Waterbo Hon Fuel Saints ctttrt. pleted the while at ,thcir schedule with a rather mammal effort. Coach Rice headed south for a few week and it appeared the club's {nthusiasm took a vacation with . an offensive shootout Waterloo to Stratford ra. Saints goats were tallied by John beater. John Williams. and three by Brad Haci- xle. to give him his third hat trick in Ity1t games. Darryl Hartlieb. Al Christie, Brad Schantz, John Wil- liams and Brad HaeMe had assists. Waterloo managed to pick up two points by defeating Woodstock 2-1 on unassisted goats try Brad Hoellle and John Williams. Mart Hopkins provided the good goaltending ne- cessary to preserve the win. A time mix-up in Woodstock pro vided the home team with the advan- tage as they defeated Waterloo 7-2. A very hot Woodstock goalie only al- lowed John Williams and Wade Sch- wark to beat him. Assists were col- lected by John Williams, Brad Hael- zle and John Leeder. The Major Atom ‘Tim Horton' cm played two Hub League New- ton Division games last week and mm both by a bl score, Fortunately the return of coach Rice seemed to spark the club as they downed Galt " in their best et- fort of the season. Wade Sehwart, Brad Haelzle and than Rigby scored for Saints. y Germann. Brad Haelzle and on Schindler gathered assists, vor Wain}: made several good saves to earn the shutout. For their' first game the Cubs tra- veiled to Kitchener to play their cross town rivals the Komets David Cherry opened the scoring with a goal at7116 of the second period from Rich Goode and Steve Israel for the Cubs M819 Geoff Boyd scored from Jeff Esch and Tommy Austin for the Komets to tie the game ttt H; - In the third period Chris Rigby scored trom Chuck Dietrich and Jason Poag at l 38 to pest the Cubs out (mm once again 2-1 In the dying would: of the game Willi 2 Cubs In the penalty box the Komets pulled their goalie This gave the Komets snx attackers to the Cubs 3 But the move backfired as Tim Allemen packed tip a loose puck and went down for an unassisted goal to (we the Cubs the S-t Victory M" Fruia) the Tim Horton' Cubs tra- velled to Woodstock when they Iron onre agam by a 3-l score Woodstock opened the scoring with a goal at I 31 of the tint perm try Duane Harms for Dave Brantley and Tim Brown At t 20 Chns Ruby scored unar Ned for the Cubs to tie the game at "Brad Kn soon-d at I 13 of the " and period from Jeff Clugstort and Tim Minna to give the Cubs a Ll load At 2 " Chuck Dietrich scored the ftttal goal ot the game from Jason Poagto (we the Cuhs the 3 t wm over Woodstock Bees sting Simcoe 5-1 Sam's Dean Rorhardson opened the wring at 2 22 of the first period with a _erreened shot trom " feet outode the crease Bees new not" line returned the favor just two mm Water8oo Rees stung Sm b-l m minor atom Mantle Divnmn Huh In" than last Sunday Minor tikkillat Scoreboard . Saints are up and down Horton Cubs win 2 more A complete decorating centre at your door K-W DRAPERIES LTD. my FREE ESTIMATES a CONSULTATIONS WE GIVE PROMPT a PERSONAL ATTENTION 'Ill CALL us TODAY AT ass-5530 OPEN MON. To m. SAVE 20% ON AU. CUSTOM MADE SHEERS 8 DRAPES out later with an qrte9trqmt sprint with Craig Forworthy to Billy O'Briul h Niel GeorgNades tying the-tttse-tofthe-tod. Bees came out honing tor the se- cond period, "stnsecmretsiattottte phy David Leatheriand took a pass hum Craig Forwarthy to score what pmvedtottethewirtninggtmoeta breakaway. Simcoe started getting a bit careless with penalties but could not intimidate the Bees. At 5:24 at the second Foxworthy tallied on a great pass from Grant Rutherford. On a powerplay at 2:21 of the third Wally Wassing put a pass right on the stick of Mike Robinson who beat the Simcoe netminder with an open corner shot on the glove side. To lin- im it all David Leatherland made it 5-1 with an ttttassisted goal at " and