" SERVICES GOING ON Vacation? Who's looking after your Home? Let H.R.S. En- terprises take the worry out of leaving your home. Bonded and reliable. Call 576-8111 weekdays or 742- 1283 evenings. (22) Reitzels make paint wear vs peeling. All surfaces pres- sure cleaned. Proper, safe equipment, select men and know how save you money. Free estimates. Reitzel Bros. Painting and Sandb- lasting 743-4466. Reg. Lie. No. WCX 780370. HOME JtENovArrroNs - Additions. porches. ce- ment work. patios. rock facing, sand finish. Plas- tering and chimneys Phone 57b7745 (20t CARPENTRY WORK to your satisfaction at rea- sonable rates. Recreation rooms, Carports, suspend- ed ceilings, etc. For free estimates phone B. Dena 743-2743. 16A CMPAINTING SPECIALIST IN roof re- pairs: stone, Fol] ro.oting, shingles sealed. No job too smajl. Special rates for seniors or veterans. 578- 2270, after 5:30 742-0879. Page 34 - Watch» CNonich. Wound-y. May 9, 1979 " PETS & MUS: " CERVICES WILL SAND and paint your car, reasonable rates. Phone 834-0406 evenings. (l9) " CAMP-TRAVEL TRAILERS FURNITURE REFINISH- ING And Repairs. free es- timates. excellent rates, pick-up and delivery Call Reschert's Refinishing 885-2914 or 742-7690 4th PROFESSOONAL PET GROOMING 50 Laurel M., Waterloo, III- MBExpcrt dog grooming, all ttre-Boarding. 3% off swam coats. BRANT TREE Service - Re- moval. trimming. pruning and hedges Ten years ex- penence Free estimates 378-7625 of dead and disabled cattle and horses Phone 1-416-692-4421 of Kitchener 579-3820 Licence No, 671-C-79 PACONI DEADSTOCK FREE REMOVAL TWIN CITY TRAILER RENTALS 885-061 3 after 6:00 p.m. PRESSURE CLEANING Hardtop Tent Trailers by the week PAINTING (21 ) (19) (tf) (tf) ttf, 19A TRADE SCHOOLS ALL TYPES of home re- pairs: cement work, car- pentry, chimneys, roof- ing, carports, garages, re- creation rooms, plastering - fancy or plain. Reasonable rates. Phone 579.4091 after 4:00 p.m. PROFESSIONAL HOME Improvements. Referen- ces. Wallpapering and painting; bathroom reno- vations; sealing of cracked basement walls, inside or out; recreation rooms; installation of in- terlocking pave stones. 743-2360. JEAN'S UPHOLSTERY - PORTABLE 745-7790 or 744-9996 HAVE YOUR Home altera- tions, renovations, addi- tions, stairs and repairs done professionally. Phone 669-8893 after 6:00 Walls sealed with a fantas- tic Epoxy chemical wa- terproofing process. Cel- lar floors, crumbling walls refinished. Rockfae- ing. Guaranteed work. ROTO TILLING and lawn mowing by able student. Phone 8154188. (21) RUBBISH REMOVAL - Wall washing, light mov- ing, gardening, cleaning other odd jobs. Jeff Hard- ing 881-2831. (19) BRANTFORD KITCHENER 7560223 743-5011 20 TYPEWRITER SALE SERVICES TRt-COUNTY TRUCK DRIVE TRAINING Learn to drwe tractor trmler or trucks now We specialize in chairs and chesterfields. Free estimates. pick-up and de- livery. Phone 69%4473. ORTABLE TYPE - WRITERS Cleaned, oiled. adjusted, repairs to all makes. reasonable rates. work guaranteed Add-Type Business Equip- ment, 28 Bridgeport Road East. Waterloo tjust down from Towers) 885-2570 LEAKING. DAMP mus" BASEMENT? BElMONT APPLIANCE mamas TO: . SERVICE PHONE 886-4290 " smegma Rd. East. Wamioo Refrigerators, Freezers Stoves, Microwave Oe , Washers, Dryers, Kigali“: Air Conditioners, Dehumidifiers ttf) (tf) 1th (ti) 1th (tf) BABYSITTING PART- NERSHIP - Cathy and Lynne. 