Mike Makarch " -ltt- NDP candidate UW. Ticket prices include a full course Bingeman skcidi (BBQ Ribs, Chicken. Roast Pork). (For more information, contact Denise Donlon. 885-0370) s', COMEDY CABARET with SECOND CITY on Sunday May 27th. doors will open at 5 p.m. and dinner served at 5:30 p.m. The event will be held in the Venetian Ballroom at the Waterloo Motor Inn. Tickets are $10.75 ($8.75 students and seniors) and can be obtained from the WMI front desk and the Federation of Students Office at The Federation at Students, University of Waterloo, in eooperati1et 1'19}! “£39102 hlo_tor, in? Present the Becottd tContinuod irom page 5) said the local candidate. UW federation presents second City Optimist club holds garage "iq The NDP party is in favor of a long-term strategy. Party members believe fe- deral and provincial govern-, ments should be actively in- volved in planning economic development to meet social needs such as employment, housing, environmental pro- tection and the elimination of regional disparity. "This is in direct correla- tion to thttall of our dol- lar." said Mr. Makarchuk. "This creates a double rip off. The answer is to get guys back to work and strengthen the dollar. The Liberals and Tories have not done this and will not even though at election time they say they will." In the local riding Mr. Ma- karchuk said a number of young people are unem- played. "They lack experience and no new jobs are being created," he said. "Canada needs to stimulate small bu- siness. This would give the economy a good shot in the arm. It's what we really "Public and private sec- tor programs should be sponsored to provide em- ployment opportunities for the employment disadvan- taged - women, youth. na- tive peoples. the physically and mentally handicapped and older workers," states Mr. Makarchuk's campaign literature. He said that 15 per cent of Canada's working force of 10 million is unemployed. The candidates said that problems faced by voters in Waterloo Riding do not simply revolve around local needs. “Our country is in a very difficult economic and so- cial position. A sense of un- certainty over the future - Saturday, May s, 1979 9:00 am. - S:00 pm. ALBERT MCCORMICK ARENA Parkside Drive (off Weber) Waterloo Bicycles. lawn mowers, records, books, sports equipment, good new and used clothing, gar- den tools, furniture, dishes, appliances. toys. Bake Table and Refreshments Over , 50 families participating. This ad sponsored by GIANT GARAGE SALE GOODWIN POOLS llMITED REGION OF WATERLOO SWIM CLUB Community Calendar The candidate worked in different parts of Saskatche- wan, Manitoba and Ontario, learning the problems fac- ing Canadians. He did various jobs including heavy construction, computer pro- gramming, assembly line work and restaurant mana- gement. Seven years ago Mr. Ma- karchuk, his wife Bernice and their two teenage ehil- dren moved to Waterloo Re.. gion. In 1975 he graduated from Osgoode Hall and set up his law practice in Wa- terloo. The candidate is no stranger to politics. He has worked closely with his older brother, Mac Mahar- chuk who represents Brant- ford in the Ontario Legisla- ture. Mr. Makarchuk was born in Saskatchewan and grew up on a farm during the '30's and 40's. After graduating from high school he moved to Manitoba and studied at teacher's college following which he taught in elemen- tary and secondary schools for seven years. "There are two analysis," he said. "A vote for the Tories is a protest vote against Pierre Trudeau. A vote for Trudeau is a protest vote against Joe Clark." Background - - - - w - - Knox Presbyterian Church. 50 Erb St. W., in Waterloo will indeed fear - grips much of hold a nearly new sale on Saturday, May 5 from 10 a.m. till 2 Canada, states the can- p.m. didate in his election litera- . ture. “A... At“- ' .-n-.- II... " A "Both the Tory and Li- beral governments seem to have moved to adopt our po- licies," said Mr. Makar- chuk. "Once they are in they follow them to a miniscule amount." On the campaign trail Mr. Makarchuk has met with varied reactions from the public. He said there are a lot of undecideds in this election. Canadian novelist W.O. Mitchel. will give a reading at Wilfrid Laurier University May 4 at 7 :30 pan. in the WLU theatre-auditorium. Admission is free andeveryone is_wel- come. Mitchel is the author of WHO HAS SEEN THE WIND, VANISHING POINT. and other popular novels. The topic of his reading will be O'Kacky and the Vanishing Point. l The Massed Choir of Delegates to Choirs in Contact/79 1i:rN,DEiiJ'l'scH_E1; REQUIEM by Johannes Brahms. Con- ductor. Helmuth Billing. Soloists: Lois Marsh and George Reinke. and the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra. Sunday, May 13 at 3 p.m. at Wilfrid Laurier University Ath- letic Complex. Tickets: $5.00. The K-w Optimists will hold a garage sale on Friday May 4. 