Ontario Tax Grants for Seniors is a program designed to help offset municipal, school and retail sales taxes and home heating costs for Ontario residents 65 and over. The Property Tax Grant portion, of up to $500 per household, is provided in two instal- ments annually. The first instalment of the 1982 grant, based on 1981 t applications. was mailed in the spring. . The Ministry of Revenue has just completed the mailing q of Property Tax Grant applications which seniors must complete in order to qualify for the final instalment of this grant. If you received a 1982 Interim Grant, you will receive an application. 'lllhx Grant Applications. rtNtMmtErraotitMA'mwcAua'mEMmlttmtYSMUumNGUALmlPmMAn0NCENmi: OlnMetmToronto. oInAmaCode8tt7,askthe oinallotheramas, mum: A1333; dial $543470 Operator for Zenith B-NOO dial 1-800- 268- 7121 Henry. who wondered . why concern about me. Or write to: Ontario Thx Grants for Seniors. Ministry of Revenue. Guaranteed servation of Indian Income and Thx Credit Branch. Queen's Park. Thronto. Ontario M7A 283. . 'eg,gt mtpmnerz SENIORS... Ontario Property l Ontario Take a few extra minutes to fill out your application and then check it again for accuracy. This makes it much easier for the Ministry to process your form and get your cheque to you. In particular, you should remember the following: . Fill in your taxes or rent for the entire year: t Sign your applicatign. . ' 01f your marital status or address has changed. fill out the appropriate section on the application. The Ministry 111ll',','1t, mailing Property ram cheques in early November Gd Wham; made so on a TO COMPLETE APPLICATION ACCURATEIX Ministry 85 o'r'over should TM. Run.“ Donny Minister til you have not received an application within 14 days and believe you are eligible for the Property Tax Grant, please contact the Ministry. 0 Those seniors who reach the age of 65 between luly and December will receive their application early in 1983. q Those seniors who reach the age of 65 in 1982 will receive a grant for the full year once they return the application to the Mum '. . If you m permanently into Ontario during 1982, your grant is based on the time you resided in Ontario. If you have not received an application. please contact the Ministry. q Seniors who are not eligible for federal Old Age Security but who have [grew- ously established eligibility for e Progeny Tin Grant will also receive an app cation. If you reside in a tax-exempt property such genome care facility. a home the on similar institution. Mine not eligible fbrthegrant. However. jf you mqte into a taxirr.tmpt eiiiii- kFeGliii m2 you are eligible" a PropertyTax Gmntbamdon your "mturpmpertytarasspr%rtoyourmove, thtDeasrnber3,theMinistrydRtmmur, wamailotioSales'uxGratntcuque totgithttariosertiorss.Notmptitathmis macrstmaryfbrthitrgrmrt. For the first time in its history. Wilfrid Laurier University awarded tour scholar- Laurier awards, scholarships to part-time students WWWIAWWM(W -adt_t-tttireetittqtte-ettqdttteAdxrtt he cm with In "any to: loot Float in WW3 "Sthaetethr--.Aexmittthe -aMoetttahatfotthesoegoeu-e0-e)Ane" EiraEEilifiTiriEE Marian Croft, asso- ciate director of part- time studies, said she was pleased at the start of such a program since full-time students have always been eligi- ble. ships to part-time stu- dents this month. Each scholarship, with a value of $200. was awarded on the basis of academic achievement. A grade- point average of 10(A-) was a requirement for those applying. Win- ners must be taking all their work on a part- time basis. Winners were Donna Lynn Cameron and Dina A. Baumanis. both of Waterloo, Mar- garet A. Nixon of Bar- rie and Hazel McBride of RR 4, Georgetown. Horace Braden, director of student awards, said he was pleased that academic Redmond (Continued from page 1) request and will pro- ceed with the by-law to the OMB. City planner Tom Slomke. in a report to council. rejected Red- mond's arguments "because the Universi- ty is entitled to develop the lands with or with- out the bylaw ... we believe that Mr. Red- mond is simply using the objection privilege as a lever to gain com- mitment from the tmi- versity to conduct ar- cheological surveys." According to Slomke provincial legislation gives the I'Miatister of Culture pad Citizenship the right to issue" a stop-work order ... and cause any property tn be examined if in his (million the areheoiogi- cal significance is al- development." This serves as a guarantee that any "analogical site located on a prop- erty under develop- ment is protected. "We are down to the point where the bylaw he: [one and this is the ttmt time I've heard of “wasn't mentioned at the public hearing." "To wait til now '.. amen? to gym! you leverage, You‘ve new} amazed this can. cil which gives plan. an: M direction.“ (cyan: excellence among part- time students is now being recognized since such students have been a traditional strength at Laurier. The university has about 4.000 full-time undergraduate regis- trations and 6,000 part- time registrations. "As long as I can remember, we've always had more part- time than full-time stu- dents." he said. "These awards recognize that learning is becoming a lifetime activity. Irs, not something limited only to the young." Braden, who chairs the Laurier senate committee on scholar- ships, said more such scholarships may be available in the future. "The main thing is we've made a start," he said, "and the sen- ate is supportive of this step." delay in development of the industrial park "could mean the loss of a major industry for this regioec." In an interview after the meeting, the mayor. who would not name the industry con- sidering locating in the research park.» com- mented that the uni- versity "has some very, very good pros- working on. “The whole thing is that the Industrial Re- search Park has got to be one of the most exciting things "up pening) in the region ... it is the future of the The mayor also added that she “couldn't believe" Redraw-d would object to the development at this late date. “Where has he been all this time?“ she asked. UW oncials. Carroll said, “are not that stu- pid to take a chance of the city putting a stop “It order on the site. “I thtd it contusing 'tF if it was really that imminent I can't be- lleve the university conldn't come up with one-half the 9.500. or all of It. "There's more to it than has come before council." the mayor Council will meet With both Redmond and university officials in an attempt to iron out difficulties that