14 years old; com- petent, reliable, Available week nights and wee- kends. Call 5765766 or 576- " "tttne" COOK-HOUSEKEEPER to live-in Monday - Friday and care for three chil- dren, while parents work, $80.00 per week. 884-2953 after 6:00 p.m. and were kends; or 893-Ct20 week- days. A MATURE experienced part-time babysitter for five-manth old baby, Colonial Acres area. Own transportation required. Apply in writing to: Box WC-263, Waterloo Chroni- cle. DO YOU love to sew? Pfaff is looking for people to sell sewing machines. This would appeal to per- sons who enjoy sewing and selling either on a part-time or full-time basis. In depth Pfaff train- ing is required to enable you to join our team. Car essential. For more infor- mation call Andrea Salter 669-503. Alo\CosmetIcs of Fort Lauderdale. C"'" Florida is currently looking for sales personnel to introduce this unique line of natural mois Iurizing skin care products made from Aloe Vera jell. to the Canadian public on a direct basis. Part or Full Time Contact: Mrs. A. Dew (416) 675-2100 SALESMAN TO Sgll used appliances in store, on commission basis. Phone 57%2724. (19) 22 HELP WANTED 25 CHILD CARE 23 AGENTS & SALES HELP DRESSMAKING AND Al- terations done 34 Allen Street East. Waterloo Phone 743-0463 ttf ' 26 DRESSMAKING 81 ALTERATIONS BE YOUR OWN Boss. Ser- vice Fuller Brush cust- omers in your area. Ask re: phone plan. Excellent commission. Phone 742- 7572. (If! It" not work to wall: So why no! we": to work? “IMF-In .5] (l9) (20) (22) (19) OPENINGS ARE now avai- lable in the dining room service program of Wa- terloo Campus of Cones- toga College. This ten _ week program is designed to provide you with the skills required to serve foods and beverages in a competent and pleasant manner as an employee in the expanding hospitality industry. Fee is $12.00 per week. Job opportunities are good so enrol now. For more.inlormation call 653- 2511, extension 203 or a8. If calling long distance from within area code 519. use our toll free line Hm 265-8104. Chronicle staff writer All parks and conserva- tion areas operated by the Grand River Conservation Althority are open and operational according to a recent release from the “A TAILOR!" & “JIM“! EXPECTANT PARENTS education classes, phyd- cal 'mraralirt base, 9" GRCA MKlRArllL%mNttsrdetes lithium“ GOD'S MOST Beautiful thoughts bloom into chil- dren. If you need help dur- ing your planned or un- planned pregnancy. Call 32 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION WILL DO typing/stencil copy work in own home for reasonable rates. Norate increase in GRCA PIANO AND ORGAN les- sons for children or adults. For information please phone 579-1340. Doon Pioneer Village. Kitchener. Elora Gorge, Rockwood, Pinehurst and Byng Island conservation areas are all GRCA parks. “No increase in rates is anticipated for the 1979 sea- som" the release said. Day admission passes remain at 8250 per car, and the camp- ing fee will remain at $2 50 per night " PERSONALS DO SOMETHING NEW! Unattached and interest- ed. Call Rendez-Vous Dat- ing Limited. 653-1661 or 893-1661. 11:00 a.m. - ll A season's pass is availa- ble for $25, which anows access to all the conserva~ tion areas for the entire year 35 EDUCATION TRADE SCHOOL 36 OFFICES SERVICES Lamaze. Next clan begins May Nth. Waterloo Regional Health Unit, 850 King West, Kitchoner. 