Minot 'iiiii'"ii'""i"i"'ik'""iiif Score 'rg iiiii'il'l" it. Hamburg tied the more with . tttrye shot deNetod on a Wolves' stun km the Wolves came back with a goal by Stephan Carly from Kevin hob-Inner and Charles Gag- 'tmogtdnmttherbyCarty from 1n the third, defencem-n like Godwin Beored unassist- ed and Robin Brandon assisted by Brent Smith completed the sea-lug. The Wolves have an 1241 record so tar this season for 25 points and second place in their division. They play Gut next at Waterloo Arena The mator an: Wolves startedtttey-ittowirtirt New Humbug " The Wolves dominated the - with a m period goal by Jet! Walter. The Iljor Atom "rim Hor- tem' Cubs travelled to Buriirttp ton during the Mildlys to participate in their 1501 Annu- nl Golden Horseshoe Tour- namem. The first round of issiszeu'by nines Madison play in the toumnmeul was a mund~rohln weries with the Cubs meeting Hamilton Husr ties. Detroit Northwest and Don Mills. In the first game the Cubs were thumped bt by the Ham, ilmn Huckies. Stephen Hooper and Sheldon Gilchrist scored tor the Cubs. Assists went to Sham Sea- hmkeSheldon Gilchrigy. Step phen Hooper and Brad Rages. Against Demon Northwest the Cubs were 6-1 victors M8 -trat-sr...aomri-gerfEM.tEa... Wolves in second place Cubs ousted in tourney Stephen Hooper opened the You can't get into swimming if you can't get into your gli' swimsuit. r,,,,,,,,,,,),, REGENERATING HAIR GROWTH Formula MJS Hair Restorer Lotion Treat- ment, for arresting excessive hair loss and tor increasing new hair growth on the scalps of men and women with uncommi- cated pattern of diffuse hair loss. (m m“ MONEY BACK GUARANTEE __ A“ It Arr, nnxrm‘nn‘ 290 KING ST. E. (CORNER OF KING I EBT) KITCHENEH - PHONE 744-3081 OPEN MON.-SAT. FROM "feel PM HAIR CENTRE tsamtttParrtttte. Adlys.1'hu We Olden tsexseodtremsMrbyYapt-it gheahetGiiehrt.ttotfvethe mhlnlead. With8:.tieftirtthe-irse periodErdthDetat-eomd tarmsaistmttoqmdtTUddHtmt- cram-Mm. 1attheeiAdptelettih"rt Way scored ttmis Billy Evans and Donnie O'Brien for a M Dean MacDonald opened the scoring in the third period with the mists! of Duly Evans and Donnie O'Brien Bernie Adlys then scored from Billy Buns and Brad Kama. The final goal was scored by Matt Wick- ie with the â€sin of Sheldon Gilchrist and Shane Seam-ooh for the 6-1 thsal score. In their final am the Cubs were edged 2-1 by Don Miiis, , edinittesecomirtodtorttte Cubs to make (hi score 2-1 The Hamilton Huskies won the round-robin series m " Neither team scored in the remginlng minutes to give Don Mills the 2-1 win. vance to the Semi-Finals The Wlterloo Tigers recent- ly tied Welland " and also travelled to Burlington for I Christmas tournament where they beat Don Mills 3-2 before losing 8-4 to Brampton and S-t to Amherst, John Williams from Nick Georghiades. Darren Geisel. unassisted, and Scott Schindler, from Brad Hunk- were the score" against Wel- land. Against Don Mills. Brian Gillis scored unassisted while Geisel scored from Jonathan Rizby and Billy O'Brien ind Billy Evan sxirred unpaint- " mm AVE. E.,! WATER.†"" KEV mm 'e1ttntlE8, “I. "itateshrd io uni-f...» CI 1.3 m: “.5! 