The artist's visit is sponsored by the local porcelain artists' guild in an effort to generate a keen interest and awareness of the " member group and the revival of procelain art. The guild is a non-profit organization. . Admission to the Wolfe demonstration is 82.50 per person and will include refreshments and a door prize. Tickets can be obtained through Guild members and at the door. Sloth skeleton 'iiiiiie' . gan . on display s,,..,!, 'l'lf.t, Daniel Wolfe, a " timsailty-accuiimesd por- ealain artist, will share his unique talent with re- MB of Kitchener-Wa- ierlao next week 'A special guest of the Kitchener-Waterloo Trillium Porcehin Ar- tists’ Guild. Wolfe will hold a demonstration of " work on Friday. March 20, from' 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm Some of the artist's work will be on display, Wolfe has his own tur siness and studio in Phi, ladelphia and spends much of his time teach- ing seminars in china painting on the interns tional circuit. He is a member of the Interna- tional Procela'm Artists Teachers Association. The event takes place at Notre Dame Separate School auditorium on Rosemount Ave, in Kitchener. A skeleton of one of the most unusual ani- mals ever to roam the North American con- tinent. is on display cur- rently in the University of Waterioo's biology- earth sciences museum until May 1. It is the ske- leton of an -erernoth- erium," or giant ground 185 King St. South, Waterioo EVEMDIE WELCOME Pill! DRAWING ADULT RECREATION CENTRE Friday, March 27th, 8 pm. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE " "Glad: and Judging Standards" Waterloo Horticultural REV. J.W. SlEBERT.STRATFORD, ONT. OPEN MEETING by doth . a but, ghowqgtov. in. 10-500! lab animal that lived " may as perhaps 12,000 years The skeleton. part of which is made up of ac- tual sloth fossil bones and part of which is castings, is onJoan from the Royal Ontario Mu- seum The display in- cludes explanatory ma- terial, photographs of the site (in Florida» where the bones were excavated. and other fossils and charts The museum is locat- ed in room 370. third floor, biology complex. The biology complex is located in the centre of the campus. midway be- both campus entrances. The museum is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 pm tween University Ave., and Columbia St. Direc- tions as to how to get to the building and where to park are available at help Uganda Prof Collects books to A once proud univer- sity - one of the best on the continent, some say - Makerere experienced tremendous difficulties under the regime of Idi Amin. It was virtually wiped out as an effective institution of higher learning. This Monday marks the beginning of "Ma- kerere Book Week TT on the University of Wa- terloo campus and on other campuses across Canada. Members of the uni- versity community _ or anyone else - are invited to contribute books which will eventually find their way to Ma- kerere University, in Now that Uganda is struggling to recover. the International Deve- ' the capital of laymen! Office of the Association dwn‘woni- the: and Cancun in Cage ada is try-g to come to the aid of Maherere. People on all Custodian campuses are being asked to participate in a book collection week. Old textbooks are qrel- come as are books sent to foculty members tor review purposes, collec- tions of journals. and so forth. Prof James Gardner, department of geo- graphy, is organizing the strong leadership. Ontario needs a strung leader. Waterloo needs a strong member on the government teaiiThink about it.0n March19 vote for DAVIS IIIPCV [ABBHT FOR ONTARIO If we can help you,or you would Iiketo helpus,call 886.8820 Marsland Centre, Waterbo in past years a number of UW faculty members have had con- nections with Mam-ere. Currently, Prof. Gardner has a graduate student teaching there. “one who have books to and are asked to have them at " office - room lit, environmental studies banding. Prom more they will go to the overseas Book Centre. in Toronto, and thence to Makerere. cotuetioat on the " It! “if! "Iii?“ autumn“ 'LAlA mm 1lt4rt0MCLe,g-ttAV.MAgtCt4 M, tMt - PAGE tt FOR WATERLOO NORTH "tn OFF PERMS NOW 300- 3000 24.00 Rog. 36.OO 29.00 In. 4000 34.00 "HAIGJT" WASH . STYLE ONLY 6 wmc T OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 31/81 WITH THIS