744-7357. irseotitioneattMie- alfkittaoftataoetrtg and attemtiom,etmrshsrOrtd Birthright" sqiiatm." (a) Phone 884-3733. (21) (I!) (19) ttf) (22) (ti) Two Roman wines will ae- company the five course dinner which gets underway at ' p.m. Sparkling wines Imagine an ancient Roman setting complete with stone pillars flowm fountain. fled: flowers noes. On Friday, May It, this setting will become rea- lity as the Waterloo Lions Club invites the public to Roman Adventure. The event will be held at the Wa- it tho Motor Inn. The first fund raising ven- ture of its kind, the even- inng menu will feature anti pasta, lasagna, Ceasar salad, veal parmingna, bat- tered fish and vegetables and a sweet table. A variety of eight premium Italian wines will be featured dur- ing a wine tasting experien- ce beginning at 6 pm. LUNCH ON PREMISES VIEWING. 2-4 in. FRIDAY TERMS: $100 cash or certified cheque on vehicles or other major equipment Balance by cash or certified cheque within " hours, Cash. company approved cheques/or as posted or announced M. R. JUTZI a CO. Inc. OFFICE 6mm: 4 drawer steel tile cabinet. chair. desk. assortment of adding machines. catculators. and typewriters. photo copier. etc ' etc, etc. INVENTORY: Miscellaneous materials pertaining to the construction industry TRUCKS. “ACTORS I CARS: 1976 Chev % ton pickup; 1973 GMC 3 too stake truck; 1972 Ford 1 Ion; 1976 Ford LTD wagon; 1976 Mercury Marquis 1certitiedy, 2 Massey "actors; Allis-Chalmers 'B' "actor. 1976 Pontiac; 1975 Mercury; 1976 Oldsmobile Cutlass. MISCELLANEOUS: 1 #64 Winchester Magnum rit5tr, 410 gauge shotgun; 1 303 catibre rine; 1977 Glastron Sportster bomber; 1977 Johnston 115 ho. on Springbrook aluminum boat; 7th hp. Eska outboard motor' Lloyd Youngman a Co. have instructed M. R. Jutzi & Co. Inc. to sell the assets of Jules Murray 8- _ Carpentry and to supplement with appropriate additions. CONSTRUCTION 5min: Power trowel (like new); McCulloch Chainsaw; transit level; acetylene welding unit; Lincoln electric welder; 2 Black a Decker skilsaws; Webster compressor portable (2 air paint tanks); tr' Elec Jointer planer; 9" 96 hp. Elec tablesaw; 10' aluminum bender (like new); chain Hoist, drills. M saw. tractor. router, belt sander. DeWalt Radial Armsaw. ladders. Assortment hand tools. etc. Many, many more items pertaining to the construction inclusp try (South West comer main intersecti‘ Industrioi Liquidators. Awaken and Anew Professionals in the orderly liquidation of Ctstruction, Industrial and Commercial Enterprises BANKRUPTCY "me SALE Jules 'illtigg,Pm"trr oooooooooooo-ooooooooooooooooooooo0oooo oooooo0‘ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 69 Sydney S., Kitchener - (519) 743-8221 'Interested in a 8 J Roman holiday? -- CHRISTIAN BOOK STORE WATERLOO SQUARE I! CHM M M but! will ttttttrar. Tu W who is canâ€, «I the It} “in an ancient “an M CW. _ " setting complete Aermetima_tetr M poor'. “one pillar: flowiu â€9% lo PM" SATURDAY, MAY 12, 10 an. See and Hear Guitarist Pat Pepper from Arthur, Ont. From 10 till 12 a.m. Sat. May 12th. Menechini. Tickets are $40 per couple and may be purchased from Wib Bierschhack, 88b2MO, (days) and Glen Austin, 885- 3075 (evenings). n the evening’s hativitiea. They will be entertained by an accordionm in urchin minirttet Italian style. lta- lian mimic will set the mod during the meal and ticipants will dance to†a six piece orchestra, a.m. , Master of ceremonies for the evenihg will be Jack Harper and special pleats will include Waterloo Mayoe Marjorie Carroll, ngional Chairman, Jim Gra ' Vice consul of Italy, Luigi Fer- raro and Canadian Italian AND 9:30-9 am. on Thurs. and Fri. . Rufushmems Coffee and Dunn: 0 [Inning Specials Hours 9:30-5:30 PARTIAL LISTING