the jubilant Bees picked up an important two points. Coach Red Hill, who may Just have one of the most dedicated coaching stalls in the league, had good words tor his and. “Their super effort, well-dis- ciplined, good etteeking'ptay and especially Nick Georghiades. Grant Rutherfbrd and Steven Farrar gave the team two big points; the whole tam really worked." Sunday Bees played the McLaren Arena rep stars at the Kitchener Ami. Kevin Honeylord and Jeff Hea shared the Bees goaltending as they shut out Kitchener " Cyrus Taghi- zaden tallied twice and Nick Georghiades picked up the third as Bees dominated the play. Assistant Bees coach Aime Lanneviile was pleased with the "exceptional tore- checking. the forwards covering their man well" and pmised Craig Foxworthy, Cyrus Taghizadem Mike Nafziger. Nick Georghiades and Billy O'Brien for fine efforts. B'ees travel to Gait this week and see home action at Waterloo Arena Thursday at 6 pm and Saturday at l The Waterloo major PeeWee Tier II team continues to lead the pack in the hub league mantle dmsion with 9 Inns, t loss and l he, The game was a cuff hanger all the way After a scoreless ftrst period, Slmcoe opened the 300th at t46otthesecort6onarteatplayby their crafty centreman. John A Sul. livan Sullivan was clearly the best player on the me with tus great speed The Waterloo defence and goahe Dean Ftekitmt had their hands full trying to curtain him the whole allemoon Waterloo vull have to de velar) a strategy to unmet the sharp pm with efforts to close the gap on league-leading Preston ' Sunday's game against Simcoe was a big win tor the team The "Big Fella“ Sean Madam: dented the mine wnth ls wounds remaining In the game to give the Cougars the um H The Connors only defeat was m Snncoe on November no by a 2-1 score. making yesterdays game sweet revenge “In Dec ' Major Peewee I oo p m Kltrhener Mator Midget , Ph p m Kitchener Tue: Dee ll Minor Bantam B on p m Stratford Mertot Midget 9 30 p m Stratford Wed Dee " Major Atom 7 on p m Stratford Mam Midget , l5 p m Stratford Mu. Der " Minor Atom 7 00 p m Stratford Mmr PeeWee ' oo p m Stratford Cougar prowl eontinues NEWTON DIVlSION This week Simcoe down 2 goals with only , minutes remaining refused to die and fought back with 2 quick goals at 13:11am 13:34 try Tom Reidy com- pleting his hat trick for the day Simcoe a hitting team ran into penalties in the game and the Cou- gars used their power play advan- tage to score 3 goals. Yesterday's game was the first of the campatgn for Gary Kraemer and he chipped m with a good two way performance In his first effort Cou- gar Randy Weller has departed from the team and will be sumo; up with the Mount Forest PeeWees Randy a hard working right winger wrtl be sadly missed but Kraemer seems very capable of filling the voud Two Cougars. goaltender Darius Smedus and Mart Egers were not suited up for yesterdays game sick with the tht bug Cougars not have sole mum shooter Sullivan in future games. Sullivan contributed a goal and two assists to his team's effort. Al Paleczny tied the score on a so cond period power play goat at 5:34. Simcoe went into the third period leading 2-1 on a goal by Tom Reidy at 12:M, In the third the Cougars got their backs up and roared back with 3 unanswered goals at 3:45 by Scott Kieswetter. 