PAGE 30 - WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, Included: A police constable may remove a dangerous or unsafe vehicle from a highway and prohibit its use until repairs are done. If a driver fails to comply with the notice requesting that the vehicle be submitted for examination, a fine from $50 to $100 may be imposed. INTRODUCTORY SALE Nlll tD F! F! D W Micro-Decision Computer and Terminal . Options Available Did you know that..... 133W aaeeaiCC) $239500 . "M . 1/(wand Ilu, 'is" (MW reg price $2595.00 Introductory Sale Price IS A TIME TO EXPRESS YOUR LOVE WITH LASTING GIFTS LOWER WATERLOO SQUARE. CALL 885-4500 Pre-Bulk Order Wordstar - Word processor Correct-it - Spelling checker Logicalc - Spread sheet Lear Siegler A.D.M. Terminal 1-200 K Disk Drive' 2 Basic Languages 279 Web" St. N. thutqrtoo 64K Memory .P./M 2.2 Disk Operating System 2-200 K Disk Drives 2-380 K Disk Drives BOOKSTORE a BIBLES o PLAQUES o RECORDS o FiGURiNES o JEWELLERY Phone 888-771 0 Warren Thirsk (right) of Centennial school tries to force Corey Kirkham to the mat during Waterloo County senior public school wrestling championships Saturday at Waterloo collegiate. Thirsk pinned Kirkham and won two other matches to take the gold in the 38 kilogram novice class. Another Waterloo wrestler, Errol Edwards of MacGregor school, took the bronze in the 58.5 kilogram experienced class. What is a pre-arrangedfuneral? SPRING “MODELLING (iiif'EXEEE, Spruce up as appearance with a top auaMy bath tub enclosure & comprtmeotary bathroom cabana! 3?] cm at“ L/i.," "imma- - a "mum cuss my: A pre-arranged funeral is not a difficult or complicated task. Simply, a pre-arranged funeral is a practical way of determining an individual's wishes in advance. The pre-arranged funeral provides the opportunity to decide the type of services preferred and outline in- structions for final arrangements. If you are planning your own funeral. pre-arrangement can also iTHE FORCE WAS WITH HIM .M‘, "iiit1T: '2? w _ 5:: r _ l ' I I h ' [ T p t 2 , i [ ..,.,b. K, WW , Ci, 'al _ C" , 9 - " trc...] 7. Wt “~: ALL MODELS IN STOCK Co, Edward 3.90011 serve as a guide to family and friends. That foresight can be invalu- able in a time of stress. It is important to remember that any type of funeral, whether simple or elaborate. can be pre-arranged. If you would like to have more information, please call us at 715-8445 so we can send you a free booklet on pre-arranged funerals or make an appointment to see you. Funeral Home Limited 171 King Sheet South, Watatoo “5-8445 300 Phllllp St SUNSHINE MARINE SALES a. same: As time goes by. you'll know why. 886-1930 Waterloo F,