_: Page 6 â€" Waterioo . Wednesday, October 15, 1980 But could we actually expect one of them to try and explain what the rationale is behind refusing to put the issue to a vote? Not likely, because the only rationale is a vainly pigâ€"headed one that asâ€" serts citizens don‘t know what‘s good for them and can‘t be trusted to vote intelligently on such Shah eloquently argued in a previous letter to council that ‘‘in view of the fact that the scienâ€" tific evidence (both in favor of fluoridation as well as against it) is far from conclusive .... (and) since the matter cannot be decided on the scientific issues alone, ethical and moral aspects would have to be taken into account and in my opinion, it would be wrong for the Council to deâ€" prive the citizens of Waterloo of an opportunity to decide this for themselves." rï¬ixt,"m any event, back to the first point â€" not one alderman could master so much as a smidâ€" gen of response to professor Shah’s.presentation. It was interesting to note the studied silence on the part of councillors at last night‘s city hall meeting when asked by the chairman if they had any questions or comments on one delegation‘s presentation. f _ They simply agreed to note and file the gentleâ€" man‘s letter. c The delegation, UW math professor K.R. Shah, argued that council should put the question of whether or not to fluoridate city water to a â€"civic vote, even if an ongoing petition doesn‘t produce the required number of signatures before deadâ€" line. * We might go further and suggest that if a maâ€" jority voted in favor of continuing fluoridation, that could deprive the minority their right to deâ€" cide for themselves. ®} * iTz published every Wednesday by Fairway Press. a division of Kitchenerâ€"Waterioo Record Ltd.. owner e 5 Fairway Rd. S.. Kitchener. Ont. s address correspondence to Waterioo office: wwene 92 King St. South, Waterloo, Ont.. telephone 886â€"2830 Waterloo Chronicle office is located on2nd tigor of the O.W. Sports building opposite Waterloo Square. Parking on King Street or in Waterioo Square. Open Monday to Fnday 9:00 a m. to :00 p.m ‘Publisher: Paul Winkler e 25 Why no vote? . Parliament is now engaged in one of the most imâ€" portant debates in its history. Iâ€"would like to take this opportunity to explain the role of the Official Opposiâ€" tion in this debate and to recommend for your scruâ€" tiny. sections of the proposed resolution which trouble me and many Canadians who have studied them. Parliament is now considering a proposal by the government to bring home the British North America Act from the British Parliament and to establish our own Constitution. I think most Canadians join in the desire to repatriate the B.N.A. Act and seek overdue modernization of a Canadian Constitution. This is. and has long been. the position of the Progressive Conserâ€" vative Party. Government and Official Opposition are agreed on the ‘‘Canadianizing** of our Constitution. The governâ€" ment‘s proposal. however. goes much further than simple repatriation. It provides a new amending forâ€" mula that calls as its final source of appeal. for a naâ€" tional referendum. This twoâ€"way street allows the federal government to go over the heads of the provincial legislatures., and manipulate public opinion with a multiâ€"million dollar advertising campaign dirécted at the Canadian people twho are paying all bills ): In effect, by holding. any number of referenda. an amendment can be entrenched in the new Constituâ€" tion. Then. at the whim of the federal %overnment. this amendment can be removed at a future date using the same process. # 3 â€"ï¬svï¬Ã©aï¬iï¬â€˜ï¬@ts the spectre of a centrally controlled unitary state: a tragic reversal of the hopes of the, Fathers of Confederation. WALTER subscriptions: $14 a year in Canada $16 a year in United States and Foreign Countries established 1854 The government proposal also imposes a charter of Rights on the provinces. The idea, while theoretically to be cherished. changes the balance of federalâ€" provincial powers in the formerly provincial jurisdicâ€" tions of education. property and civil rights. The government‘s proposals on equalization and amendment would create, and enshrine for the first time. secondâ€"class provinces in Western and Atlantic Canada. Mr. Trudeauâ€"in one great swoop denies the very essence of federalism. which should seek consenâ€" sus for change through negotiations. > In fact. as it stands, there is not even aprovision for changing this proposal. It has been presented to Parâ€" liament "to lump it". or "to like it . The Prime Minister is apparently set on a course that will suffer no advice or opposition from any quarter. The provinces, like Parliament. will be preâ€" sented with a ‘fait accompli‘. The Canadian people are already being exposed to an advertising campaign costing an estimated $30 million even as the debate goes on in the House. _ They may be consulted in (and pick up the tab for) a referendum. But this will happen only after they have been properly ~prepared ‘. Mr. Trudeau has sent his Foreign Minister to Briâ€" tain. There the British Parliament has been instructâ€" ed not to tamper with Canadian affairs, but also to change the Constitution before we get it in Canada! To qxake changes but ask no questions......! ~During the most recent first Ministers® conference in September. a cabinet document was ‘leaked" to the national media. It presented a startling strategy that depended on failure at the federalâ€"provincial level. i WELL THEN KE STAETED TOJOG-, -. * WHICH WAS OK, I SUPPOSE ... BUT THEN HE LEFT HIC WIFE L BECAUSE SHE COULDN‘T _ OuIT DREINKING COFFEFP! * AND HE‘D SPENT ALLKIS f MONEY ON ‘SELFâ€"HELP BookEs ‘- AND VITAMINS ... "WORCT CASE * _ _ _ OFPARANOILA TVE EVER SEEN] â€"â€"_ _ THE DOCSAID... WE BURIED AISUN 80 HIM YESTERDAY. THE LAST TIME T SAW HIM HE‘D STOPPED EATING BFFF HAPD MOVED TO THE COUNTRY TO GFT AWAY FROM THF SMOKF ANPD WAZ TEACHING A MOOSFE HOW TO PLAY SQUASH . A FRIEND OF MINE USED . TO ENTOY A FEW WITH THE BOYE, YOU ENOW THEN HE READ SOMEF ARTICLE... AND QUIT SMOKING AND DRINKING COLD: â€" _ and projected unilateral action by the Trudeau cabinâ€" et. In it, as well. the all important advertising strategy was outlined. It calls for the federal government to be pictured as the champion of change. and amy opposiâ€" tion, (especially the premiers). as obstructionists and *Imayâ€"sayers‘ .. > o s 1010 . 00 5 I urge you to study Sections 42 and 46 of the propoâ€" sal. I will happily supply anyone who contacts me with the full text of the proposed legislation which is now before Parliament for debate â€" and about which there are differences of opinion. not only between parties. but within the ranks of Liberal, Progressive Conserâ€" vative and N.D.P. parties. I believe. simply, that Mr. Trudeau is trying to reâ€" write Canada in his own image and not in one that truly reflects the image of the country held by most Canadians. Let us bring the Constitution to Canada â€" and then reâ€"write it. A The more the Government proposals are studied and thought through, the more Mr. Trudeau justly comes under fire. ‘‘The Government of Canada has the power to go against the wishes of all the legislatures and all proâ€" vincial parties of this country and to appeal directly in a referendum where it controls the timing. the money, the funding proposals and the wording of the question ... that is not right: that is not proper."‘ and discord‘! As the October 9th Globe and Mail editorial reiâ€" terated in quoting a fellow parliamentarian,. N.D.P. Whip and Constitutional Spokesperson. Lorne Nysâ€" trom: > â€"It is ironic that the Constitution. which should be a symbol of unity. has become identified with division