communibfl th"'i" W; Art historian to deliver Hagey lectures Herb Epp, MPP for Waterloo North, is arranging a bus trip to Queen’s Park on Thursday, Oct. 25. The coat of the trip will be $8 per person am! will include the return trip by bus, a sandwich and coffee lunch, a tour of the Legislative Building and attendance for part of the question period. , Multiple Sclerosis workshops Persons interested in taking part are asked to con- tact Vicky Schenk at Mr. Epp's office, IS EM, Street East, Waterloo, Suite 315 (W00). Seats are limited and it is a first come first serve basis. Effective living with Multiple Sclerosis. A Multiple Sclerosis workshop will be held every Wednesday evening in November at Laurel Vocational School, 103 University Ave., E, Waterloo between 7:45 and 9:45 p.m. The workshops are open to persons with Multiple Sclerosis, their family and friends. Registration is necessary at $2 per person or $5 a family. Please re- gister by Oct. 26 by phoning 893-2125 or 743-1700. For enhanced benefits registrants should be prepared to attend all fat meetings. , " . Sir Ernst Gombrich. renowned art historian, will deliver the 1979 Hagey Lectures at UW, Oct. 22 and 23, 3:00 p.m. in the Humanities Theatre, Hagey Hall of Humanities. His lectures, "Beyond Realism," on the influence of idealistic philosophies on Western art, will include two illustrated talks. "The Cult of Beauty," Monday, Oct. 22, and "Twentieth Century Mystics" Tuesday, Oct. 23. Everyone is cordially in- vited to attend. Tickets are free and can be obtained in person (two per person per lecture) from the Box Office. Modern Languages Building, University of Waterloo, from 10:00 am. Monday, October 15, or from the main public libraries in Waterloo and Kitchener. The annual University of Waterloo Hagey Lectures bring eminent scholars of world reputation to speak to the University and the public, The series. inaugurated in 1970 in honour of the retiring President and Founder of the University, Dr. JG. Hagey, has in- cluded the Anthropologist Richard Leakey, the As- tronomer Fred Hoyle, and David Suzuki, the Zoolo- gist, among others. CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Application in writing. addressed to the undersigned will be received for appointment to the newly es- tablished Energy Conservation Committee, In addi- tion to elected officials and three staff persons. three additional appointments will be made. Information regarding the areas of responsibility of this Committee can be obtained by contacting the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, Waterloo. Telephone no Ayxlliai'y . _ Unusual sponsors Applefest photographic dismay CITY OF WATERLOO RC KEELING CITY CLERK CITY HALL WATERLOO. ONTARIO The museum is open to the' public from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 pan. each day, Monday through Friday. There is no charge and group visits are welcome. The museum is located in room wo, third floor of the biology com- plex on the UW campus. _ " t Photographs oet. loan from the Royal Ontario Mu- seum Will show how minerals and crystals from various parts of the world appear through a stereo- binocular microscope. Gold crystals from Romania can be seen " sharp, brilliant, triangular faces: Reservations for the following trips may be made by calling 57$1642 $12 noon Monday-Friday Reservations are being taken for the following trips: 1.'ritiso.tmrg: Monday Nov 5, 1979 2.Royat Winter Fair: Tuesday November 13, 1979 3.King Tut: Monday Dec 3, 6979 An unusual photographic display will be set up in the biology-earth sciences museum on the UW-campus, beginning Wednesday, Oct. 17 and continuing to Nov. 17. - - Due to the large number of requests for vision