Pop“ For non-English spoakind men and 'women. this program offers a good opportunity to develop basic English skills. The program has been most successful in assisting many new Canadians. Know someone it could help? CONN OISSEUR CONCERTS Sept. 21: PETER VINOGRADE (New York) winnor at International Bach Piano Competition 1971’. Program in- cludaa Bach, Baothmn. ' Single “out: 37/84. Jan. 12: ROBERT SILVEIMAN (Vancouver) one at Canada‘s fittqBt con- cert pianists. rated one of the two down but yourer pianists in the world. Single tick-ta: 31551055 _ Program Bartok and Brahma, March 27: TOM PLAUNT or McGiOI Un- rvaraaty. veteran of UK. Europe and Can- ada. Program: lvaa’ "â€Conoord Sonata. Mozart's C. Minor Fantasia and Sonata. 37/84. Aprii 23: KENNETH HULL Ono of new: moat popular young artiata. Copland. Chopin. Brahms. Schubert. 87/54. Subscriptions: Donor $40. ($15 tax- rocaipt given): Re ular $25. Stu- dent/Senior (Iimrtad) K'l. 80m. 26: ROLF LOORER Swiss cellist. with RALPH ELSAEESER. piano 87/84. Oct 22: VICTOR DANCHENKO can Russian/Canadian violiniu. with ADRIENNE SHANNON, piano SIS/S1065. Jan. 4 - MOSHE HAMMER. Violin with KATHRYN ROOT. iono.§15/810/$5. Fob. 7: LYNN lugER. term. our of Canadian Open. with ROI " FREED- MAN. baritone. CVNYHIA CLARK. 4-Concort (sum this we.†PIANO SERIES tat'""""" We!" ttarte" Liqdmttuctt. an. 1: HOUSE" KRAFT. Mal Canadian am â€that. (alao with a WORKSHOP for gum! am - - ahop and contact! 320. " Stud/I001 WSW/81085. - __ --_ - These moons take place in our Music Room at 57 Young St West In Wetsrioo. I pnvlte random. Room tor just 60 - an unusual. true dumber music envrronment in which you can hear IT ALL informal atmosphere. with wir-td-ch- receptions for the artists right eher the performance. e good grand piano. and top~mght artists of na- toonel and international as we" as hell reputation. Reed on! auikiGu- W.†- Mis. sun/s». no. (10:1). iriltriLuitiirni9irrior Q99. If t @101- SOLOIST SERIES "tstnrtootsoneuir-r,tiretet_t.c1.%tr ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE L’ingloso per um Lingua Secondarla L’Anglals Comme Douxidmo Langue Englipeh als Zwolte Spracho Inglos Como Segunda Longua ANNOUNCES ITS 1980-81 SEASON OF 1hArhtegotttiottoahare. To m pine-I for court: in near fawn. MAIL ORDER TO KWCMS " Young Bt Wm. WM N2L 224 Brqtehqeq mom with mom mm. do“ on m. on -- ----- This young ensemble hem K-W he: been delighting Iocel eudiencee since its tint concert in April. We want them in e eerie. d their own: December 13. March " end Mey IS. Programs and guest er- list to be em. Singles ' ma. Minion: Dona $25. (813 text main). Resale! $12. Stud/Sendai " Mejot cleee‘ncs try Beethoven, Moan. Bren“. Schubert. etc. win be my“. Haydn. Simtalwvitch. Brahms. 810/351 Feb. 13: TAKAcs-NAGY STRING QUARTET "our Hungary. one of the world's bading‘ young quarteta. resident in San" Centre during winter 1980. 815/810/85. Mar. 20: THE IONODIN PIANO TRIO One of the worid'a major piano tries. the Borodin Trio left Rania reoanfly and is now based in New York Acclaimed in Europe. UA.. America. 815/810/86. Subscriptions: Donor Mo. ($20. wire. caigt given). Regular 840. Stud/Sen. " . (very few), S-Concert CHAMBER ENSEMBLE SERIES Oct. 14: THE HERTZ TRIO One of Canada's Ftrtqtst and moat popular chamber ensembles. (Different program from our International Series. Concert by the Mom on Oct. 15). 310/35. Nov. tr. TRILLIUM TRtO Richard Douay. oboe. Adrianne Shan- non. piano: Either Ganner. (T.S.0.) cello. 37/85. Doc. S: NEW PUICELL STRING QUARTET - One ohm finest quartet: in Canada. international repytan‘onv AUSTIN STRING QUARTET SERIES SINGLE TICKETS To ALL CONCERTS Available New TELEPHONE 808-1673 w to In C8trqgtiM. The Mutual Lite Assuran- ce Company of Canada hat announced plans for con- struction of a new computer centre' in Waterloo. This project will begin within the next two weeks. and com- pletion is scheduled for the early sununer of 1m. The two-level building' will be located on Caroline St., adjacent to the company's head office. It willhe entire- ly below-grade and will be connected by a tumel to the existing building. There will be about 23,500 square feet of floor space on each level, with the upper level ixmtain- ing a new computer room and the lower level contain- ing space for records storage and future com- AT MUTUAL LIFE Expansion announced for computer complex VITAMIN E VI'I'AMIN E VITAMIN E fResto Health Foods 000MB PLACE . 11M COURTLAND AVENUE E., KITCHENER, ONTARIO 7424901 S 1.00 Return! from Wobber th'atttrPtxtet'et.tttro-N- bonanza days SEPTEMBER 2 - so. "so Vitamin 100% d-alpha tocopheryl "Better amino» mm W MOM!†1mm mac†ttg Ita-, IDIU pater room 'Teittet. The cost of the project will be about 82.7 million. The consulting engineers are Walter, F'edy, McCar- gar. Radium of Kitchener. who will also act as con- struction manager for the project. - The new facility is need- ed, company spokesman say. to provide additional space for computers within the next year. " further ex- pansion of the existing cont- puter room is not considered feasible. Increasing use is being made of sophisticated data processing equipment to administer the company‘s rapidly growing individual and group life insurance. health insurance, annuity and pension business. and to CELEBRATES A0t.-iNBOrttartttLimrtq6 26.95 14.95 NATURAL 12.59 21.95 provide service to policy- holders. The new computer centre ‘will accommodate com- puter equipment required for at least ten years and will ensure a high level of security for this facility housing the computers of Mutual Life and its sub- sidiary, Min-Cans Data Ser- vices Limited ln addition. the project will release about IT,000 square feet in the existing build'mg for use as office space. WLU home- coming Wilfrid Laurier Univer- sity will be holding its an- nual homecoming on Oct- ober 4. All WLU alumni are invit- edtoattendandtakepartin all the festivities including: the homecoming parade which gets underway at to am. from the Athletic Com- plex parking lot; the annual meeting which takes place in the Paul Martin Centre at noon: the WLU versus the University of Western 0n- tario football game at Sea- gram Stadium beginning at 2 p.m. (with a post game party in the Seagram gym- nasiuml: and the Home- coming Dance in the Student Ballroom at 9 p.m. For more information call Ann, Tenbult at the WLU In- formation Centre. 6.95 God wouldn't have given us feet if he didn't mean for us to use them. Walls. I 0.99 , 9.†H Inâ€. sri