_ LVS has Run 'ir,, . 4 Fun program lllgll schgml news . Christmas has arrived at Waterloo Collegiate! Class decorations are being put up this week to bring Christmas cheer to the cafeteria and lower foyer. Festive music also fill: the halls before 9a.m. The Services Committee will be operating the Pot Betty Stove during noon hours. This is a special eat- ing place that includes sub- marines, lasagna and tarts. The Public Relations Committee is also helping with Christmas Week by running several noon hour activities. On Tuesday a special edition of the "Gong Show" featuring Letters to Santa was held. On Thurs- day a game of Blind Volley- ball will be played. Next week Christmas music will be performed during lunch by Mr. Shaw at the organ and the Concert Band. Run 4 Fun is in its second week at LVS and the leaders are Dominic David, 35 miles; Bill Schmaus. 33 miles: Derrick Earner, 31 miles; Ron Latour, 16 miles and Joe Warren. 14 miles. Run- ners who attain 100 miles receive a Run 4 Fun t-shirt. A canned goods drive will continue thrmigh next week. A prize will be given to the class which collects the most. All cans will go to The House of Friendship. Zehr's tapes are also being The photography club has been active since the begin- ning of October taking photo- graphs of school activities. These photos will be used in The Kitchener ‘Y' is offer- ing a number of new pro- grams for its winter session which begins on January 7, 1977. Co-ed noon fitness for men and women will run every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from" 12:10 to 12:30 pm. Classes will be held in the gym. Kitchener 'fy" plans program Men and women 18 years of age and over are invited to participate in a med vol- leyball program. The games are non competitive and all are welcome. The program will be held on Tuesday eve- nings from? to8:00p.m. The co-ed badminton pro- gram includes an evening of instruction on Tuesdays from 8:30 to 10 p.m. and open By Bonnie Glousher By Melanie Hilliard 'ttrt-ffl-attest, canned goods collected for the Arthritis Society. In year four and five wed volleyball SB, was first and 5C was second. In year one girl's volleyball the period 7 class won the championship. In the Chatham Basket- ball Toumament held on the weekend, W.C.I. won the consolation trophy by de- feating the Tecumseh Braves 70-58 and Burlington Nelson 60-58. The fowl shoot is being held this week. This event should appeal to basket- ball fans who want to show how good they are. Appro- priate prizes will be award- An Athletic Assembly to introduce the Winter teams will be held on Friday De- cember 17. Seniors will at- tend period three and Juniors period four. the production of Laurel's year book. Club members include Mark Beer, David Maier, Heith Leggitt, Tim Kelly, Marino Rodrigues and Kevin Haines. All members are under the leadership of Mr. Korbs. Plans are under- way to enter several photo- graphy contests later on in the year. The Christmas Assembly will be held on Wednesday December 22 after regular classes. This always proves to be one of the most excit- ing assemblies of the year. On Friday December 17 at 8:30 p.m'. the Christmas Dance will be held. The dance features MacKenzie. Mrs. McFadden and the girls' beauty culture class have been very busy in the last couple of weeks cutting, coloring and perming hair for the Christmas season. play has been arranged for Thursdays from 8:30 to 10 p.m. Interested persons are advised to register early as this program fills up quickly, A 10 week prenatal class will be held on Wednesday morning from 10:00 to 10:45 am. This exercise course is designed for the expectant mother. Tiékets are $2.50 in advance dent cards at the door. No and $3.00 at the door. Stu- jeans please. . Patient and Courteous instructors for all ages oModem Dual Control Cars . Free Pick-up - q Same car available for Driviné Test lil8 q Special care for nervous beginners Qlalitiiki Mile" and 'eau, fiistructors licensed brthe Ministry of Transporta- tion and Communications. k 'k CANADA DRIVING SCHOOL AUSTIN ELECTRONICS 22 KING ST. S.. WATERLOO 886-1360 Polar Bear Skin Rug FOR PROFESSIONAL DRIVER TRAINING CAN. 886-4640 - - OPEN 9 aan. till " EM. I 25 Young St. East . Waterloo .. NURSE"! GALLERIES TV BROWN BOX FOR CHRISTMAS 25 Young St. East Waterloo A __ _ [NUKSHUB GALLERIES ON-OFF SWITCH FINE TUNING 30 CHANNEL COMPLETE WITH CONNECTING CABLES. To those who voted for me, supporting my quest for a Waterloo Aldermanic seat in the recent civic election. I congratulate those you have elected to serve you in this capacity for the next two years, and extend to all best wishes for a Merry Christmas - Health and Happiness in the New Year. 0W .5ch My Very Sincere Appreciation (complete) ttIP' We now have a wide range of gift selections to fit any pocketbook. including Eskimo carv- ings and prints, Eskimo motif calendars, playing cards and hasti-notes. Browse/s welcome. 885-3811 Special Price 885-3811 $9995 0MPLETE Tues-Sat. 1 1-5230 Tues-Sat. 11-5:30 < - IDIIIJ FfrtIrlifttgi8 A F RI. DEC. 17th SAT. DEC. 18th SUN. DEC. 19th Registrations are presently open at Community Ser- vices for Winter Activity Programs for Children. They include Folk Guitar, Creative Dance, Art & Crafts and a few openings in Learn-teater. Call Community Services - 886-1550 to register. A children's holiday program of events which include FREE Ice Skating, Swimming, Special Bowling Pric- es, Library Programs, 'Y' Programs, Childrens may, etc. will be distributed to all the schools shortly. If your child does not receive one please phone 886-1550. Registrations for WEAVING, CHINA PAINTING. WOOD CARVING & UPHOLSTERY are presently being accepted for the winter session starting in Janu- ary. Phone Community Services at 8861550 for more information. Open Mon. - Friday 8:3tN5:00p.m. _ Includes: library. games room, floor & table ghufrle- board. Coffee and Tea available. Note: No member- ship required, FOR INFORMATION: 579-1020 Family Skating - During family skating a parent must be in attendance in the arena with their chiI-' Hill": ICE SKATING SCHEDULE mucus: Child-25c 1521111 under Student ..' .50: 16-2t t Adult - .rse Family $1.50 __-_-_-_-__-_- - NoSttectatAr, - _-------------- E2EjEjiii PROGRAMS Wednesday (Adult Recreation Centre) Meals will re-commence after Dec. 15 January 12, 1977 Thursday (Ex-b Street Mennonite Church) Meals will re-commence after Dec. 16 January 13, 1977 ACTIVITIES FOR SENIOR ADUlTS ADULT RECREATION CENTRE WATERLOO SISKINS vs 1:3me Friday, Dec. 17th - 8pan. SISKINS vs RESPELER Sunday, Dec. 19th - 7 pan. WATERLOO ARENA W - - *EIII'IISTIAS HOLIDAY "MINES NOON MEALS PROGRAMME 3: 30-5230 pm. Family Skating See Note below 5:30-7 :30 p.m. General Skating 8-10 p.m. , Adults Only 7:00-9:00 p.m. General Skating _ MOSES SPRINGER ARENA The Centre provides activities for Adults 40 yrs. of age & Older. gfEEEE5EEiEE JUNIOR 'tt' HOCKEY (comer of King & Allen Sts.) Go Siskins. Go! tttir,!,),!,.!'!,).,?,? COMMUNITY SERVICES 3:30.6:30 Fm. General Skating _ ALBERT MCCORMICK ARENA 8130- 10:30p.m. General Skating 2:00 - 4:00 Fm. General Skating . 1310-9-12