Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 Nov 1981, p. 29

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CHOLDREN‘S CONCERT at the Hum-Mica Theatre. ANNUAL WTMAS " nu. St. m1 Angu- 1 comm? EVENTS Ming "Jim and Ro- selle". Sunday. No- vrmtt"r16ttt.1:o0p.m.or 3:00 pm. Tickets - lble a! UW Box 00009. 82.60. (45) Newcomers and Students Especnlly Welcome For Transportation _ __ 133571.924 day. Novombor tttst, 1:00am pm. (Camry GLEN ACRES BAPTIST CHURCH Mnrtgroed at Ellis Rev. John Griffiths (Minister 745-2993 9:45 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL For all ages li:00 am. and7200 .m WORSHIP SERVI&S m, Mr Graham E, Morhey “Scot m. lad with nu can fotet Nun Coll upon Mm new with H- a now" I“ 556 Phat-I. BIB-2.30 or m "bat6S for hee toilet TODAY ASSOCIATE PASTORS Rev Dr, Remus Kooistra Rev Dr Peter Yaytru"me c1340 - no FM Barnum, 3 till, or cxpc - mo AM amnion. " or watch "ith " Global TV at 9:30 i Waterloo Christian Reformed Church SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:M am, and 71!) pm SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 am, - Ages on 10:30 am, _ Age 3 11:00 a.m. _ Ages 4-7 Nursery provided Also: Linen to the BACK To GOD HOUR on Sunny monk My. November, " 19130 mm. - Worship Ser Cur-{Gray can... Ween-on Cam West-.1“. Noni fi IS, 'u'.m. Y’Suiidi’y 669-21 66 tueaFKGtu Form! HALLS FOR RENT BANQUET PARTY EARLY 1:” p.lL - Open ' mum "How Christ Affects Our Lives" All New. Ms. lie-hen Invited. “we - In. Gary D, but“: BOOK YOUR Worship at Church FIREWOOD - Son-mu hard - and Noah. 043.00 and. cord tatt- cubic he!) dollvorod. mono-ran. 1ttttt MAYTAG DRYER In good working condition, Phone 886-8820 (45) CHHOSTMAS WREATHS BELMONT USED Furni- ture, 716 We" Boun- vard. Kitchener. Good va- riety of used tumIture at AVON FOR SALE - One of Ontario's largest collec- tion of Avon. both Cana- dian and us. at Burgew viue Flea Market, each Sunday. Phone 1-(519) 462-2590 evenings. (50) GRANDFATHER CLOCKS and white tlowered drapes l00-by-95-inches tiniatted length $75.00. One pair ivory sheers Cornelly hem approxi- mately Baby-95 inches finished length $25.00. One pair gold and ivory ttot-red drapes MNhy- 95-inchee finished length $40.00. Also one traverse rod, wall-to-wall 144- mches. Phone 885-2715 alter 5:30 am. (44) an the TA). Want-d: airtGqltHutthttm- 8-10 and 12-14. 744- 1330. (45) Corneuy hem 100-by~95 inches finished length $60.00. One pair gold 6071 after 4:00 pm. tott) CATTLE MANURE tor an $25.00 per heaping pick- REPLAYS WILL Close Sat- urday. November 14th. " sales 50% on. Final cheques wilt be matted atter December IM. Re- plays Consignment Shop, 88 Ahrens West tat Victo- ria). Kitchener. Tuestttty- Friday 1:30-5:30. Satur- day 1030-3230. (45) 7 FLORIDA RENTALS DOWNTOWN WATERLOO - Mutual Ute and main line bus; charming two bedroom otdor home. 1 V2 baths. "replace, dish- washer, central air, newty decanted throughout. No pets. 576-3611. tati) daily 10:00-5:00. closed Wednesdays. tttl " ARTICLES FOR SALE B HOUSES FOR RENT sortable prices. Cam Standing Clocks, 272 1 WING EVENTS . ANNOUNCEMENTS FLORIDA, Punt City. Cog. Iago; chem. quasi, 8125. weekly, December 1-31. 'tth Westminster or triple DESSERT CARD Party. Crystal mm Locos. Monday. Noun”! "th, 7:45 pm, ti? Lodge sum, Waterloo. up trucklul delivered. $4.00 per wheelbarrow. Min. 3 tattttrelttarrotttrtg. 578-0992 (m) March Ily-tM. 578-0067, (45) 703-3291 (45) BEST LINE Products: M- Liquid concentrate; B-ro Laundry Compound; Rug 13-FOOT MARINE Mrwoodt3oatantttmNr, $400. or boot otter, Pttooor6aArttttt. (45) NEW MAHOGANY Pane“- ‘mg. 13 sheets. Hanger outdoor wrought iron rail- ing, various lengths. Phone 886-3199, (45) Two COOPER B-ply 16.5- by-12.00 tires, $150 or beat otter Phone 57tV 9674. (a) WEDDING INVITATIONS - 10% oft list price Includ- ing announcements. ser- vieues. matches, etc, Jim's Quick Print Shop, 299 Lawrence Avenue. KItchener, 576-7860. MD.) $26.00. 10-90:“! tttting M “QM. SS6- ta-cublc not .180. Wooden kitchen table TWO STEEL Boned radial snow tires LR 78-15. like new, $90.00. Phone 884- 4282. (45) novvico. ‘Phone 884- 3225. (45) FIREWOOD - All hard . 48 mum ST.W., ”moo - 143-3219 . chem truck loads. mil ordeal welcome; discount tor pick-up. Bet-2012 eve- nings and weekends. (45) " ARTICLES POI SALE " AITDLB FOR BALE I " ARTICLIS FOR BALE 8!.me BEEF ated PORK Sides of Pork 81 .09 per lb. cut and wrapped Suing or team tilled cm'wnh'm "..J au, covering. Canon manna” are ow specialty. Call tor an animate Three generations of . quality custom manufacturing Antique or Custom bed we'll custom build a a'.1e.t1rtsate_ti.1 Wen”! Custom 33 NW Dr St. Jacobs [1151113 cutting cur ing smoking ". Retail (47) KLEAN BURN. O'Neill to“: at San Bernadine, Camomia uhowod im- proved angina perfor- USED typesetting and printing equipment; hand Iitt cart, Friden Jus- towriter input output, Nuarc Plate Maker. plate sink. ptate roller, ink pumping system. Gevaltth devetoperT863.dryedoe Wm dryer. (619) 736- 2582. (45) TWO MICHELIN Snow tires, size 205/15. $25.00 each. Phone 886- 9130 between 9:00-5:00 pm. (45) BARGAINS - Humittlfier; chord organ; guinea pig/rabbit cages; lady's bicycle; stove hood Icom per); pressure cooker; ELECTRIC WATER Heater. 40-gallon, in good work- ing condition Phone 885- 0150. (45) KONICA AUTO REFLEX T-3, 35mm camera with so mm. 1.7 Hexanon lense. case. batteries, atrap, perfect condition $220. Phone 885-2079 utter 9:00 pm. (45) SKATES - BOY'S new an as. him. "tttt 'mtuctiooSrstem--tty ittatathttlrttttlttut-nrttt mtalt.tor8at.tt6rrttttat 30tHymooorttqottttonr- 4347 hoideru. dolls and teddy bears. The Book Ex- change. 28 Regina North. New. Open duty in- cluding Sunday 9:00- 6:00. Thurtsday-Frioy 9:00-9:00. (44) Bauer Snowmen size 6, $25.00. Pool table My- $45.00. 885-5836 (45) p-traces, magazines. hard covers; boxes of Harlequin Romances 100/8500. A low plants (45) " PETS . ”LIES "it TO Good ”can. cl. Iona w. No you on way“ 90m“. New" wu.mm. can“: in 2230146) USED REFRIGERATORS IMMEDIATE CASH Paid tor Canadian or us. - or " ARTICLES WANTED BEER TRAYS, CROOKS. furniture. china. violins, pianos. watchett"ttrttt clocks, estates and any- thing antique. Phone 689-2345. (tin) USED WATERLOO Chrom KENWOOD Queen size blanket, turquoise. for yellow. Hue. white or beige; dry cleaned 884- 4347. (45) CHILD'S Beaumul white take fur coat and hood size tut, worn only tor good, 835.00 Lady's snowmobue sun size 14, Phone 676-0277. (46) RADIO SERVICE Students - See what 850.00 buys: cle newspaper camev bags Povtng St oo for clean (not torn) news- bags Waterloo Chronucte, 92 Kan Sheet South, Waterbo 8862830 M) CHILD'S SLEIGH; two SELF LOCKING "ttttle head gates 3250 m. treatmentchute3460._ Farm Gum "OO/foot. Iced carts $163.00. Quantity discounts. Call (519) 696-2283. E.S.M, BED untamed Cuban. King or double inclum hum. mamas liner, buckets. till but. trtetructiom: on may. guarantees in- cluded. Brand run 3175 Call (416) 837-4 $4145) 884-8409 mono tune! and amplifier. two-cash" meter of panel; three small speak- en. clock radio. 