‘p... e - Waterloo Chucnicie. Wednesday, October 31, um Wuouoo Chromcle otftce us located oo2oanoo' ot Ibo OW Sports budding opposno Waterloo Square Put-rug on K-no Street or In IAMtqrtoo Sauna Open Monday to Fndav900_am to 500pm What happened Siiiiiiiiir 'io WEAR? to Halloween l? A Letters to the editor What ever happened to Halloween? You know, the night when all the youngsters dressed up in simple but pleasing costumes and set out to get all the loot that would fit into three, large, heavy duty fruit baskets? And they carried with them small orange and black boxes and collected change for UNICEF? Apparently Halloween simply died a quiet death. Or did it? There has been some talk of UNICEF recently hasn't there? And one Chronicle staff member mentioned that an entire parking lot of cars had been found one morning this week with stashed tires. Tales of vandaliSm--minor and major-have been rampant lately. Pranks used to accompany Hallo- ween, but not pranks like' this. Soaped windows usually, and occasionally the odd rural out-house knocked over. But stashed tires? Damage of hundreds of dollars? Couldo't be Halloween. Or could it? And what about the politics involved with the removal of UNICEF boxes from Waterloo separate schools? Yes. there was some mention of Hallo- ween surrounding that hot topic, but that couldn’t be the same night--the one that always comes on Oct. 31. Why. It's nothing more than a political football to be kicked around by a few political pressure groups. Cambridge Right to Life Is not Involved In family plan- mng We believe that with Indlndual person's ballots must dictate to them m this arm We do. however. take a stand on such conirarep0ves as the IUD because they arc abor- Ten years ago. the biggest concern of most parents was how big the dental bill would be after that special least of sweet stuff gathered from the neighborhood. Now they worry about horrible things, and won't allow their youngsters to accept anything that's not packaged safely. Dear Editor: I am writing this letter on behalf of Cambridge Right to Lilo It disturbs us grvatly that certmnfartsmthe UNICEF' tssut‘ have not [won brought to the attention of the general puhlu' New. This can't be Halloween. Halloween was fun. tiring, cavity-prone and just a little bad-man- nered. " was never dangerous. nasty, suspicious or vindictive. . What every happened to Halloween? yone know? _ Guess it did die a quiet death. If it didn't. maybe it should have. Letters to the editor of the Waterloo Chromcle must be Signed with the writer s name in order to be pub- lished The name will be published with the letter The writer should also include his or her address and tele phone number Normally, a letter Signed With a men donym will not be published Tile editor has the right to edit letters for grammar and spelling and to withhold letters which mav be deemed defamatory contemptuous or of questionable taste The Chronicle welcomes letters to the editor on any subject Letters should he sent to The Editor Wa- terloo Chronicle 92 King St s, Waterloo ‘ambridge Right to Life group not 'anti-contraceptive' Letters policy published every Wednesday by Fairway Press. a dmston ot Kitchener-Waterloo Record Ltd,. owner 225 Fairway Rd S _ Kitchener, Ont address correspondence to Waterloo office 92 King St South. Waterloo. Ont ' lelephong may) . Fabiano! Paul WWI" Edam Howard Etttott Advomung Mm: John tttttearn subscriptions '" a year In Canada SIG a year In United States and Foreign Countries established 1854 Student pranks not appreciated tifacient (l 0 Cause an abortion» This is the stand we took when we wrote our letter to the separate school board Anyone who has read our letter will certainly $00 that we mentioned abortive birth control methods and not hlrth con- trol m general Thoriiason that the separate school board deruded as they With the beginning of each tall term at the two um- versmes we have been the objert of what we have as- sumed to be student pranks occurnng usually on the tradltmnal "pub nights†taking the form of removal and or destruction of the potted evergreens which grace our front verandah The replacement cost to date has been approximately $50 per tree per episode To the editor This fall. however. a new note has been added The bronze Heritage Landmark Plaque recently affixed to our house In a special ceremony by the City of Wa- terloo has been forcibly removed Shortly thereafter one of a pair of antique brass handles placed to assist the elderly was also taken Including seven large brass screws These handles are one of a kind and are not replaceable at any price The humor of or the purpose of this type of opera- tton IS to say the least obscure It would be greatly appreciated therefore If the individuals involved would have second thoughts exermse their better C ojrrt,)jtrrtgiyrt,)t, did for contraceptive reasons as well as abortion roasnns Is due to the tart that they are Catholic Cambridge nght of Info IS not anti-contraceptive In Its philosophy _ On behalf of the Waterloo ()phmlsls Midgel Baseball Club. I would like to extend our 1uncere appreruahon to Sports Editor Rick Campbell for tus superb and loyal co- verage of our team's successful season was faithful at- tendance at our games and regular weekly reports on our progress contributed greatly to our team's ultimate success of wmmng an o R A Championship To the editor We are Indeed fortunate In Waterloo to have Ruck Camp hell s commitment and deducatmn to highest quality report mg of all facets of our local sports scene Superb and loyal coverage appreciated Judgment and return these articles at the earliest op- portumty P A Voelker. M D Patricia Handrail Secretary Paul Puncher