DATED AT WATERLOO, ONTARIO this lst Day of Feb., 1982 Patricia Fox Secretary ‘nancual Statements will be available at the Meeting and upon lquest inner will be at 6:1 5 pm sharp The Meeting will be at 8:00 In, followed by dancing, l Increasing the loan limits of the credit union to provude $40,000 Loans with adequate and appropriate security and loans secured by a mortgage of real estate conforming to section 83 of the act up to 5100.000 (formerly $80,000) and total loans to a member not to exceed SI 10.000 ) To appoint Auditors , And such other busmess as may properly come before the Meeting. nice is hereby given that the 34th Annual Meeting of the embers of the Waterloo Regional Credit Union Limited will be ild at the Conestoga Inn, 1333 Weber Street East, Kitchener, itario. on Saturday, March 13th, 1982 DTICE TO ALL MEMBERS OF 'ATERLOO REGIONAL CREDIT UNION LIMITED :kets tor the Dinner and Dance are availabte at the Credit lion's Offices, at $10.00 per person. Ioo Credit Umon's pay-down plan. try corttrtttst, s the monthly payment Into tour weekiy amounls pay $147 a week. principle and Interest. for an $40,000 mortgage at the same 18% annual in- tt rate . difference is. your mortgage term lasts only 1 3 69 F and coats only $104,311 FPOSE OF THE MEETING IS rabhsh a reserve tor financial stability Sue'and Interest payments would be $586 By the the final payment Is made, total cost at the mort- t would be $175385 over’a tull Ps-year pen» I let your lrlendly Waterloo Credit Union people tin our unique pay-down mortgage plan and a to yourself It really works' "a how a conventional $40,000 mortgage. amomzea 25 years at an annual 18% Interest rate, monthly To consider the minutes of the 33rd Annual Meeting of Waterloo Regional Credit Union Limited, To consider the reports of the Board ot Directors, Auditors, Supervisory Committee and Loan Officer To consider any unfinished business, To elect new Directors and Supervisory and Committee Members. To consider the following Bylaws to Amend the Bylaws to provide: WHEREAS the standards of sound business and financial practices established try the Ontario Share and Deposit Insurance Corporation require every Ontario credit union to establish a reserve tor financial stability. IW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Credit Union no tor a way to pay ott your mortgage m almos! te time of a corwetttional term" to save as much as $70000, or more. at the ttme'? let your tnendly Waterloo Credit Union people As a member you OWN Waterloo Credit Union! tit union offers weekly gage plan . . . save ow Waterloo Credit Union save over 71,000 Thatt almost " years taster and more than $71 .000 less expensive than a conventional mort- gage And only Watertoo Credit Union has the pay-down Man In trffect now tor area homeowners The reason It works. quite Simply. is because you make 52 weekty payments at $147. tor a total ot $7.644 a year (With a conventional plan. total payment rs $586 A 12 or $7.032 a year) That amounts to $612 more a year, or SSI more a month, than vulth the conventional 25-year mortgage But what little extra you pay now each year us more than made up tor when you consrder the time and mon- ey savmg benefits at our pay-down plan. Your tull $40,000 mortgage tS paid oft in 13 69 years _- and you save $71,574 over what you would have to pay with a corwerttionat 25-year mortgage Visit Waterloo Credit Union now Tell us what your mortgage requrrements are - and let us show you how our pay-down plan is the perfect solution It allows you to make purchases. pay bills, take advantage of sales. and make any number of transactions that ordinarily would leave you short of cash. Plus - when you use line of credit, no one knows it except you and your credit union. The amount of credit available to you is arranged ahead ot time and noted on your cheQUing account. Any cheques you write in excess of your chequing balance will automatically be covered up to that pre-approved limit. That means you have instant access to funds without having to take the time and trouble to apply for separate loans. You can also save on credit charges. because the rate of interest you pay on your credit union line of credit is lower than what is generally charged by depart- ment store and other retail credit companies. When you don't use your line of credit. it costs you absolutely nothing. _ Convenience and protection . . _ reason enough to ask tor a line of credit appli- cation form or talk to a loan officer next time you drop by your credit union. For Your Convenience and Protection YOUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS Line of Credit . . . MORTGAGE LOANS Front row L to R: E. Nesbitt, Gen Mgr:, P, Fox, Secid, M Stephens, Pres; W. Erb, tst Vice Pres.;S Adamson. Dir. 20d row L to R: R. Frey, DIf..'S Uba, thrcA Tuteclu, thr .E Gartung. Dir 7 WATERLOO CHRONDCLE, WEDNESDAY, manual“ 19,1932 - PAGE t