Last week one of our Wa- terloo riding voters protest- ed tomethathewashaving great difficulty getting any information from the De- partment of Revenue. The sought after. information willjghelp him decide burgh or not, he should [me he a small business enture. "You have to know all the answers", he com- mented to me, "before the Government will tell you an- ything! What help is that to me? And - they won't tell me why I can't have the in- formation! Tt tht ALTE tt " C LE AN . Government Inning“ Minimum Investment $2 ooo SHORT TERM INVESTMENT ASTRA TRUST be. GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Minimum Deposit $500.00 A cheque for over $5,100 was presented to representatives of the Ontario March at Dimes on Tuesday at March of Dimes offices in Waterloo St. Jerome's and Notre Dame Colleges on the campus of the University of Waterloo. Over 200 students at the colleges staged their fourth annual 1600 km Charity Run Nov. 3 to 5 to raise funds for the pur- chase of two motorized wheel chairs. Pictured are (l-r): Mike Cussen; John Michiels. run chairman; Larry Parker, community develop- 104 KING ST S, WATERlOO, ONT N2l IPS ACROSS FROM WATERLOO SQUARE 884-2444 - 884-2400 BONUS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Chequvng anvleges WATS ll LOO Menvber Canada Deposit Insurance Corp. We are a 100% Canadian Companv Ottawa Report 1 YR, TERM In keeping with campaign promises, and the direction indicated in the Speech from the Throne, the Clark " vernment has introduced major Freedom of Informa- tion legislation. Through this legislation, the Cana- dian government will be-, come the first With a British Parliamentary system to provide such a broad access to files. When this legislation be- comes law, information on government business and spending will, for the first time. be open for public edu- cation and scrutiny, under ,irGum of Inter-Indo- now be public hula} do I3'/1% B3/kt)h Ill/Ph Legislation clared teitret undergrads: ping with camel!!! terms declared by adia- hgThA TRUST o.-...-...------"""""".. o terms declared by Parlia- ment". 'i... t C, 11 . 2"er .3 - t , T a,,,flliit 'i..) /',' ' J,!filty, I see in this legislation an affirmation of the freedom and openess of the democra- tic system of government we have here in Canada. The government invites the Can- adian public to attain all knowledge necessary to pro- perly Judge government de- cisions. The right of tax- payers "to know" is con- firmed. Secrecy will be limited. It will be more nar- rowly defined as follows: a) specific . formation re- lating to 'i1fiLt'fltrl'd'a'f,1 or fe- deral-provineial agree- b.........-.-.. We sing. We dance. We get everyone involved. But we're a whole lot more than a whole lot of music. The exciting international cast of young adults who give you more than Just music. It's an unforgettable family experience. men! officer for the Ontario March of Dimes and David Dirks, regional director for the group. HUMANITIES THEATRE, University of Waterloo THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 22 .- R p m Tickets $6 no Its on Students/Seniors) Available from. UW Arts Centre Box Office, Rm 254, Modern Languages Bldg , UW (885-42!!!) Sam the Record Man, downtown Kitchener KW Symphony, downtown Waterloo In conjunction with CHYM Radio r.'.......-..-.-.--" économic iiterests of Cana- in information which would infringe specifically on an individual" privacy; c) financial, commercial, scientific and technical in- formation which would di- vulge trade secrets, harm the competitive position of companies, or interfere with, commercial contract negotiations; and.., d) iritormation particularly needed for the decision- making process of the go- vtrttmentsui.e., legal opin- ions generated within the menu. which could advanc- ly.affect manage! the Mr. Mutton Chronicle, WM. New 21,, 1979 - Page 13 government). . exemptahle under the Act. Inter-mien Commissioner You will hear of indecision onll'edenlCoIn withinaodays.'l‘heMi_nister The new 1egitotiorrpro. will, in most cases, have the poses that in the event that a right to waive exemptions. government department 3) If unsatisfied by the re- refuses to give you informa- spouse, you will be able to tion, your request could be take the case to the Infor- reviewed by an Information mation Commissioner for Commissioner. The Com- review, who will then study missioner would have a all documents involved and mandate to see all docu- make recommendations to ments, and could report the Minister. directly to Parliament. A 4) If still unsatisfied. your refusal by the Information final resort will be to take Commissioner could be re- your case to the Federal viewed one last time by the Court for judicial review Federal Court, whose deci- and decision. sion would be final. i Cost of the now Will You, Programme! Your Group Or Your The government estima- Business tes the costs of this pro- Get Informal“? gramme at between $5 and The new Freedom of In- 810 million per year, de- formation legislation sug- pending on the number of gests the following course of requests for information action: under the Freedom of Infor- Get Information? The new Freedom of In- formation legislation sug- gests the following course of action: 1) Your request for informa- tion from the appropriate government department will be submitted in writing describing clearly the infor- mation required, and includ- ing an application fee. 2) Department officials will find the requested records and decide whether they are PROGRAMS SUBJECT TQ tr:rilrL0h1r WITHOUT NOTICE IELUIELEJI liitlj,,i,,(,,,,j.i,)] It ww- " ll . - mam â€MERLE" I Fei] GTG Taaaad I Two Shows Nightly 7 In 9 pm Fajrview C "tef'" - IqI-VI'" YOUNG Salaam. II I FRANKENSTEtN I F . at, 2 Shows Nightly 7:00 th 9:00 KI?CHEN R Mat. Sat, El Sun. 2 pm. Required to assist in the management and development of an expanding business. Business fully capitalized NO investment required. For an interview, reply to: Box WC-268. Waterloo Chronicle 92 King St. South. Waterloo N2J 1P5 WORKING PARTNER STARTS FRIDAY Natuonal Lampoons ANIMAL HOUSE Nightly at 7&9pm STARTS FRIDAY BERMUDA TRIANGLE HELD OVER FIDDLER ON THE ROOF 2 show! Niqtttiy S:46 th 9:30 Mat. Sat. 8- Son. 2 sun. 2 Shows nightly 1 th 9 p.m Met. Sat. th Sun. 2 p.m. HELD OVER HELD OVER (31%? AND JUSTICE FOR ALL STARTS F RIDAY National Lampoons ANIMAL HOUSE STARTS FRIDAY 2 Shows NNhtly 7 & 9 pm Natvonal Lampoons ANIMAL HOUSE 7 & 9: Fm. “(mu Sn.&Sun.2pm HELD OVER CLOSED FOR THE SEASON As a taxpayer you are to be seen as a partner with Government. rather than an adversary. The rule-of- thumb is to be openness-not secrecy. Hopefully "big go- vernment" will not seem so "big"- or elusive! mation Act. Two Shows Nqhtly 7 a. 9 pm Matures Sn.&$un.2pm u--.---' nomvuuu "tttte IQIHMN mum