Notsodyimmeiit'trtheq By Goon Hone mould. out! writer There is a piece of private property in downtown Wa- terloo tha.t could become a public parking lot, and it may not cost the city any- thing to acquire it. The land, owned by the rloo Bowling Club Ltd., 112 foot frontage on Du- t St. and has a depth of 150 feet. Ross McKee, the city's tax collector and the man in charge of mmicipal parking Iota, estimates the D0wntoWn land may be parking lot 124th Year No. 17 Chronicle stall write: The winners in the 12th annual spring thaw canoe race started at 10:45 am. and took two-and-a-half hours to complete the 15 mile course. the last arrival in the â€junk†class reached the finish line around ' ' 30 that night, Steve Kennel and Jim Boshart led all the way in the annual race sponsored by the Doon Student Associa- tion of Conestoga College. Thirty-six craft - includ- Which way to Bridgeport? .38 acre parcel of land in the downtown core could ac' eommodate trom " to " parking spaces. - 7 The lawn bowling club's treasurer. Bill Boettifir er pressed sunrise that there hasn't been an approach made before to acquire the land in View of its valuable downtown location. Mr. Boettger said he felt the club definitely would be in- terested-in a, plan to release the Dupont St. property to the city for a parking lot in They're off! Get ready Wednesday, April 25, 1979 exchange for similar facili- ties in one of the city's parka. He mentioned that a similar exchange had been arranged in. Elmira to everyone'a satisfaction. and that lawn bowllnc facilities in Waterloo Park, main- tained by the city. would re- lieve the club of financial pleasure; brought about by rising taxes on the property and low membership. Waterloo My!†Marjorie Carroll is "definitely in.. Most of the "jurth" craft had not passed the second check point at Breslau when the race was officially ended. however. John Payne and Dennis Watts fin- ished the course in what may be a record time of nine- and-tttree-quarter hours, part of which they navigated in the dark ing one kayak, four unique "vessels" and the re- mainder canoes-left Kaufman Flats north of Brid- geport enmute for Doon. A tasted" in the idea of ne- gotiating a trade. "This would be a valuable piece of property for the city to ttc- quire," the aid. _ The city's direetirr of the fast," he added. community services. Ken 'i, 1 N Pang acknowledged that a Waterloo Ald. Charlie special type of grass would Voelker, who dreamed up be required, but he'coulih't the idea to look at property see any pmhlems that would in the Regina and Erh St. prevent setting up lawn area as potential parking howling laéilitiea in a sec- Iota, singled out the bowling tion of Waterloo Park. He green property as an ideal felt the central location 'example: "Nobody knows would make more people it's there," he said. Nf we Waterloo smoking 1 bylaw is sound _ says Carroll . aware of the sport In V terloo. "Seven! senior ci- lia-Is at the Adult Recrea- non Came have down an bursa In but howling in It is a voluntary thing here, if restaurant proprietors wish to designate non-smoking areas they do so on a voluntary basis, usually at the request of some customers. . The mayor suggested that public demand will present en- ough pressure on proprietors of dining establishments to designate mm-smoking areas. s By Chronicle at." unit" Of the four or five cities who passed non-smoking bylaws, the City of Waterloo is the only one which did not includethe controversial clause requiring merchants to enforce the h “for Marjorie Carroll made the statement before com- cil Monday night. pointing out that the City's no smoking legislation is still valid. _ A - , ", A -_- The City of Toronto ran into tumble in the Supreme Court of Ontario last week over a clause which imposed fines of up to 31.0†on anyone breaking the bylaw. irte%ding retailers who failed to refuse service to customers ignoring requests to stop smoking. Ottawa and Sarnia followed the Toronto bylaw wording. however lawyer William White who drafted the Waterloo bylaw deliberately omitted the questionable clause. - Under the Waterloo bylaw, anyone can lay a charge but merchants are under no obligation to do so. Persons wishing to take action must swear out a complaint before a Justice of the Peace and identify the offending party. Waterloo Mayor Marjorie Carroll says there have been a few complaints. but no one to date has been charged with a violation under the City's mm-smoking bylaw. Although the bylaw has never been tested, Mayor Carroll still feels it is valid. l Another difference between the Toronto bylaw and the Waterloo legislation is its application in restaurants. Er. tending the bylaw to restaurants goes a bit too far, she sale. Community calendar 27 Comment Waterloo at a glance 3 Polar BearOdyssey WATERLOO, ONTARIO Inside could swap...“ put the bowling (no: in the park, it you“ get We interest- ed in {an howling min in this city. And we’d make up more than we would lose." The howling club current- ly has 15 when who bowl in a regular summet pro- gram of men on Mondnys. women on Tuesdays and mixed bowling on Thurs- deys. “Costs have been high", said Mr. Biiettger, "we need new Mood." 16-21 10 CENTS