Classifigd -BEST RATES -PRE-PAYMENT PRIVILEGES -REFINANCING -HOME IMPROVEMENTS -PROMPT SERVICE 2 MORTGAGE FUNDING OLD FASHIONED three be- droom house in Heidel- berg. 2/3 acre, fruittreeii, double garage and barn. Four piece washroom and two-piece washroom with laundry. $49,900. ,Phone 699-4442 after 6:00 p.m. 4 PROPERTY FdR SALE FIVE ROOM Bungalow with carport, finished re- creation room with fire- place, near Breithaubt Centre. Open House: Sa- turday. February 2nd, LET US Get a buyer for you. It would be my pleasure to list your property. my ex- perience is now 20-years in real estate. Call Harold Wettlaufer 885-0917. re- presenting Budaker Real Estate. or» Income ‘M ortgage Services 745-4795 5 PROPERTY WANTED MODERN BAKERY And 8 coffee shop in Manitoba. Sales in $160,000. range. Contact: Plains Bakery. Box 204. Gilbert Plains, Manitoba. Phone 1- (204) M8-2782. " & WI! W \Vlllllc Retina D. been: 7 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . Toll Free Number I-tno-i-tmtl 10A ROOMS _ “Let's Take Your Measurements" SUNDAY SCHOOL 9: 15 TRUST co. PRIVATE FUNDS 1st and 2nd Mortgages COMFORTABLE. FUR- NISHED Room for non- smoker, livingroom and kitchen facilities. Central location. Phone M0. INSURANCE CO. WORSHIP -,t0:80 mm FURNISHED LIGHT Hou- sekeeping mom for rent. 252 Winfield Avenue. Wa- terloo. Home m. Caner at Gla- Forrest FOR RENT (5) (5) (5) (5) + Luxury one and two bedroom suites _ adult building country like setting close to Norway 401 controlled entry elevator service almond colored appliances -butcher block comter top -wall-to-wall carpeting large ill-suite storage "private balcony -ail utilities included 9 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 13 ARTICLES FOR SALE Ford! View Manor SEWING MACHINE: 15- gallon aquarium: bicycle: maternity clothes size 14- 16; guitar: baby swinger and Jolly Jumper: baby's clothes; humidifier and dehumidifier. 884-5394. Open 7 days a week Monday to Friday 12 noon to eight pm. Saturday and Sunday one p.m. to five p.m. DIRECTIONS from Ottawa Strum South take Homer Watson Boulevard m Pioneer Park, turn right onto Old Car- nage Drive. 893-9731 PROFESSIONAL HAIR- DRYER And chair com- bination. Range hood. As- sortment of, shelving, pic- tures. skis. numerous dther items. 252 Winfield Avenue. 385-64132. CHESTERFIELD - Beige/brown velour: La- Z-Boy chair: swivel ehairsi, older refrigerator, all in good condition. 386- 1732. ANTIQUE OAK Desk. 75- 100 years old. 884-6220 be- tween 8:30 a.m. - 5:45 p.m., Friday till 9:00 p.m. (5) TERGAL SHEER Drapes. brand new, triple fullness: three sets of two panels each. Salmony brown 74 by M-inches $80.00: 66 by (Winches and 66 by M-inches $60.00 each. 886- 9006 after 6:00 pm. Pioneer Park area JEEP PARTS. Accessories new, used. All Jeeps.1arw prices. gigantic stock. Send $1.00 for catalogue. Gemini Sales, 4736 East Hastings, Burnaliy. B.C. U5C 2K7. Phone 1-(604) FOR RAWLEIGH PRO- DUCTSCIII 742-2438. (th MOF'FAT 30-inch gas stove. coppertoete, in good condi- NOW RENTING COME and ME tidd. PhoneMI. MODEL SUITE (5) (5) tii) (5) (5) (5) " ARTICLES FOR SALE TWO SNOW Tires, F Ttt-i4, belted whey-us. ex- cellent condition, $20.00 each. Extra rim 38.00. Phone M. (St WHY SWE.LTER Through another hot summer when you can rent a pool? Swimming yool mantdact- wer will lease and instal new 1“) family size pool, complete with walkway, unlock and fencing, on a rental basis with option to buy. Your chained style! Try before you buy! Call