VI Q m. an - WItorloo Chronicle, wanna-y; 0mm}. mo In earlier amen wart mai- tion to begin the holiday season with a family trip to the forest; where a young spruce or tlr was selected to serve as the center- piece for Christmas activities at But, as the population shifted toward cities and suburbs. Christmas trees became a com- mercial product. harvested and transported for sale at neighbor- hood tree lots. Holiday "iii"iiiiiii"ii'ii'. is; aiitititki'i:i" Cuttintt degitrthe yulé tree Now there is good news for (iililtii,i"iii-r)ii', l I OR GIVING! Schweitzer Shdiirii LIE . " King ti.yi)ilidrioo Phone 886-4440 WOMEN'S DRESS WINTER & CASUAL BOOTS. 120 KING STREET SOUTH, WATERLOO - 886-1160 OFFICE FURNITURE a STATIONERY a GIFTS Open Monday to Friday till 9 p.m. Saturday to 5:45 £10911 Schweitzer Shoe; SCH tiitNI DEL. Cork Bulletin Cube on brushed chrome base with push pins, pencils and refill- t,'lt note paper. Size ty' x 4h"................. Revolving Desk and Crafts Susan in choice of colours on brushed nickel plated base .......... inhtmdaomequalitycaaetorpeopleontttetto. CanadaALaCarto .......’5.95 NorthAmorlca ..........'T.SS Road Atlas OPEN: Mom-Thurs. 9:30-5:30 Fri. 9:30-9:00 - Sat. 9:305:00 those who with to select their / own fresh Yuletide tree.' "Choose and cut" Christmas tree farms are growing in popu- larity throughout the country. According to the National Christmas The Growers Asso- ciation. a growing portion of the 30 million trees harvested each holiday season are the "do-it- yourself " variety. - -. For families who don't mind taking thetime to locate a tree farm, the'benefits can be great. (Leather and man made.) . /' Besides having the fun of _ Wing and hamsting their '.. 'ounitree.thetrrewillst1tr flesh longer. Roped)! watered] a tree can retain' as fresh $t8ettrAtrtCe for a month or longer. While it's nice to have the family along to select the tree. children and other spectators should be out of the way when the work begins. . For harvesting the tree, a lightweight gas powered chm saw is efficient, if proper and» tion is paid to safety. l 995 rs' “Footwear specialists for over 30 years" STATION E RY Ll M ITED Forthe _ woman who needs wider widths and calves - we carry styles in White Cross and Country Lane. a -ktter the tree has been felled. cut the trunk to form a flat base' for mounting._ -. . . . Holiday "loggers" should exercise just as much care in harvesting their Christmas tree as in any woodeutting jg). 3f cakes, candid; and cookies The Christmas season is the time for family fun and sharing. And, with so much warmth and good feeling in the airs, don't confine family activities to just Christmas Day itself. With a little time sud rc- search, those who must restrict Wives to salt-free diets can also indulge in luscious holiday desserts that are safe and nutri- tious as well. L But. for the 29 million Ameri- cans who must restrict their salt innate, the holidays are rtlied with mutations that may prove hazardous to their health. Instead, get everyone-from tots to grandparents-invest in preparing the house for a co- lorful holiday. Sgitwd walnuts are a treat that can enjoyed by everyone. Starting early in De- cember. set aside a few hours each evening for the family to work together on decorations. wrapping pre- sents or making gifts for friends and relatives. Here's a calendar of pre- Christmas events that invol- ve the whole family: First week of December Time to address holiday greeting cards. Ifte. member. distant friends arid relatives appreciate a short note.) Deck your home with Yu- letide spirit. Let the chil- dren gather pine cones, then spray paint them silver. gold or white, Tie the cones to the ends of red satin rib- bons luse different lengths) and secure the ribbons to- gether with a big bow Tack to the front door for a wel- come holiday look Pile extra pine cones In a pretty glass bowl on the hall table Or. he several plne houghs together. cover with artificial spray snow or spray glue and sprinkle on gutter cover the knot with a big red bow For safe and effective use of aerosol pro- ducts. read the labels and follow directions Second week of December All Jom m a tree trlmmmg workshop Make your or- naments together Its less expensive and you'll trea- sure those memories for YIH"LL FiiisTri0"ia smgrde Christmt" derorurtiomtUnd tree (rimminp. " Decorating schedule SHCED WALNUTS '7; euiittr-e “Whom cool and store. bS etqt eomatardt This large quantity can be 4 tips-ground wratppedinadecpmtive fashion cinnamon - and given as a gift. - Coat each walnut with tho fructose-spice and shake off any excess dry mixture. J'hce, tttil spaced, out well- oiled céokie sheet. Bake lt/e years to come . l Q. will chic: . 2 ea vita 2 cups web“ him (at any other at) Preheat the oven to 250? Sift together the fruel which, cinnamon. at nutmeg and ginger into a .. . Mix well and set aside. Lightly beat the egg whites in a bowl. Add the walnuts and String cranberries and popcorn into red and white chains for the tree. Acc t the chains with tiny bo green or silver ribbon. Construction paper is Tin ideal inexpensive medium for tree decorations. Cut out angels. reindeer, candy canes or stars-then coat them with a light spray ad- hesive and sprinkle with multicolored glitter or snowy cotton balls. Punch a hole in the top of each. then add bright colored yarardor a hanger. And even the youngest members of the family will love making paper chains. Third week of December This is the week to "do" the windows in holiday style. Let the kids spray the panes with snow through a paper stencil snowflake. Then. hang the snowflakes cut out of paper. Wrap those special gifts in different. creative, ways. For a personalized touch. spray paint (through a sten- cil) a name right on the wrapping-it's better and brighter than a name tag Or, spray paint the box itself and wrap with a big ribbon. streamer or garland, A Up goes the ire. everybody can,jom I Humming Use a wa- lerproofer or fabric guard to coat the tree skirt and pro tect rugs or floors. And. if yours IS an ar- tificial tree. an aerosol room freshener In a pine scent will bring the smell of Christmas that everyone loves Irs always nice to finish each family project With a festive snack rookies. brownies and. of course. hot chocolate With a delicious squirt of whipped cream