" It may not look like spring out. but you can be sure it will be here before you know it. Spring is for flowers, grass and golfers. The Waterloo Family Y, 145 Lincoln Rd., is offering INDOOR GOLF LESSONS. Register now for classes that will cover a full range of skills for your individual needs and level of ability. Please call Gwyn Hennig at the Waterloo Y 885-3500 for further information. " These classes are being taught by the University of Wa- terloo Golf team. The hilarious_comedy was written by Ray Cooney and John Chapman who also wrote the highly entertain- ing play "Not Now Darl- ing." This play was per- formed by the group last May. The Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre announces the casting is completed and rehearsals are underway for their last play of this sea- son, "Move Over Mrs. Markham.". Director, Bob Minty, who is well known in the area. Mrs. Markham , L 14 Princess St. West 7886-2900 or 886-2370 I Lemmon's role as a devoted nuclear advocate who sees his dreams die, is one of his best ever. The pain, frustration and strain in the character are real enough to be physically felt by the audience. China Syndrome is'about more than nuclear energy. It does pose some interesting questions about the risks involved with nuclear power generation. But the film also takes a liberal swipe at TV journalism. Actually, the tense situation at the US nuclear plant just serves to demonstrate the painstaking detail that went into the making of this film. The cr ina Syndrome would be an excellent suspense' film without the real-life nuclear problem facing us now. It's one of those rare examples where directing, casting, production, acting and writing all compli- ment each other. The end result is one of the best films of the year. One of the/highlights of the film is a sub-plot about the eventual destruction of a troubled plant supervisor - played by Jack Lemmon. ALL YOU CAN BOWL S2.25 PER BOWLER Sundays from_10 a,m--12 qun (3 per lane) tl watched the 11 p.m. news after seeing The China Syndrome, and was disturbed to find that sequences on the news could well havebeen taken from the film. And vice-versa.) If you‘re superstitious, nervous about omens, or simply unsure about nuclear energy, The China Syn- drent is a Ill") that's bound to shake you up. In view of the present situation irfPenrisyivania, China Syndrome must rate as oneof the most timely film releases in history. ' . AmaWmr...AmaiemE Atos... fi/love over i WATERLOO BOWLING LANES DAILY " A.M. - 7:00 P.M. WEEKENDS " NOON - CLOSING TUESDAY AT 7:00 th 9:00 P.M. THURSDAY AT 9:00 P.M. FAMILY BOWLING .55: Per Game on Weekends ©iTilIllffillTE Lessons at Waterloo ChinaSyndrome OPEN BOWLING for information call reported good turnout at the auditions and had a hard time selecting his cast of nine. Cast members include June Cameron, Beryl Palmer, Lynn Karges, Heather Dark, David Ants- cherl, Harry Lumb, Robb Judd, Victor Stanton, and Carol Andrews. The play will be presented May 9 to May 12 inclusive at the Victria Park Pavillion. Curtain time is 8 pm. sharp and tickets will go on sale after Easter. Early book- ings are suggested. 'r" Thanks to the nuclear accident south of the border, there is bound to be a number of nuclear disaster films in the near future. Ws unlikely they will come close to The China Syndrome. ' But also thanks to the accident, this film is painfully realistic and quite frightening. Because, as one scien- ce fiction writer put it, the science fiction of today is the reality of tomorrow. Michael Douglas is also surprisingly good in his role as a freelance camera-man who stumbles on to the nuclear accident and manages to film the whole thing. The China Syndrome can be appreciated on several levels. It poses revealing questions about journalism, nuclear energy and political power. But it's also an in- teresting character study and a gripping suspense film. Fonda's performance is excellent as usual. She plays an ambitious TV reporter who is afraid for her job at first, but eventually realizes the importance of the nuclear accident story. An interesting sidebar is the stereotyping imposed on Fonda as a "lifestyle" reporter. She's interested in covering news events, and capable, but management attempts to keep her covering soft news because of her feminine appeal. . Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas play a new: team involved in a nuclear accident. In the process of their investigation they're harried and hassled by TV sta- tion management types who are more interested in political implications than journalism. Don't put your garments away dirty . . . clean them now at f Special Care for Special Garments at g CALL 744-4411 a “o 10/ on We have the facilities and the know-how to restore natural oils. color and softness to your precious suedes and leathers. Our "NuLife" cleaning service adds New Life to all garments. Send yours in now _ for that fresh, new look for Fall and ta/ Winter. _ Have your garments professionally cleaned in Kitchener's only Suede and Leather cleaning plant.' Waterloo Co-Op Pre-School OPEN HOUSE ASTRA TRUST 1ue, 104 KING ST. S., WATERLOO, om. rd) 195 ’- ACROSS FROM WATERLOO SQUARE tflat, 884-2444 - 884-2400 TRU BONUS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Chequing Privileges GUARANTEED I % IYR. TERM INVESTMENT 'OIA '/ . CERTIFICATES K) A % 5 YR. TERM LET US ENTERTAIN YOU tttht-let-ttt_/ttmet-il-ttVi,)?!)' Registration Applications Now Being Taken . for September 1979 Enrollment. April 2nd to 6th 9:30 - , 1 :00 a.m. 1 :30 - 3:00 p.m. 9 AVONDALE AVE. SOUTH, WATERLOO PHONE 884-3400 (in We am, call 553-4531) 5 Convenient Locations 33 Years Clean Across Kitchener- Waterloo weaeeatamthnadiartamtrartr BACK A FIGHTER . FOR Help Easter Seals Help Crippled CHltlreI SEE 9'/2%