation of All Saints Anglican Church will sponsor a garage sale Satan day, May 7. 9 an. to 5 pm. at All Saints Anglican Church. corner of Northfield Drive and Highpoint Avenue. The sale will be held indoors if weather is inclement. Marriage Enrichment series The Marriage Ennrhmem Film Sena at the Church of Christ. 62 Hickory SI w m Waterloo will present a show in: of What Wives Need to Know Tuesday. May 10. 730w All Saints garage sale Canada Health exhibit The Kitchener-Waterloo Chapter of ttre/Association of Professional Engineers of On- urio will hold its Annual gen eral meeting and dinner Thursday. May 5, 7 p.m, at Kitehener's Conestoga Inn For more informatipn, call 742-7372 BULLETIN BOARD Engineers meeting Naturalists’ outing The Kitehegter-Waterloo new Naturalists are planning evening Be6d trips to churn migrating birds and spring n-ers. The ttrst will take [lace “lured-y. May 5 at 6:SO p.m. Pulldpu-ts are asked to meet on the Wilmot Crown Tract, Waterloo Road 812. 1.4 km south of Petersburg The Waterloo Potten'Wori shop will hold its Potters sale "unr. May 6, 7 maul: Ind Saturday, May T, no a m to 4 Potters Workshop pottery sale Pan, at Hilliard Hail, Pin! United Church, comer of Wil, Ham and lung Streets in Wa. lerloo All Items on sale have been made by local pollen Dr. Henry Shaffer, a British researcher who is particularly interested in the study of skills such as piano playing or typ ing will give a public lecture Thursday. May 5. 2 put: in Room am. Needles Hall. He will also discuss the use of the computer to analyze skilled perform-res Friday. May 6, ll am. in Room tttNt? Public library events The Erewhon Theatre will present Tales of a fourth grade nothing Saturday. May 7. 2: 30 p m The performance. bay-d on a book by Judy Blume. will combine Juggling. mime. mash and unusual prof» Admission u free and every one is welcome The students of Eldon Leis will hold an exhibition of their works in oils and watercolors May 1 to 12 in the library an gallery The display can be viewed during regular library hours Music skills discussion Parkwood Manor annual tea Pub-cod Manor Home for Senior Citiwns. " Cardinal Cr. in Waterloo will be holding the Annual Tea Wednesday. May [1.2 to 5 pm. Proceeds from the tea will provide monthly treats for residents, The St. Jacobs Horticultural Society will hold its annual plant auction Wednesday. Mar II. T pm. It the St, Jacobs Communily Cenlm Admisv sion is free. The KW Square Dance Ar soclmion will hold the annual closing dance Saturday, May T, 8 Pan. at human school. West-mt Road East in tur cheaer. Admission is " per We tad participants an: asked to bring a lunch. Horticultural society plant auction punts and will learn how to prepare them For further intormatioo, call the centre ll 885-1“! k-W Square dance Edible plants at Laurel A search for the edible plants growing at Laurel creek Nature team will baht, place Sunday, May it. II a m and 2 pm at the cunn- Visitors will have an opportunity to sample the various edible I†pan For mon- mlomu “on. call will!) for Waterloo Co-Operative Preschool 9 AVONDALE SOUTH, WATERLOO Thurs. May 12, 1983 1:30-3:30 pm. For Children Ages 3-4 Other Times By Appointment SPECIAL REGISTRATION OPEN HOUSE 884-3400 There will be a Block Parent Garage and Bake Sale Satur day May 7 from 9 a.m to 3 pm at Coronation Hall on Highway It in Cambridge Do nations may be dropped off Friday May s from L? p.m Kitcherter-Waterioo pick-ups will be made until May 6 by phoning mum from9:.m to 4 pan or 578-5892 or 744-5379. Block Parent Garage Sale an at the Adult Rec Centre. The - speaker will be Mary Karen Gasseljnk. Occu- pational Therapist with the Arthritis Society. Call was: Paul MacKay, author of Eleclric Empire: the Inside Story of Ontario Hydro, will speak at a free public lecture Tuesday May 10 at 7tmp.m. at Adult Rec Centre The meer ing is sponsored by THINK (Total Honesty in Nuclear Knowledge) For more inlor mation call 578.7365 The Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients' Support Group will meet Tuesday May Mt at 7:30 THINK lecture If your family is awaiting the arrival of a new member. be Nata-loo La Lech: Leann meeting “The Family in Bela than to the Blended Baby" may be of interest. MCI-Ill discussion will came on how to manage than tirgt hectic weeks with emphasis on the entire [anally as veil as timely tips for mother and baby. The meeting is Wednesday May ll at 8 pan at " Willow St. Call atâ€. Sr6-4trtt6 or M1]. St. George's Church on Fischer Rd. near McGarry in Kitchener will hold a garage sale Saturday, May " from 8 mm. to 2 [MIL Everyone invitA Rheumatoid Support Group St. George's gatage sale La Loche League Craft Workshop The Craft Wartshop pres an: Introductory Workshups for pottery, stained glass. batik, Ieattterwor% darkroom “rainy Saturday. May 1 14:†parat12S King St w “when". Call 1444.11 Blythe July 14 My Wild Irish Rose July 28 Nobody's Child Aug 4 The innocent & the Just Sept. 8 The Tomorrow Box ART PARK July 6 Hello Dolly July 20 Carousel May " Kortrighl Bird Sanctuary (Guelph) May 24 Mohawk Raceway June l5 Weston's Bakery & Woodside Park June 21 African Lion Safari June 28 & 29 Gerilol Follies Elmira Lions Club Walking Trail - Elmira Monday, May 16. l983 _ 2:00 p.m. _ bird identification. tlower and tree identifietr tion - meet at the Centre at 1:30 p.m. where car pooling will be arranged, - bring your binoculars and wear sensible walking shoes. "Go Fly A Kite" - Columbia Lake, Columbia Street, Waterloo, Ontario Monday. May 9, 1983 - l: 30 pm. _ meet at the Centre at 1:15 p.m. where car pooling will be arranged, Oh yes. don’t forget to bring your kite. “Garden Patching" - Bechtel Park Monday, May 30, 1983 - 1:30 pm. - We will be planting our garden - This project will be ideal for those living alone or in an apartment. If interested please call Chris at 579-1020 NATIONAL ACTIVITY WEEK May was, an: "ADUL'rsmACWoN-rr'trIXMET0 SHAPE UP" OPENING LUNCHEON Thursday, May 12, 1983 GUEST SPEAKER: DR. DAVID RAINHAM “Writing a Prescription for a Healthy Lifestyle" 12: 30 p.m.-1: 30 p.m. Advance tickets only: 3200 (includes salad bar luncheon) University Pool see a demonstration of the water exercises and games which are part of the popular Senior Aquabics Class. Parking available at Gus Mane Sports, corner of King and University. Waterloo. Color Slides by IVAN & VERA WIDDIFIELD "PICTURES9UE LAPS m SCANDFNAVIA" My, May 19, 1m 1:30 p.m. "Outdoor Activities Presentation and Short Walking Tour of Old Waterloo" Friday. May M, Iâ€: 10:00 a.m.-ll:00 a.m. Aquabics Demonstration - Wilfrid Laurier July " _ August I. was mom (twin) LAKE GEORGE m GLEN FALLS. NEW You June 12-15. was $249.00 (twin) KELLEY‘S SUMMER THEATRE Moday. May It, as: 1:30 p.m. "Elmira Lions Club Walking Trail" (meet at ARC for transportation) Tuesday. May IT, as: 9:00 a.m.-12 noon "Kortright Bird Sanctuary" 82.00/person (includes bus) Tickets available at ARC Travel Office ADULT RECREATION CENTRE BE A FRIDAY AFTERNOONER FRIDAY, MAY s, 1983 2 [Mil SUMMER THEATRE TRIPS ADULT RECREATION CENTRE “OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES" Adult Recreation Centre 185 ng St., South, Waterloo 579-1020 SENIOR ADULTS um. TRAVEL Phone 579-1642 VACATION TOURS WEEK'S ACTIVITIES DAY TRIPS in the Poconos WATERLOO WE. WW1 - l INSTRUCTOR: Richard Zillnkus LOCATION: Bechtel Park ONE SESSION: Saturdays I0 tt m or II a In May 20th, June 4, ll, ".35": PEE: children (8-H yrs) â€2.00 REGISTRATION "ilFN9RMA'rMtN Phone Waterloo Community Services ttt M am. ext 288 during business hours INSTRUCTOR: Richard leinkas LOCATION: Bechtel Park Class Options: l - Tues. & Thurs, 7:00 or 8.00 pm on May 17, 19, 24. 26. 3t ll - Tues. & Thurs. 7:00 or tr. 00 pm on June T, 9, 14, 16, 2t m _ Tues. & Thurs, 7:00 or a 00 pm on June as. 30. July 5. T. l2 FEE: Adults $16.00 Youth (15-19 yrs.) & Seniors 314.00 REGISTRATION INFORMATION Phone Waterloo Community Services at an I550. ext. 288 during business hours. GIANT GARAGE SALE May Tth, 1983 - 8 a.m.-8 p.m.. Bluevale Collegiate. Call 8864481 - Mom-Thursday between 1-5 p.m. if you wish to donate anything. parties Plans are now underway for the ml: annual Waterloo Days Celebration. Groupa or individuals interested in participating in thin year's event should contact Waterloo Community Services at â€-1550. Eat. In during business hours. - Reports on League activities - Election of Officers and Executive Members - Revisions to the Constitution - Service Awards Nominations for the election of Officers must be submitted in writing to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee, c/o Waterloo Community Services, two (2) weeks prior to the Annual Meeting Organization has now begun for the annual Waterloo Days Arts & Crafts Show. If you would be interested in displaying and aelllnx your crafts in Waterloo Park on June " and or June " please call Waterloo Regional Arts council - 744-4552. Monday-Thursday between to a.m. and 2:30 p.m. aii.lti'j5i, 1tii,,illtli.t3, 'r,-,,,,!,,:),',,,',', ACTIV'TIES â€In um. I (inner-1mm I. AM on, My: 3:Stttob.Wtt.m law I'm S' En ARTISTS t CRAFTSMEN Albert McCormick Arena Parkside Drive _ Waterloo Sat. May 7th - 9 a.m.-5 pm Sun, May ttth - l p.m.-5 p.m Proceeds to W.M.H.A. Allstar Teams Wednesday. May 25, In: - T: a PM. Albert McCormick Continuity I... Parkside Drive - Waterloo Uaterloo Minor Horkey Association NOT" F tH frtf tl VHJTINK. 0010003 teams N INSIRUCNOI FOR ADULTS L 'ooo / meeting is open to all interested WATERLOO MINOR HOCKEY GIANT GARAGE SALE WITERLOO DAYS '83 JUNE 17mm CHILDREN'S TENNIS IISYRUCNON AtttrttttttTtePaMR (rECIE2iil iiiGGld Centre: .4350 SPRING ICE SKATING WATERLOO MlNOR SOCCER CLUB ANNOUNCEMENTS