A spatial harem concert at behalf of OXFAM-CANADA: " appeal for Medical aid to Nicaragua will be held tonight in the Wilfrid Laurier University Theatre Auditorium. The concert begins at 8 pm. and admission is adults tl and students and seniors 82. The program will feature Ralph Ei.. saesur on piano and Keith Goodman on harp. The'annual meeting of the North Waterloo Canadian Cancer Society Unit will be held next Monday. Oct. 22 at 8 pm. Location for the meeting is the Arcadian Court at Fair- view Park Mall, Kitchener and guest speaker will be Alice Gardner, education chairman for the Ontario division of the society. Wine and cheese will be served. A Fedora!†Charmed N "ttet/hom Otganlutlon Your course fee is income tax d9duetible and you may save up to 44% in insurance premiums by mounting our course certifiuto brt','gq most (Wyn-homun- rim-t Training Curse GUARANTEED , YR. INVESTMENT TERM CERTIFICATES ti m D Minimum Deposit TERM $1000. BONUS SAVINGS EACCOUNTS Chequmg Prwuleges CITY OF WATERLOO GARBAGE COLLECTION REBATE for RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENTS SEE ASTRA TRUST IgE-',., 104 KING ST. S., WATERLOO, ONT. N2l 1tG ACROSS FROM WATERLOO SQUARE 884-2444 - 884-2400 Applacauons for a garbage coilecnon rebate on resndentual mum-famdy developmems wuu be accepted by the City of Watedoo untvl November 3Oth. 1979 The rebate vwll be pad on a per um! bays where there us evndence that the garbage collectuon un such a development us performed by a pnvate connectov at the sole expense ot the ownev A copy of the mvouces pad to a pruvate contractor wm be recurred to be Submctted wrth each apptucatuon On approval of the applrcatoon the rebate wul be paid by the Crty. to the owner, by the end of the catendar year 1979 Applccat-on forms are madame from the Purchasmg DIVI Suon Crty ot Watertoo 2nd Floov, Marsland Centre Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corp We an a um Cteret CWV 579-4800 623-6730 Cancer society chapter to meet Monday FOR Ill/Ph ll'/4% Khl/f9h Morning Claus orrt.Mk22.23.20.25 8:30-1 12â€."! Evening CM Tuna-ya Thursday Starting Toes.OctA6 6:30-9:39011 CAMBRIDGE Homing Clan-u oct.ttr.2a23.20,26 9:00-12 noon Evening can: TMVQ‘I’hundav Starting Tun.0ct.16 7:00-10:009m KITCHENER Ll and everyone l The Waterloo Athletic A soccer team will hold an end-of- season dinner-dance on Friday, Nov. 9, 1979 at the C006- toga Motel in Kitchener. Cash bar from 6 p.m., dinner at , irri".,TiiiriiaUithrtptt, at 9 pm. (disc-jockey) Tickets - $10 each - are available from Mrs. Glynn Thomas at m- IML 0 IncIudos Sandwich Lunch, Bus Fore - Tour of the Legislative Building and view the question period in the logislaturo. "For Information and Reservation Contact Rental time is available for your group or organiza- lion. FRIDAYS - bio pm. at Rink in the Park Call 836-1550 Ext. 210 during business hours for further details. Vicky Schonk Reservations for the following trips may be made by calling 5791642 on noon Monday-Friday I. Monday. October 29. 1979 JACK MINERS BIRD SANCTUARY Leave: 3:00 AM Return: 8:00 PM Cost: $17.00 (Lunch Included) VISIT QUEEN'S PARK WITH HERB EPP MPP Thursday October 25th 0 Bus Tour Loaves Waterloo Square " am - Returns 5 pm t. Monday. November 5, 1979 TILLSONBURG 3. Tuesday, November 13, 1979 O. Monday. December 3, 1979 Tuesday. December 4, 1979 Thursday. December 6, 1979 5. Thursday December 13, 1979 SIMCOF. LIGHT TOUR ROYAL WINTER FAIR heave: 2:00 PM Return: 11:30 PM Cost: 81400 4lncludes reserve seats for evening performance of horse show) Soccer team to hold year-end banquet Leave: 2:00 PM Return 9.30 PM Cost $600 tincludes admission to Dundurn Castle) ___ Total Coat '8.00 Leave: 8:30 AM Return: 6:00 PM Cost: $10.00 (Lunch Included) ARC Travel Club SKATING "I" ICE Ttttt “KING TUT" Leave: 9:00 AM Return' 6:00 PM Cost $190) 886-0780 V mmm.omn. tttht ' (i':' '"t'jtttgtttftttt , smucss %ESiiiil' ACTIVITIES Mmr. Skating Schedules for Waterloo'a (our arms are available now. Schedules include information on all free skating times " well " family, general and adult only times. Pick your free copy up today at any Waterloo Com- munity Service Facility or phone “1550 Ext. 214 dur- ing business hours.. St. Davids Jr. High School - Thursdays Starting October 25th - " pan. FEE: 50: per person Participants must provide on racquet, shuttles and wear running shoes. Nets will be provided. EVERYONE WELCOME :3 ", 'iE _'ijl..r: " 'rr' 'atRikht *" an‘ ih tiElilllt Children (15 & grader) 25e Youth (16 to 18 yrs.) 50e Adult (19 & over) Ttie Seniors (65 (a over) Free Family 81.00 Interested persons wanting to act as teachers assis- tants in the classroom are asked to attend an informa- tion session Wednesday October 31 at 10:00 am. at the Adult Recreation Centre, Volunteers require no tech. nical skills. only a desire to work with and help chil- dren. The Canadian Hearing Society's mobile van will be at the Adult Recreation Centre. Thursday October 18th, 1979 9:00 a m. - (00 pm. No Appointments necessary. Hearing tests and coun- selling will be done by a andiologist. Friday Oct. , 9 Mainland Centre t I‘m-1550 Mobile Hearing Screening Clinic Adults ONLY Family ONLY GUESTS Senior Volunteers to The School lOTlVIIIES PM! SEIIOIS ADULT RECREATION GEITIIE Senior Sunday Sunday, Oct, 28. 1979 200 p m, “How Great Thou Art" & “The Heavens Declare" _ A Slide show with sound & poetry - Guest, Mr, Allen Martin CORNER KING th ALLEN STS. WATERLOO 579-1020 ALBERT McCORMICK ARENA Pat-laid. Drive Third Thursday Thursday. Oct 18, 1979 2:00 pm, "An Afternoon of Impersonations" with Bill Cowls & Merry Melodies Admission: 50c A. RINK "I THE PARK " I Friday Moran-or " MOSES SPRINGER ARENA Linooin Road Colour Slide Presentation: “England and Lmdon Pageantry - Satriniay 8 pm. to 10 pm. Fridays- 8:3tMtr:00p,m. Saturdays - 2-4 pun. - Sundays 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Alf and Marietta Holst PUBLIC SKATING GOIIUII'" IIIIIIITDI 2:00 sun.