mmmmmml agtttt.aTtlBtutt"tttM" tevo-ra-tlite-" bacon-Inch!“- vouched!!!» . mum! government. Once agam Frank Epp wrll be seekrng the Lrberal nomrnatron for Waterloo errng We wrll do our best to make thrs happen Here are some of the reasons, 1 In these crrtrcal tunes - energy shortages and the Quebec referendum - we can't afford a government that llrp-flops on almost every rssue 2 Petrocan must be greatly strengthened, not weakened. as the natronal publrc orl company 3 Orl prroes and energy polrcoes should not be drctated by forergn cartels and by the "tuttt-rtattottats 4 The economrc problems of our tune requrre a mrxture of both pnvate and publrc rnrtratrves, not prrvate only 5 As we approach the Quebec referendum, we must have a government that speaks for all of Canada 6 Housrng tax credrts. to the extent that we can afford them, should be not only for the prrvrbged mrnorrty 7 In mternatronal attarrs there rs too much dependence on arms to keep the peace of the world 8 Governments must protect mrnorrtres 9 Governments must use more wrsely the avarlable resources for the On February " we go to the polls benefst of all the people IO Frank Epp us one of the best candndales for polmcal office thus reglon has seen He ls wett-auaMted by hm wnde experience and trammg Hus hard work, compasslon for others. and sense of daemon wtll serve Waterloo Rldung and Canada well The Frank EPP team vs a dedicated and gvowmg team Jom us m helpmg hum to wm the nommatnon Call (The Nomination will take place Friday, January , 1, 1980, 8:00 pm. at the Waterloo Motor Inn. Eligiblo voters must have their membership in the Waterloo Federal Liberal Association coMirmed " hours ehesd of that time.) 3mm:- " I"! “III Err IIIIII‘IIOI all"!!! It in, 'tttalma. _'rCELlijj:j, _"iii'lCl, "rid â€mains-.00 hopefuliy to elect a mapomy vaoral WITHIN†"illll$l JAN ll, 1980 LIBERAL CANDIDATE Mun-aw The Driveway of " te+o'shseetrotaris to place me â€his on mm "tteat" h attttsd-tmerrtsbrMger- in: new town pm"!!! Dr. In War. " soeiatedeaoarts$itrqte eiatrrsgr-rstherr? paedmambinyanm faculty's "spouse to at dartiaterestio-erative "The attitude among you; â€glue Aat, been at students an interested in career-related Mon. It seems appropriate for Waterloo to initiate a new program from which both new and the emmmrnity will mm. a 'eqWam that We: the best lama of an arts education with ex- perience outside the also takes place" Dr. Led- U 1lllf to stress careers in new honors program Ahertistmreotthepexr" d-tioat.thteoftttemairttn- -istutitstt"eatttre natives to employers to cooperative system, pion- oaermt6termytttsqrtrttre eereatmcanad.tryttte'erfs- to recruit My latter vanity. factory permanent CMF The system 'mrvhdes tot 'r*rreesaftergmdmtiort,tte students to alternate be. said. twee- clm ad jobs _ Applied etude- students ererygtmrmoattts.Mtiuo" willberequiredtotake at the job they learn to apply lest etgNt applied Men the educatton received in m. They include: Eug- As proposed by the “city of arts, the applied arts pro- gram would see first year students regutertrtg h "arts coop". They mid rennin on amps [or a full emit- month school year before taking " their first Co-or job postings. They could stay in the "applied Mes eo-operative" program with would see them after- natiu every four months. The students will have ex- perienced sis off-campus wort leans (24 mun) by the time they have couplet- ed their degree [warns Dr. Ledhetter said. It will take lane! to fittigtt but it is felt these people will be particularly attrac- tive to employers after gra- W """ M" cums ART, Chin' A A W: c To The Separate School Supporters Principals. Teachers. Custodians and Children, 5.}. Tea W35», ma Mfg“... Pam. an... cm ms All on can: " ttrr man In: Pursuant to serum 46 of The Assessment Art, I hereby extend to the 22nd day oT January. 1900. the day upon which the assessment roll for the year 1979 IS required to be returned pursuant to the momentum of the sand Act, m all mumripahttes In the Regional Mummpallty of Waterloo And nature " hereby given that the final date for lodging a complaint with the Assessment Review Court In respect of any assessment contained an the assessment rolls that are required to be returned on the 22nd day of January, 1900. is extended to the 12th day of February. 1900 THE CREATIVE TOUCH ar "Elli!“ " INCHEIEI 57m“ Ontario NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND TENANTS THE GREAT KITCHEN M? m Mmmstrv of Revenue iiifG laaguage, business, "eri- tical thinking" (philo- sophy). economics. indus- trial psychology or socio- logy, science and homology and Canadian history or po- They will also be required to attend a special seminar that will tie together their aeadentieand_termez- patience and help prepare them for a variety of Dr. Ledbetter said that are students are in the pro- gram, they will have to maintain at least a " per cent grade average in their major disciplines (econo- mics, French. history, etc.) as well as in the applied stu- dies program courses. The Assessment Act Waterloo Representative on the Waterloo County Separate School Bee tun-8a The university‘s depart- ment ot â€animation. the group that pun-ides the liai- sou between cooperative mu and work term em- ployers. will find the work term jobs for the students. They say some of the jobs will be in management training Wm: in insurance companies den-mt stores. They anticipate the stu- dmts will spend their early work terms on fairly simple jobs were they can become familiar with the opera- tional aspects of the em- ploying organizations. with more specialized assign- malts coming as they reach their senior years. It will he'the “best arts program in North Ameri- ea," Dr. Matter said., “It retains the best fea- tures of a traditional arts education and adds a basic and practical general educa- tion that will give our stu- dalts the skills appropriate to a wide range of caree' Advantages to the new program, according to a press release, include: higher academic status without the need to specia- lize to the extent required for an honors degree; sui- tability for those unable to meet the more stringent de- mands of an honors pro- gram; availability of the co- operative system and a hea- vier weighting of practical or applied courses In other developmeiM,' the faculty is adding a four- year general degree pro- gram to its academic offer- Until now arts students have had only a three-year sacral program or a four- year honors program to choose from. "ertti Place " cm St. W. W01“. 8051871 Open Envy Wooten Em 640 W M. Comet, Q2245†mu: 1llutrrtpttarlt Lorne Maeck, Minister of Revenue T M Russell, Deputy Minister prieert