6:44 by the deft puck handler Mike Ruppe and at 7:32 again by Kieswetter. Kieswetter the leading scorer in the minor leagues last year seems to have finally found the range, and yesterday's game was timely for his performance. With the score tied H the Simcoe captain John Helka was penalized for roughing at 1315 setting the stage for the Cougar attack. The "trunners" Hyde. Ruppe, Madorin. Malrn and Sheridan opened tire with a 60 second barrage before the Sim- coe goaltender Scott Fleming finally yielded to their fire power with Ma- dorin converting a goal month pass from Ray Hyde with 15 seconds re manning " was a great timsh to an excmng game and all the Cougars can be u- usllcd with their team effort Cormrrk v MANTLE DIVISION Fri. Dec. , Minor PeeWee 7 00 p m Galt er Sat Doe, I Mum Atom I no p m Kitchener May" Atom , on p m Kilrhenor Mum PeeWerl on pm Mum Pam! lspm Minor Bantam , 30 p m Major Bantams 00pm Mon Dec, " Manor Bantam 9 15 p m Can Wed, Dee " Mator Midget 9 75 o m Stratford No one can accuse Waterloo Boss of not being goal hungry. During the first period Satutday against Simcoo, Boos swarm around the Simeon goal with Nick Goorghiados (14) firtatly popping the puck home to tie 1 ..1. Bees won the Mantle Division game 5-1. Kitchener kitrttetter Kitrhmer Kitchen" of first place just 2 points ahead of Simcoe and Preston. Next home game is set for Sunday. December 9th, 2:15 pm. at the Waterloo arena against Kitchener. Sunday in Gait the home team took a 1-0 lead Waterloo's John Roeder, assisted by Bernie Willms tied the game but Gait Went one up on a second-period goal In the third period Scott Saunders assisted by John Roeder and Chris Burke brought Waterloo even but Galt scored a goal with five seconds remaining for a " win Waterloo major bantam Unisex managed a split in two closely-con- tested games last week, At lion: to Simcoe. Unisex tell be- hind l-o before Jamie Ducharme tied the score assisted by Roger Die- trich. A pal by Scott Saunders aided by Tim Oberle and Ken Brown gave Waterloo a bl lead before Simcoe fought back to tie " at the end of the second period. Oberle and Brown again combined on Scott Sanders second goal of the game for a " Waterloo lead and Tim Oberle scored the insurance goal from Scott Saunders to give Waterloo a " win c:ijrii'iii il . 'iQ". I , ts:fiiil) 'P U" ‘ h dL2s,ce KSC)', kN iggiMitllil!S r mule" v 2prcie.. worthy of your confidence. Unisex splits STANLEY PARK MALL ' BIIVEIIEIT LIGITIOISu-IIPLE FIE! "IBIS 'iii, was new mm tltthtditstd,' W; D-tttet 5,1979»... " _ um M0E8 ON OVEN FRESH BAKED FOODS on 50% AND 100%IIILE HIE" "The Home of Quality Baking" [IiajiTjfiTEIf] DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS LIQUID WASTES To the Attention of All Industrial and Commercial Waste Haulers and u-r, Random: ot the Region of Waterloo By-Law 36-75 of the Region of Waterloo is to regulate the receiving, dumping and isposing of waste at the sanitary landfill sites. Section 6 of this By-Law states: "No person shall deposit any of the following waste at any sanitary landfilling site without havin? ob- tained prior authorization from the Region o Wa- terloo: ' (I) Liqwd or gaseous wastes. . _ (u) Dangerous materials or substances such as - pmsons, hot lnve ashes. caustrcs. acids. infected ma- terials. explosrves. pesticides. herbicides. radioactive maternals. raw animals manure. septic tank pump- mgs, highly flammable or volatile substances. indus- trial process sludge. carcasses of any ammal. luve animals or birds. or anv substances which may cause personal or envrronmental problems You should make special arrangements for the dusposal of any hazardous wastes at an approved site, information on the locatron of these dosposal sites may be obtarned through the Mumstry ot the Envrronment at their local Cambrrdge of- ftctt. phone 623-2080 " you have any doubt as to whether your wastes should be Iandtilled. phone the Regional Pollution Control Laboratory at 885-9500 - ' funeral home and chapel 621 KING WEST - 76S-9696 Convenient Parking, entering Wellington or King Street a tradition since 1925. 702 KING " W. (CORNER OF SHANLEV ST) KIT Datz ~Bcchtcl 142-1041 CRUSTY WHOLE WHEAT OR PLAIN mp EACH) Gerald H. Thompson, P, Eng Envuonmental Control Engmoev. The Ramona! Mumapalcty ot Waterloo, FOREST HILLS PLAZA or 6/956 OR 5 LOAVES FOR 2.89! dozl!