A fitness testing demonstration will be held at the Wa- terloo Family 'Y' on Monday, November 26, 1979 at 7:30 pm. ' The purpose of this demonstration is to show people the various components of a fitness evaluation, and the in- terpretation of the results that are obtained from these ijommunity ggaiendb; The Kitchener Waterloo Christian Women's Club invites you to join them at a 7th birthday luncheon on Tuesday, Nov. 27 from 1 p.m. till ' p.m. at the Bingeman Park Ballroom on Victoria St., Kitchener. Admission is $4.50. SPECIAL FEATURE: Dorothy Clarke of "Face & Fa- shions". Stanley Park Mall (a cusmetic and loungerie bou- tique)- a professional beauty consultant with tips for winter skin care. MUSIC: Betsy Petker - a local public school teacher and mezzo soprano soloist. SPECIAL SPEAKER: Sharon Beerworth, R.N. of Ajax, tht- tario-a homemaker and mother shares with us how her fa- mily met the challenge of crisis. Free nursery on location Late Reservations or Cancellations (for luncheon and/or nursery) Telephone: Marilyn Day 744-625 Anne Shantz 744-2518 PRAYER COFFEE: You will receive a warm winter wel- ome on Thursday, November 22nd at 10:00 a.m. at the ’me of Mrs. Judy Lumsden, 305 Old Post Rd., Waterloo The luncheon spotlight is on our telephone callers. The K-W Federated appeal will hold its second annual Campaign Achievement Luncheon tomorrow at Bingeman Park Lodge in Kitchener. .__ - _ . Students in the Man-Environment Studies Department at the University of Waterloo are sponsoring a conserver so- ciety exhibition at Kitchener's Farmer's Market - upper level - on Friday Nov. 30 from noon till 9 p.m. The lunEheon. beginning at 12 noon, will feature entertain- ment by Up With People, campaign results and the presen- tation of pacesetter awards -- _ The purpose of the project is to increase the public's awareness of alternate lifestyles and technologies. Exhibits from the university, government. commercial operati0hs and public interest groups will be on display. Tickets' for the luncheon are $3 Further information can be obtained by calling the Federated Appeal at 745-7343. Gospel breakfast at Bingaman Park A full gospel businessmen's breakfast will be held at Bin- geman Park, Kitchener, on Saturday, Nov, 24 starting at 8A5 am. Guest speaker is Tom boomis of Corning. New York, Everyone is welcome and encouraged to bring a friend. Cost IS 3325. The Kitchener Public Library, in association with the Mir stcians Performance Trust Fund, will present an evening of Dixieland jazz on Thursday, Dec 13 at 7 30 p m The con- cert will feature the Summit Jazz Band and will be held In the library auditorium Admission is free ttf) " children's program entitled Let's Pretend will be pre- sented at 4 pm on Nov, 24 at the Parkside Branch of the Waterloo Public Library. This program will be on the sub- ject of "A snowy day". Infant death foundation hold meeting Nov. 28 The November meeung of “a Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths will be held on Wednesday. November 28. at 8 p m In the Second Floor Assembly Room of k-W Hospital Conserver society exhibit Nov. 30 Dr JoAnne Santa-Bar- bara of the Chedoke- McMaster Medical Centre will speak on the effects of a sudden infant death on the families of Victims Dr Santa-Barbara was psychia- tric adwsor to the Toronto chapter of the Foundation. and brings to the meeting considerable experience in counselling families who {Let’s Pretend' at Waterloo library Christian Women’s Club lunch Jazz band to perform Doc. 13 Federated Appeal luncheon Plums tasting Nov. 26 have lost an infant The Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths is a non-profit or. gannatlon devoted to parent support, public education and raising funds for re- search Into the Sudden lm fant Death Syndrome (mm- monly known as crib death b The meeting will be of m- terest to families who have lost an infant to SIDS. and to professionals who work with these families Dr Santa-Barbara and a hospital chaplain will be on hand after the meeting to answer questions Are you tired of being exhausted? Worried about being up- tight? Attend a free ongoing workshop by Ed blind: and Jorge Von Schouwen, stress consultants. who will show you how to increase your self-control. The workshops are held Tuesdays at 5:30 pm. at the Kitchener YWCA Club No. , and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. ,at 379 Queen St. South in Kitchener. For more information call 7456045 after 6 pan. " I Friday liter-calm Friday November 23 2:00 pm GUEST: Mr. Laverne Asmussen - World Wide Travel Service Due to the large number of requests for vision screen- ing the clinic has been extended into January and Fe- bruary 1980. Appointments are now being taken for those clinics. Please call 579-1020. DAY TRIPS Reservations for the following trips may be made by calling 579-1642. 