Imperial Pools, (toll free), imam-5m. (if) BUYERS Guide to Factory Outlets Famous brands Dacks. Arrow, Bauer. Fit- FIREWOOD - Seasoned hard maple and beech. $40.00 per f/e and 835.90 GGic. Over 140 Ontario lo- cations to Save. Send $4.00 to BOOKLET F2 Box Q73. OLD WASHSTAND; three dressers; oak coffee table: old sealers; china doll (tiny). Large floor to ceiling archway. Comple- te set of french doors. also three wooden doors. all gumwood. Phone 884-3968. " 15t Eaaridge, om. N3C 2vs ECONOMY RUST Protec- tion - still oil spraying. Phone 886-5850. MOFFATT 30-inch electric stove: Westinghouse re- frigerator: éix chrome kitchen chairs: good con- dition. 885-0155. USED HOTEL Furniture and factory seconds. rugs. beds. light fixtures. dressers. mirrors, tables. chairs. etc. Executive Liquidators. 665 Colby Drive, Waterloo toff Northfield. one block from Conestoga Mall). 886-5801. Unique old stuff, crafts. clothing, junk. 12 KING ST. NORTH Waterloo (upstairs) beside Waterloo Theatre. W1 We buy. trade & sell small Top Quality Car Paint $10 a gallon. Acrylic Laquer and enamel, many co- lours. 578-0992. interesting things Custom Made WIN“ Medan a human: p/u. Call ass-om a We! Strait Waterloo (Two blocks east of King, Just off Erb) GOOD EARTH SHOP 2nd TIME AROUND Tttetc-Fri. 10-6 Sat. ":80 886-2830 'feta". ttf) tii) (5) tttl (tf) " mucus FOR SALE SW POOLS At bar- gain prices! Factory over- stock sale of new 1979 pools. These come com- plete with walkoround detk,' patio, fencing, pump, motor and filter. Regular price $2,400., now reduced to clear at our early bird special price of £1.48. Delivery arranged to your convenience. For best selection while they last. Call Imperial Pools, (toll treef Imus-5m. MEN 1: YOUNG Men: Turn those suits, coats, etc. into cash. ‘Must be in im- maculate condition. Sell- ing on consignment. Gent's Boutique, 548 Woolwich Street, Guelph. 14322-0083. Tueaday-satur- day W.0tF5:00. (9) CERAMICS FIRED - 40% of greenware price, fast ser- vice. Phone 578-0314 even- ings or weekends. (5) ATTENTION: CERAMIC buffs and studio owners! Two-day glass sagging se- minar will be held Fe- bruary Md and 3rd, IMO. Five finished pieces and seven different tech- niques. For more infor- mation call 884-9314. BEAT INFLATION - Outfit your children at Replays, good quality clothing at less than half the original price. New and nearly new clothing for infants to preteens. Replays Con- signment Shop, 88 Ahrens West (at Victoria). Kitchener. 742-6031. Tues- day-Friday 1:304i:00. Sa- turday 10130-3230. Wterhurp TIRED OF storing those ex- pensive treasures? The Creative Touch is now ready for placement of 'consignment of iterns: " ARTICLES WANTED ANTIQUES -, ANY Amount. any pru-e. anything from downright junk to upright planes Phone 669-2345. ttit PRE: 1030 CLOTHES .. silks, dresses. "tins, nightwear, hats, 1:01- mmes, stockings. boots, vents, jewellery. purses. etc. “I. KNOWLEDGEABLE, Re- putable Owner of small antique shop wishes to buy household items: rugs, silver. furniture, etc. 885- pottery, art works. cl or silver tea sets. etc. us tell them for you. Frederick Street, Kitchener. 510-610. ol wander: For Art & Antiques 65 REGINA NORTH lat Young) Waterloo 885-4391 Winter Hours: 1145 Wednesday - Saturdav (t!) (ti) (ti) (5) (tf) ttft Let 257 HOUSEHOtDEIS an! COMMERCIAL an: WGIMCtN “mu-vacuum WWW“ mwmn Marlon Gimmick; Gsi,ar. 