"eh-ttlr-hi-ru gallery " AT Snow Patches 1980 Oil on Canvas 18x24 DR, HALL We feature a wide and varied col- lection of works by Canadian Artists Originals, prints and one of the finest collections of Eskimo sculptures and carvings in Ontario. mmvvnunm 12 UNIVERSITY AVENUE EAST WATERLOO, 886-2020 STARTS FRIDAY """“‘"‘ FINAL CONFLICT [iii"i,iiii:, 2 Shows Manly , In 9:15 pan. Win.- Set. & Sun. " 2 mm. Waning: Some not. no Viol-n 's'T'AnTs FRISAV' aim-mi POSTMAN ALWAYS I.---.-. RINGS TWICE 2 Shows Nightty at 7 a. 9:15 p.m. ".tinisci. 1Uie at 2 pm; STARTS FRIDAY 1-1 PRIVATE EYES liii"i'iiid' 2ShowsNitthtN.t7 &me.. Martino. tht. & Son. at , pm. STARTS FRIDAY "'7, TESS CC',','].'?, 2 Shows NWV at 6:30 I 9:30 pm. Min-o Sat. 8- Sun. at 2 9.111. STARTS FRIDAY THE DEVIL 8. MAX DEVLIN 2 Shows Nightly " ' G 9 mm. Main-o Sit.,Sun.,Mon.,Tuos.,Wd. 1 l: 3 Pan. STARTS FRIDAY l "" AMERICAN POP Le"2tLeeer- 2 Shows Nightly at ' a. 9:15 am. Main-o Set. a. Sun. at 2 pm. Matinee Sui. " p.m. HELD OVER 93“"! name BULL ISho-s plainly nt 7 a. 9:20 p.m. STARTS F RiDAY KE LLY 2 Show' Nightly at 7 th 9 mm. Matinee SatSun..Mon.,Tuu.,W-d. 1 & 3p.m. STARTS FRIDAY qe.t?.i.y..'.'q., FUN HOUSE 2 Shows Niqtttty n , a. 9:15 am. M-tinu Sun. 2 pm. STARTS FRIDAY 1""73 "PRIVATE EYES" "VIII“! 2 Show: Nightly at T & tt p.m. Mating Sun. at 2 mm. STARTS FRIDAY !m"" ORDINARY PEOPL 2 Shows.tirqhtry at 7 lb 9:10 pm. Minn Sun. at 2 mm. That'- 3"thth 1M9- ,l'"JEB!!1 One ot Auden} not! beloved writers, an “the. will r: at the University Wa- terioo'g Theatre at the Arts in the penal d Ri- chard Bennel. for a one- gighg "iett'ter, next My. March a. The American actor has wt over to years in the evolution end per- tection of this charac- terization of the 131:: Mark Twain, Mart from the works tt _ Sa- muel L. Clemens. Mark Twain in Person is the final presentation in this season's OneMan Series at the UW Arts The program is billed as a “public lecture of a serio-comic nature wherein passing men- tion will be made of many curious and won- derful things with se- veral uncommonly bad jokes thrown in." When Henzel appears in his wrinkled white suit, and puffs up a cloud of fragrant smoke. pron- ouncing his one and only rule about smoking t'mever smoke more than one cigar at a time") or when he con- fides that he was "born modest-not all over, but in places" and tells you that “man is the only animal that Mark TWain comes alive In addition, Henna! as Twain was a part of the Delta Queen Steamboat scholar's tour up the Mississippi River and appeared in a series or programmes on the life of Twain produced by Encyclopedia Britan- meal Tickets are available from the UW Arts Cen- tre Box Office. Humani- ties Theatre 1W, or ticket vouchers can be urchased at George Kagwell Records, Wa- terIoo Square & Stanley Park Mail, The Centre in the Square in down- town Kitchener. f,'2ffy,,t,i'a protes- siona Iy in o fo, Mark Twain in Person had its Chicafo debut in 1977. Hem came to national attention when he was chosen as Chicago‘s ot- ficial cultural contribu- tion to Queen Eliza- beth's Silver Jubilee. hmu Twain humour that in a by gqtqgtdattttttt manner hit: its target directly a! whip ttttal- bhtsbeg--ee needs to" V". - that WW" the Emmi)! under neat the folksy man- be. ttttare rim. - HeateLWyu the 'ttintsat Richard Hennl portrays the legendary Mark Twain in an upcoming presentation at the UW arts centre. Tho Finest In Wutom Hospitality 405 KING ST. N., WATERLOO PHONE 888-6070 Fully licensed under the LLBO IAYEII.†WLE. “WWI um ‘0, tMt - not " (mags.