9 a.m. - 12 noon 1. Simcoe Light Tour - Tuesday Dec. 18th 2. Living Christmas Tree - Sunday Dec. 16 FLORIDA (28 days)- AGAWA CANYON - SNOW TRAIN Jan 25-28, 1980 Sunday November 25 200 pm. Seniors are muted to bring their grandchildren. chl dren, grand nieces. grand nephews. etc to a showing of the animated film feature HAWAII (16 days! Feb. 18 - March 4. 1980 'For more information and reservations call 579-1642 Sunday Dec 2 Admission Seniors 8100 Children. ' 50 Allen St E . Waterloo 'Semors requmng transportation are asked to call Adult Recreation Centre 579-1020 Tickets are now on sale for the '79 New Years Dance. Dec. 29/79. Cost: $3.00 Music by: Tom Todd Trio Tickets available: Adult Recreation _Centre or Jack_Lo_th Saturdays 1 p m -5 p m Admission 25c All are welcome Carpet bowling Is challenging. fun & a good source of PxerPlSP Carpet bowling is played With rules & obrc- {was Slmllaf to those of lawn bowling Once again we have been fortunate to have many stu- dents offer to shovel snow for Senior Citizens this winter, Anyone 65 years of age and older is entitled to travel at half fare on the Kitchener Transit lines. Bus passes may now be picked up in person at the Adult Recrea- tion Centre during business hours. As in previous years. there will be a minimum char- ge of $1.00 each time your snow is shovelled Should you require assistance. please contact Chris Barker 579-1020. Monday Dec 17 9 00 am Tickets tl 00 tAvailable at Centre Dr - A spemal Christmas Breakfast :5 being held for the men here at the Centre Friday Dec 7 MENS CHRISTMAS BREAKFAST K-W' SHHVICF,S PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED "CHRISTMAS SALE" Mmm" "I SEIIOIS “0LT “an?!†GEI'I'IE FJuiEWELL TO '79 DANCE PARTY For tonslon suspension CORNER tttNG 8: ALLEN STS. WATERLOO 579-1020 SENIOR CHRISTMAS CONCERT ST LOUIS CHURCH AUDITORIUM ATTENTION SENIORS! SENIOR SNOW SHOVELLING SERVICES & "New Zealand & Australia" ARC TRAVEL CLUB SENIOR SUNDAY MOVIE Colour Slide Presentation: "Ireland - North & South Vision Screening Clinic V Cocoa Beach Jan. 31 - Feb. 27, 1980 Adult Recreation Centre "The Snow Queen" Carpet Bowl 1004 00pm 200pm Wat-doc Mich. Wodngodw. Novcmlm 21,1979 - Pg- 23 trx - Tuesday - Thursday [1:301:20 p.m. AFTER SCHOOL SKATE K-6 Wednesday 4-5 p.m. NOTE: Skating Schedules for Waterloo's four arenas are available now, Schedules include information on all free skating times as well as family. general and adult only times. Pick your free copy up today at any Waterloo Corn- mumty Service Facility or phone 886-1550 Ext. 214 dur, ing business hours, Rental time is available for your group or organization during December. Call 886-1550 Ext. 210 during business hours for further details. __-_-- --- St. Davids Junior High School . Thursdays 7 - 9 p.m. FEE 50tt per persoer3 courts available Participants must provide own racquet. shuttles and wear running shoes Nets will be provided, Seagram Stadium Gymnasium Sundays starting Nov 25th, 2 135 p m FEE: $1 50 per family - 4 courts available. Participants must provide mm racquet. shuttles and wear running shoes Nets provided Indoor Court time IS available at Waterloo Tennis Club at various times during the week COST: $10.00 per hour per court Phone 885-3920 to reserve your court ALSO: Private Lessons are available by calling 88.5, Marshnd Centre: 886-1550 PARENT & PRESCHOOL FREE SKATING Come In and 8mm. Around CREATIVE CRAFTS 'I'" Min WATERLOO scum: """g' ’Fnclnulno Shop for the Do-it Ymtmetftr" SUB-POST OFFICE IN STORE Open Monday-Saturday 9:00-5:00 FREE NOON SKATE FOR ADULTS mm» GREENE“ . F. 1llhetrthtt I: Bet-tit- B. ALBERT McCORMICK ARENA Parksido Drive PUBLIC SKATING Fcidays - 83010130 pm. Saturdays - 2-4 p.m. Palm, “an, Coda, HoOly Innis. Fruit Pics, Woo. Rod and W Sum Chum. Fun and Ribbons. Ab gtrrohteat DWI TLC] LTI(llrfd mhmandwhg; C. MOSES SPRINGER ARENA Lincoln Road _ PUBLIC SKATING Fill“ 1TCCTi_rd A. RINK IN THE PARK Tuesdays - 10-1110 am. Thursdays 1:30-3 pm. 1 Fridays 8:30-10:30 pm III.“ TEIIIS 0"!" COMMUNITY SERVICES ACTIVITIES - Saturday 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. - Sundays 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Adults ONLY - Seagram Drive