'iipicrv, sitan . Pm 2t USED WATERLOO Chroni- cle newspaper carrier bags. Will pay $1.00 for clean (not than news- bags: so: for older bags in good condition? Bring to: _ Waterloo Chronicle. " King Street.South. Wa- -terloo. it“ " PETS ll SUPPLIES GROOMING FOR dogs. Shampooing optional. Home Service availabl " ARTOCLES WANTED " CARS FOR SALE EXCEPTIONAL 1977 Chevrolet Impala two door. This sporty model was the 1877 Trend Car of the Year and is finished in two.- tone tan and buckskin. The matching tan interior is ac- cented by simulated wood- grain and has easy-to-clean vinyl covered doors. This down-sized Chevy has the economical 305 engine, power steering and brakes, radio, clock, rear defrost. tinted windshield, matching floor mats and side body moulding, twin Sport mir- Trp: deluxe wheel discs. Good radials include snows and extra rim, trunk light. Housman undercoated when new. The 56,000 miles repre- sent trips to Florida, Con- necticut. Calgary and sum- mer trips to the Bruce Pen: insula. The car has been well maintained and is in ex- ceptional condition. 84500. Phone 885-6752 after six p.m. or anytime Saturday. WILL SNOWBLOW Your, driveway and sidewalk. Phone 884-3064. " SERVICES GOING ON Vacation? Who's looking after your. home? Let H.R.S. En- " terprises take the worry out of leaving your home. Bonded and reliable. Re- ferences upon request. Call 576-8111 weekdays or 742-1283 evenings. 8500.00 GOVERNMENT Grant available for homes built before 1961. Ms: J Insulation 884AA06. MAN WITH Van will do any- thing from rubbish temo- val to making deliveries. Phone Tim 715-4569. + WATERPROOFING - EPOXY Welding is the answer for your concrete cracks. no digging. can be done in cold weather. Hudel Construction 893- 7330 t6) FIREPLACES UNLIMIT- ED - Fireplace and stove installation specialists also chimneys and recrea- tion rooms. Free estima- tea. 576-7140; after 5:30 PET GROOMING 50 laurel St., Waterloo - A. Expert Dog Grooming All Breeds PROFESSIONAL COX NUMBERS 81.00 Extra (ti) (5) (if) (tf) (5) ttft CUSTOM DRAWING. Re sleuth! drafting service. 011579-0525. 46> CARS PAINTED and sand- éd. Phone 884AM06 after 6:00 gm. PROFESSIONAL HOME Improvements. Referen- ces. Wailpapering and painting: bathroom reno- vations: sealing of cracked basement walls. . side or out; recreation §IIS£ installation of. in- te' locking pave stones. 743m. , ' SERVICES RUBBISH REMOVAL - Wall washing, light mov- ing, gardening, cleaning, other odd Jobs. Jeff Hard- Take advantage of our spe- cial winter rates, fast ef- ficient service, same day free estimates. FURNITURE REFINISH- ED, Free estimates, pick up and delivery extra. PWL Restorations and Repairs. Call 742-5041. + BRANT TREE Service - Re- _ move those dangerous trees and limbs: ten years experience". Free estima- tes. 578-7625. (th FURNITURE REFlNlSH- ING And Repairs, free es- timates. excellent rates, pick-up and delivery. Call Reichert's Refinishing 742-7690 or 885-29144 JEAN'S UPHOLSTERY - We'specialize in chairs and chesterfields. Free estimates. pick-up and de- livery. Phone 699-4473. Now is the time to give ex- terior brick a facelifting, the improved appearance increaSes the value of your property. Winter rates. Free estimates. - _ PAINTING & DECORATING ing soc-2331. -1 YEAR ROUND Tree Service - Maintenance and removal. Insured. M. H. Kesselring & Son, Kitchener. Phone 576- of dead and disabled came and horses Phone 1-416-692-4421 of Kitchener 579-3820 Licence No. 671-C-79 SANDBIASTING PACONI DEADSTOCK FREE REMOVAL REiT2EL BROS. BEITZEI. M08. Lie wcx-m no (6) ttft (t!) + (tf) (I)