745- 2032. , (45) WHITE GOLD Diamond "no. ”probed 3900.. uniting “so; white gold movie ma; Sunbeam rotisserie cooker; two ml! whoa desks; doc- tric kitchen clock. Tatv 2032. IOS) “MEAT M Coat S/6- Ionom. tn My! condi- tion. 8325; Call 714. 1538 am 4:30 pm. (u) jig-saw; electric out- board; 410 'ttot-gow, Po. and chair 8150. Brown open-wave dupes 125- by-95~inche| long $50.00 New VII" mount exhaust in $40.00. 684- 3809 (45) 3150-. Mm $50.00; was cold alumna m ding band. appr-lood 5225.. "ttttttt 3100. Or- “YERLW WC“. “WV, m tt, .3 - M " radio, FM DIADLINI. - TUIIDAY. 11 In. (45) ttt) (45) CHIMNEY REPAIRS. Ro- bulldbng. or complain SEALONG OF Crack-d ttq-ttt all. m or Drive" your car in. we'll wash it by hand. somble prices give Bev a Call 884-4368. (48) men-um» $-tttmtr4ttmetm.eo- mus-2300. Mt alto 90mm. 742-6260 an am pm. toN cooking or baking at rea- Seven. For can 686-1511 acre“ trom mm. Exterior Cleaned. Washed. Polished No job too big or too small Open Monday-Friday 8-5. A-1 Custom Auto Care, 312 Mam ttrivet tat rear). EXPERIENCED PAINTER - .Hintirttt A Party? (gt 'eorracross from MOTHERS duo Grand KEN THE MUSIC " CARS FOR SALE " SW00“ SuperSkau Seben) 8861511 "ra IU‘CK CENTURY Two door WM 350 V-G. lemma m. Call Dennis Kirby 742-9357. tM) games for chm a we" as receiving hostess bon- uses. Call 579-0732 eve- nings. (45) mothers - Book a child’s my home Dam/tot your "and: and relatives bo- A-1 CUSTOM AUTO CARE Mt ttamiantt DIM coho discounts on our Minute-b oRetrigeratora ISloves oWatrhers oDryers othtrttwtushers, etc was u . Ehgne 8855830 Car Wash By Hand Satu'rday Only 8-5 and m. radio. anon who his. dam m. 70,000 all... wry good condition throughout. M to noon. only cot- am. 81550. Catt 085- 0676. Bookings for . . . Christmas I: New Year's “JAYQEAELEL _ W [mum Exterior KEN AIME" aa'attmscraartes (45) Scuba ind mm wtth 0 mm Epoxy momma! A-I YEAR ROUND Tree Servuce - Maintenance and WII Imure MH, Kesselnng & Son Kitchener Phone 576- 8531 (m FURNITURE REFINISHING ELECTROLUX SALES and Somme Free puck-up and dehvery Phone 884, 6810 (ti) Rm REMOVAL - Wall washing. light moving, cleaning (basemenu. wanes. attics). odd john. Jaw Huang Ba6-2ttat. - Hum I ”my... a room. _ Mignon! l that Work. tkttittery, excels"! rates 0.x. Furniture Refinishing 745-1422. tttl TREES PRUNED and re- moved; large willows, maptms and poplars cutto and antique finishes. Free CHIMNEYS REPAIRED art,et rebunlt Written DUI" antees. fully Insurad Phone 742-2834 (m anetnltowyoutottotttat poetioetofwoNsuitodto your')"""-,""- atArtgrouto.rodycothe nnd mam your prof cost'oi renovations or Who an mason. Free Manon Service lEAKIIG, DAMP I08" BASEMENT? McTAtttSM't5 cwcx - GAR AND Lu m cl autumn. mm“ and M 81km. Net's Rut! Protection 699- mat-mac 9.0M“) " SERVICES experience. Free esti- mate; 886-5388. (45) Clumbdung Ctttar mumm- pro'ouloncl training. Free mm. Ono-you gnu-Mu. 080-7031. 9:006:00. (In Gamma WM '-rhttit-lt- 145-11.. It as: mum mu 'rRMrtttttr ' mu “I. RENOVATIONS (48) (52) tttl

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