't _ .P‘n’ Tigers tie Welland mph-I'm. tgeg"raNalrose-dtwtee Winn-mum “WWW.“ an: m to and Shaun. G-ttgndesamto'BHmt.who hadNersitrete-lmtAm- Monday. Dec. 21 and My day Dee. as Waterloo Slims travelled to Brannon! for a Christmas Tournament. Playing their non spirited intelligent. gutsy hockey at the you they mule m.taehes Doug Rice and Don anoie. as well 5-t despite emanating and carrying the [my to Burling- ton. The score was no! indica- tive of the pity of the Saints. In the afternoon the Saints fell behind ' to . very quickly hm came back and tbestaoyed Burk " The Slims omit-0t Barrie an. The W! of the tournament in: the M day morning game against the No. 1 team in Ontario, Toronto Young Nata, " wins no losses. With Just a few minutes left In thegamelht-Nltsscoredlogo as their supporters, very mum nun-1mm had my Saints play brilliantly lune " “010qu itmallllittEllt" WEST sun _+. 445 KING " w. Kr,r!PlErprlPrrtl11!l - OPEN ciao-0:00 WEEKOAY’: SATURDAY 9:00-6:00 FREE PARKHG AVAILABLE M a! “I " lunar-lee muti- ttThese- cal-Ideallyhvehum ton-Watch. Br-d-it-ass- “hummus-un- Samara-H. 1mm in can“ uni mun-a1. Mm Chad “admit-tun“ and passed the puck [an end to and extremely well. Pttr- 'rvdsgerttatrurrer,Davertw tout, June: Home. Dean Imam... My Code. Dave Henry. Jane Mageeu* and Wuyne Dietrich stand and plated and checked “up†Congratulation- tor Marine very well Ind keep it up in mw-mmmrmu- mitmioetrnimrrttar+ com- peted In the manual Maco- hurg Olympic Hockey Tournament. when they re- cordedtwowhstoliesand plays . Waterloo opened with a shutout by Gareth 399. in a scoreless lie with Burlington. Mr. T. lacks finesse at net " Oshawa If“ Val. and hue-aw. Hanukkah-or “Hap-by“ In. BaattFtt and M 'roli.r.D--.t._e JmMWIM- mmmw Allen-aim. Wntittothe_ttotbe but club as W had th-uae-lie-aa'. Sodium um. M 'rasftrluqredhysttrrtmrtb- dumNhunF-lhudu â€Hamilton. Putin. foil ridingâ€; win an a." I!“ earned -trtiscsttireretttie Dttiettte-teedtbereatr- ingtrmrszav-tdWe4ttr. aheWateHoommurttarttam Wan-hrs reached the sen!- G-t.wheeettteyhtsttothe WmlnvelI-z. 0n the way to the semi- Waterloo coppletejl_ the Warriors e edged in semis use. Vassar“ but runny-Ebb.“ manual-5m. Pug-homunc- b. h the has lo Ila-mu. wtttrtge-dG-_ttttg. Han.- them and - "ieirdd early " tre um! Windham†lode-â€hymn. Mmmm. at www.mm Mtgunehlyem bum. the duo's MVP, buried the an: to "Iv-.9 the .iriod_aeq1tst Lie Blue! "i-ada-i-and 1‘31â€.me “mm-um. "and that. It 1:11 a! the seen-d period. Eat scored “Wristband: maeherassistirtg. Multan um the MVP ot that an: fatrhHthreeooirtt anon. -datt:-efirst Water- The Waterloo Wellington wersth.ttmt-ftheNmr humane- lutal III-Ilsa " my: Inter an!“ a well-de- try It! mm.“ am Ttte-ts-r-edt". trtr-ehnsthemrkesweee egtrrtitwdttrAetarrs'a.Goais mmwmmvu 'aetrr,AurtNtiatt.Asststtrtg ,.eretr-.gtegd.DieeHehand mum. lamp!†Dukes ave â€.mwmmymy shots. have Klein. Chris Dietrk-ttgseea-.as. Sella". Honorable mention Ihould be extended to Chris Meidasttettastitedt1tegaras the Dukes numbed another injury. Chris gained four " an: in that m and au- mly missed on several wor- m. attempts since being called up from lune league. Tough time for Wellington: