, “mm 1lxtht-'i-/i),--',i,s,i'ei'-l;',;ic,':'il II - s.-_e.-..2C'-- 1lr,f,l1'l to {he undersigned, will be received until January 28th, 1980 to fill a vacancy on the Waterloo North Hydro Commission. " Appjiailmi, in mung; yidress.ed City of Waterloo WATERLOO NORTH HYDRO COMMISSION u if... St. H. mm mattt, . mm W, WWW grttseri, " m R.C. Keeling City Clerk City Hall Waterloo, ()th Alto you think you know Waterrioo?_ _ Waterloo is as interesting city. You probably Miss-that. batdid-h-tttat0"ereqrttot tke8tM0pettrl-e*triglnWaterbrttymert"m Ionic? Mare -txtrmtatrA,H0V forth; itttttepohtieoeettrr.ottttei6MFrettNertetgt, thepetuoetoriebareiarttrtitime-ktiartsand, 'emi-tangie-ttttttHisto-Att-t hoover 1,000ttmiat-iettervuqmtttadtagttets. The ttig-tttexam-ttttrt-inthe-trt')- tricts. 'lltm*ormattismirtrstattteoeittitmtrNtmtrt- eases reporting any seasonal variation in disloy- ultitsmdentsarehiredhymmsineases. During 1M0there-$6otttdattsttiredirstheprivatetree- tor. _ ' , ' , This data was compiled by the Waterbo (lumber of Commercein 1mtryadoortovdttor-oéa1ittte private hairless†in Waterloo. here were me ha- sinesaes which participated in the survey. They are broken then into m retail stores or services, In manufacturing andm wholesalers or general/special trade contractors. Fifty-four businesses are engaged in the export trade. Waterloo aijoyed great economic growth in the Be- vedties. his accelerated as the decade progressed. An increase in retail stores and personal services ac- counted for most of this growth. The Conestoga Mall and Waterloo Square extension are vivid illustrhtions of this. Generally, businesses being opened for the first time in Waterloo accbuited for the majority of Businesses in Waterloo occupy over 7,000,000 square feet of t1opr space; Out of 1,trtt businesses interviewed 288 own their on building. 704 lease their premises while 80 operate from a home. Ninetyatine firms own-’ ing their own premises have space for expansion. Eighty-six firms reported plans for expansion in the next tlee years. Of the 80 businesses in private homes, 47 are gener- al or special trade contractors and " are special ser- vices. These in-home firms are fairly evenly distribut- ed among the residential areas except for Willowdale mum-um mmmmmacomm Waterloo Chamber of Commerce, 5 Bridgeport Rd. OUR PROGRAM IS SUPERVISEO RY PROFESSIONALS WE ARE DEDICATED TO HELPING YOU I.OSE 20.40. 60 POUNDS OR MORE . . . IN A FEW WEEKS . . . AND NOT GAIN IT BACK "t 1mm. Ont. '_ttoCimtmetn,taettmtor-tuoat+ No 'textmt- - but mum a an. to , pm. My to FM†- M/V'lu . Noon Tacoma 30 Duke St. w., Suite 603 Coip,fiet. 74W sttiisuaaaareirerrtsesetntatrttt-sberoettmn Yui't-eestutstarittsudN-ttrreers em. Mac to do an with Waterloo dictated, _ WWII)“.- aatlalacthn with “Waterloo. 0 . . - l . g The-turea-tart-tttttteh-ttei-tttpre- dicta“: to What But do not despair. if you bttqtttyotrreAitdrmsuteshtraulstmastate.them, tottieRirthhtTttePar0rrat-t.'Nistteitityioi- mated halide Saul-am Stadium It ia'fairly unique, tsei-tedt-tMe-hott-utils 0mm. The other is located in Scarborough. The-Ri-ttNiall, opeetedin Deeemiter,19N. It was partially funded by a Winurio grant with a community effort spearheaded by the KW Skating Ctatrtomisettteeetrt.Cdrttritmti-erernadettrthe City of Nata-loo, the Waterloo RotaryAmttt and my indt_ttMprirateindiyidtm9. The Rink “hope: from ' am. until 11 pinata for skating only and the shame of boards is probably tttet1rsttttingtohit-oaeautirtgttteeehtrthe first time. “new is alao‘a madam ,carpeted-conk muttymomtorthoaewhopnfertoapectaterather than participate. The KW Skating Club use: the faci- lity to give iptatmetimt in everything from recrea- tional skating and dance sesame to competitive skat- ing. If you tll, interested in instnfetioet, contact the KW Skate o ce at 884-5790 from 5-10 p. m. Mondays dr 1-5 pan. Wednesdays and Fridays. M). The facility is run by the Community Services De- partment ot the City of Waterloo. There is free noon skating daily ind free skating for parents and pres- choolers Monday. Wehaday ‘and Friday. There is adult skating Saturday tight from a pan. to 10 pm. and family skating on Sunday from 3:30 p,m. to 5:30 pan. The charge is 81.50 for families, 8.75 for adults, $.50 for a' youth and 8.25 for children. _ The city rents the rink along with the community room on Friday nights. Unfortunately it is booked for the entire season. According to Ken Pflug of Com- ',,'g,h, Services. attendance is up appreciably this year e to the mild weather. ' I - it""""'"'"'""") staff. They’ll hel you lose those unwanted pounds. . . thrust trmatttrotweeka . .. , a and keep them off! " t No Liquid ProteimNo Fauna Call now for your tree consul tion. 'utllitl WEIGHT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE" They not only ide on to your goal 'lh$)'r, they provl e you with all the skills to maintain your weight - right where you wan it. We have thousands of satisfied clients. You can become one too. Discuss your weight problem with - our protestMyal Unless you learn how to [reef off the gonads you/ve ost. Tha 's why Professional Weight Control Clinic is sue a \ success!