6 pm. till ' p.m. and Saturday May 5, ft am. till 6 pm. On Saturday a bake sale will be held. Money raised will go towards youth work in the K-W area. The sale is being held at 170 Blueoher. corner of Margaret Ave. and Bluechei' Ave. Friday May 4 V V "Election Meeting" with Durwood Preston- - A travel club for adults forty years of age and older Leave: 10:30 A.M. Return: 5:30 PM. Cost: $13.75 (includes luncht Call 579-1642 Cost: $5.75 (Admission to Gardens $1.50) Call, 579-1642 Special Lecture Series Tuesday May 29. 1979 1:30 pm. “OHIP and Seniors" - A representative from OHIP will be on hand for gener- al information and questions regarding OHIP. THIRD THURSDAY PROGRAM Thursday May 17 2:00 P M. Enjoy a slide presentation Emma Mosburger Church to hold nearly new sale . CANARY UNITED CHURCH Plans are now under way for 3 days of family fun in Waterloo Park. If you or your group have and idea for this years programme, please call Tom Litwiller at 886-1550, Ext. 214 (business hours). w.o. Mitchell to speak at WLU Sunday. May 5th. 11 AM. and 7:30 PM. Speaker: REV. JAMES SITLER of Montreal Special Music at Both Services Ar'iomfechorsrrca-roMore-sroamftaaosaorovamsro (Highway tts. 3 miles north of Waterloo) PASTOR: GEORGE A. SIM. 085-0725. 664-2311 Mass cholr to perform May " l3lst Anniversary Services ACTIVITIES FOR SEIIIIIIS IIIIIILI BENIN")! CENTRE Thursday June 14, 1979 TIVOL. MINIATURE GARDENS (Niagara Penninsula) CORNER KING & ALLEN STS. WATERLOO 579-1020 In I Friday Afternoon» WATERLOO "" 1919 JUNE 15th, tttth, l 17th Thursday May 31 . 1979 King Street, St. Jacobs SAUGEEN COUNTY SCENIC TOUR ARC TRAVEL "Yugoslavia Returning Officer 2:00 p.m RINK IN THE PARK RINK IN THE PARK May 16th - 7:30 p.m. Adult Recreation Centre Corner of King & Allen St., _ Waterloo, Ontario Nominations & constitutional changes must be sub- mitted in writing to Mr. Rio Caron, Waterloo Com- munity Services, 9.0.80: 337, Waterloo, Ontario. Deadline: May 2nd, 1979. Copies of the W.M.H.A. constitution available by call- ing 386-1550. tCertified O.T.A. Instructor, _ Richard Zilinskas) Waterloo Arena starting week of May 20th. 1979 FEES: Adults-$12.00 for 5 weeks. All sessions include ti-one hour classes Registration Form ADULT Class Times (Please Check) BEGiNNER 1-Mondays P-tt p.m. D . , tt-9 p.m. CI Tuesdays 7-8 p.m. CI Thursdays 7-8 p.m. Cl BEGINNER 2-Tuesdays 8-9 p.m. Cl Thursdays 8-9 p.m. Cl The Waterloo Community Services is now in the process of gathering information to make up our Sum- mer Brochure. If there is information that your group would like in- cluded. please telephone 886-1550 Ext, 214 or 248 during business hours LOCATION: Waterloo Arena. Board Room May 3rd - 6-7 pm. - Shoe Registration - Please bring tagged shoes with name, address, phone number, size and amount expected. 7-9 pm. .., SALE TIME. For information please call 884-2691. This is an ex- cellent way to sell your old Soccer shoes. W.M.S.A. will only charge 10% for any shoes sold which will be used by the soccer association to help run this years program for boys & girls. T Begins June lst at Moses Springer Arena. Watch this ad for further announcements. NAME ...... ADDRESS RETURN TO: Waterloo Community Services Box 337, WATERLOO, Ontario N2d 4A8 RINK IN THE PARK Waterloo moose... Noun-day. my 2. 1070 . Page 27 Pteasemake cheques payable to the City ot Waterloo FOR INFORMATION CAll 886-1550 EXT '" (m â€on!!! SUIIEB PROGRAM BROCHURE T “MERLIN! GOIIUIITY SERVICES IIIOIIIcES IIIOOI TEIIIS IISTIIGTIOI WITEIILCC IIICII SCCCEII SIICE EXCIMICE "NEIL!†IIIIII [lrlfij Cf.ffIiIlIIrl] IIIIIIIGES “III“. GEIEIIL IEETIIG |rmmvs I SATURDAYSI SUNDAYS Marsh-d Centre: 88-155. Mon. 2-3:30 psm. Tues. - Friday . Wed. IO-ILM am. 11:30 mm. - 2pah. Fri. 101130 a.m. Mon. 2-3:36 par. Patents and I Adult Noon Pre-Sehoours Hbur satin ROLLER SKIN“ K Saturday 8-10 pan. C - FREE SKATING I}! SKIN“ A - PUBLIC SKATING B - ADULT ONLY COMMUNITY SERVICES ACTIVITIES ........... PHONE.......... . Postal Code ............ 3:â€51) p.m.