. The Waterloo Pizza De light Tigers showed flashes of their form of previous years Dec. 8 at Waterloo arena but lost to Preston 4-3. In a Golden Region Aquatic Association meet Sunday at Breithaupt Cen- tre, the K-W Tarpon Swim Club trounced Tillsonburg Aquatic Torpedoes by a score of 320 points to 48. Top point scorers in the meet were Patty Thiel, 21 points in the 8 years and Tigers win 4-1 Cedarbrae public school's girls' volleyball team won a tournament last week. defeating teams from Flar- old Wagner. Prueter and Northdale. Members of the team include (front row. left to right) Debbie Ford. Caren Jakobsh and Maria Bent; (middle row) Nancy Jo Miller. Angela Williams. Carol Scott. Christine Wittich. Carol Beisel. and Kerri Kominar; and [back row) Janice Ferguson. Kim Haan. Jennifer Kinkade. Susan Michalic. Elaine Harrison. Dawn Steinlte and teachers Sharon Blomfield and Gail Kendall. Robin Cowan, 17, of Wa- terloo and Sherri Baier, M, of Mitchell, Ontario, finish- ed fourth ‘in .senior pairs international competition at the Moscow Skate com- petition in the Soviet Union Some defensive tet-downs and a few unlucky breaks contributed to the defeat. Mike Allensen opened the scoring from Todd Smith and Pat Evans. Jim Hald- enby set up Todd Loveday Cowan, Baier are fourth in Moscow Local swimmers win meet It's not work to wall: So why not walk to work? “an. a Mark Thdatr, I (I i .9. pnder division; Shannon Ratchford 19 points, 8 years and under; Sheila Harley, 21 points, 9 and 10 years; Shaun Tully, 17 points, 9 and 10 years; and Angela Yule, 18 points, II and 12 years. Other top swimmers were Doug Thiel, 21 points, 11 and 12 years: Heidi Thomp- son, 23 points, 13-14 years; on Thursday. k in the slot for the second Waterloo goal. John Acherl made a fine rush in the dying seconds for the third Waterloo counter after Preston had scored their fourth goal into an empty net. The young couple has been skating together for two years and this was their first competition in senior pairs. They will At Galt Dec. li, the Major Pee Wees showed some hustle for the first time this season and added a dash of hitting to humble Jr' o fi'),, . A Tfirming-E 0900M mom “.0003 229 Frederick St. Kitchener Special Watt, Cut 8 ONLY still be able to compete in junior pairs because they slid not place in _the top Prior to their trip to Mos- cow. Cowan- and __ Baier the Warriors 4-1. Pat Evans rapped in the first Water- loo goal from Todd Smith and then scored again on a breakaway after sealing thepuck. John Bell registered the third goal and Todd Smith the fourth. Walter Lokietelt allowed only one goal in the Tiger net. Todd Sheri- dan, Shawn Regan and Dennis Brox were impres- sive on defence. Steven Stewa rt, 18 points, 13-14 years; Valerie Dippel, 23 points, 15 years and over; and Ian Thompson, 24 points 15 years and over. Alito winning races and scoring points for the Tar- pons, were Julie Weigel, Kevin Henderson. Paul Boldt. Anthony Stappells, and Tom Smaia, in Galt JEANNE were given an exemption from the Canadian Figure Skating sectionals inJan- don, Ontario. However, they did perform an exhibition and a compulsory program 't' “‘53 k _ 'ttrr3te8tee, 1tlPeert. tltrtittttp'r "oe: ttyt lf " r.