screen- ing, the clinic has been extended into January and February 1980. Appointments are now being taken for those clinics. Please call 579-1020. ' Senior Volunteers In The School Interested persons wanting to act as teachers assis- tants in the classroom are asked to attend an informa- tion session Wednesday October 31 at 10:00 am. at the Adult Recreation Centre. Volunteers require no tech- nical skills. only a desire to work with and help chil- dren. Friday Oct. 26 Thursday Dec. 6, 1m 4.9mm Light Tour: Thursday Dec. 13, 1979 For Information & Reservations: 5791642 Anyone 65 years of age and older is entitled to travel at half fare on the Kitchener Transit lines. Bus passes may now be picked up in person at the Adult Recrea- tion Centre during business hours Pinon Appointment 0mm (519) 885-3210 IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE ' THE OPENING . OF HIS CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE AT 15 Westmount Rd. s. ) 'MitBSllll M. GAIL; Mt., " Senior Sunday Sunday, Oct. 28, ISM) 2:00 p.m "How Great Thou Art" & "The Heavens Declare" - A Slide show with sound a. poetry - Guest: Mr. Allen Martin IGTIVITIES "I SENIOIS Mtn., IEOBEITIOI CEITRE CORNER KING 8: ALLEN STS. WATERLOO 579-1020 ATTENTION SENIORS! Colour Slide Presentation "The Orient Enchantment" Guests: Ivan & Norma Widdifield " I Friday Marlon" Doctor of Chiropractic Vision Swooning Ctinic ARC Travel Club m. cm WATER“!!! 2:00 p.m. Waterloo 0mm, wand-v.0;aobor'24, {013- r... 23 . Theatre ' . _ .. . presents comedy The Rodney Theatre, Club Ma tt may, "THE 1Pur? 691D cl..r.D9Acr', at! Fri. Nor. 'tc-- , pant, Sat. at Rockwtty Ceettre. -_-_ vv- Vlwwiv , w w... A‘vv. a - . 11411., â€- Nov. 3--ht.nt.,Stm. Nov. 4--tpan. atttteRoirSenior Citiaenq' Centre. Tickets. $1.60 inc. refrainâ€. Ticket! Fridays-8ii0:00p.m. Saturdays - 2-4 pm. , C. MOSES SPRINGER ARENA . Lincoln Road . PUBLIC SKATING Fridays 8:30-10:30 pan. NOTE: Skating Schedules for Waterioo'g tour arenas are available now. Schedules include information on all free skating times as well as family, general and adult only times. I. St. Davids Jr, High School - Thursdays Starting October 25th - 7-9 pm. FEE: 50t per person-3 courts available Participants must provide own racquet. shuttles wear running shoes. Nets will be provided. EVERYONE WELCOME Pick your free copy up today at any Waterloo Com- munity Service Facility or phone 88-1550 Ext. 214 dur- ing business hours. FRIDAYS - 8-10 pm. at Rink in the Park Call 886-1550 Ext. 210 during business hours for further details. _ Rental time is available for your group or organiza- tion. The City of Waterloo wishes to congratulate the Wa- terloo Minor Soccer Girls Pee Wee Bison Team for their excellent showing at the Canadian Finals which were held in Toronto this past weekend. All of Waterloo was very proud of your accomplish- ments throughout the season Tuesday. November 13th, 7:00 pm, at Waterloo Knights of Columbus Hall This years meeting will be combined with a dinner. Tickets available from any member of the executive at $3.00 per person. Guest speaker - Mr. Mike Anscome of Global Television Nomination for executive positions must be made in writing by a mover and a seconder, along with a signed approval of the nominated person by No vember lst, and sent to City of Waterloo, Community Services Department. PO. Box 337, Waterloo N2J 4A8. Att _ Rio Caron. . Marshnd Centre: 886-1550 B. ALBERT McCORMICK ARENA “HUM. HEE‘HIB WATERLOO MINOR SOCCER CLUB - Il0ESttlmMt CONGRATULATIONS COMMUNITY SERVICES t ACTIVITIES A. RINK IN THE PARK - Sonora“! Drive sun“ "an Ice nit PUBLIC SKATING GQIIIIIITV BADIIITOI Family ONLY _ - Sundays 3:30 to IV.80 pm. Adults ONLY w Saturday ' pan. to 10 pan.