" to,_rtg-_tirreteqtt.irsges-etet.r.o-orts. mi t Gary Bong, President of of the Mum-so Sports Ri-- Lhb.Shimr--Ststtrts feet on.“ in the Be- the Waterloo Regional view Committee for the Executive of the Ya: to: M" Sports Council Inc. recently mot Waterloo. theWatee%s Region. IMS. may. Pat Duffy announced the membership Memberswill include: 2. I? 'e" Sure" In: ttttacre-tbility to 621 KING WEST. kiTCHENER - 745-9495_ Aecu'EppRluitT, RAH-DENIM FUNERAL» HOME 8: ONE = - a ima?raeé1' scum. maniac - "F00tt-- OFFICE FURNITURE o STATtttMERT 0 ART SUPPLIES q GIFTS Open Mon. to Fri. till 9 Until Christmas . W intario ' sports Beviéw fhitriniittee chosen a Mr. Don McLeod will discuss this entire transportation program with Lorne Shantz on the Senior Citizen Show. THANK YOU Convenient Parking. entering Wellington or King Street SCHENDEL To The Voters of Waterloo for your Continued Support hocking V gffef Ideas Senior Citizens Own Organized Transportation. aaiai .m' u..." wanna pittettyoepetrhtct wantoouptmyowgoodwil...ham cttoiceotpeees,toot waiemNa mocs.-. : . .. SNACK TRAY a M06 SET. POTHOLDERS.....,... PENNY BANKS. . ...."... PLAYINGcAnDS........ ComtsCREWS......... BUFFALO MARKERS. . . .. KITCHEN DEVIL KNIVES.. SENIOR CITIZENS S.C.0.0.T. Marjorie Carroll on Grand River Cable TV Channel 12 Thurs. Dec. " - 7:30 Fri. Dec. " - 3:30 (a Find out about a STATIONERY Lt M ITED 225nm 1.95.“. 1.35.!†2.50.:‘6 1.59mi. 2.19mi. 'k,ry"t'5sfi;s',ru, gioual lihirtieipatitr of Wa- originator of the Waterloo County Sports Halo! Fame. 4. at. at My - pm ent Wintario Consultant, Recreation. 5. Mr. Gary-Bong - Phy- sical and Health Education Consultant, Waterloo Coun- ty Board of Education. . This committee will now be meeting regularly to re- view sports-related requests. Mr. Bong. in mung the announcement pointed out that the eatattiigttmeett of the review committee was mainly for two purposes: "We' win Aatate Win. tario sports prgjeas against criteria. may, we will get an indication of com- munity impact of proposed projects seeking grants in terms of relevance, cost, feasibility and over-all ef- HARRY HUEHN of Culture and Service worthy of your emtfidettee - a tradition Ai'h , N7" _ GRY On December 7;_Don Beau- pre earned his sixth shut- out of the year as the Comp- ton Motors All-Stars de- feated the visiting Gait application; committee, ' Mr. Duffy will continue to provide reward: anvil! also be available to mm grmqfs in painting their applications properly. . The final positive or my btive reeommertdatiort from the review committee boy- pte majority vote. _ Mr. Duffy explained that the final decision will still Ringette. skatethon . raised $5,000 Dec, 1 More than 200 skaters raised $S,000 during the Waterloo Minor Rinttette Association Skatethon Dee. 1 at Moses Springer arena, The pledged skaters, who included players, coaches, referees and parents, logged 10.000 laps around the arena during the skatethon. Each skater was pledged money far each lap. Participants Two assists were named by Guy Pfaff, who played his first game with the Comp- ton Motors 'All-Stars. On several occasions Guy show- ed his capability of creat- ing a loose puck by tak- ing his opponent out of the play. Rob Filiatmult scored Waterloos first goal on a power play and Tom Woino- ski scored. unassisted, for Waterloo while his team was short-handed. Other goals for Waterloo were scored by Paul Harrow, Chris Ford and Tim Allan who accounted for two. Well-executed team play gave the Waterloo minor midgets their thirteenth victory of the season as they defeated Stratford 6-2 on December 6. The game, played in Stratford, saw Waterloo display good two- way action, - Midgets get 13th win tor Complete Collision And Refinishing Service Midgets pick up a tie and one loss “with the Ministry ‘0! Culture and Recreation In Tomato. it Is nodule that allolthiscolpmittee'srec- match: will not be "he idea of a total com- mittee should be beggefieiat for a “tuber of reasons. It ,eitimettrtimNthringioeai tttttttttHr-ind-io-tak- ing; it will permit a com- Knights by a score of 5-0. Penalties formed a major part of the statistics for the evening and at 10:16 of the third period, Water- loo found themselves being charged with three separ- ate minor penalties. Gary By Don Dreisinger Ron Young and John Con- rad displayed fine form for the Schlueter Chev Mid- gets in the team's last two games. The Midgets played SW,-, project application and it will allow the committee members Who have a wide variety oi background ex- periertet to have input which should The minor ringette associ- ation would like to thank sponsors who supported the skaters and turned out to cheer them ‘on. Money col- lected from the skatethon will be used to offset oper: ating costs for the asaoeia- tion, and to keep registration to a 3-3 tie with Woodstock and lost a close contest to the league-leading Strat- ford club with a score of 3-1. laps, Young always gives his best. His superb efforts brought him three goals in two games. He played an aggressive, stmng, cheek- ing game. The big advant- age of a player like Young is that he hits and takes out his man very effectively ensure an eftieieett a maximum 'CCP “My W3? P e'" '-" Cet'.?, tti/r. te' M rt', a.» -t"mttteitstttrtdr. at†has are now mil- able (mm the W880 08190 or hum the. #irtitetry of Ctii. tage and We.» omee. Avenue, West, Waterloo; maria ML MS. (519)]!!- m0. at. SN and Ministry of Culture and Recreation. Waterloo Square - Suite 215, Waterloo, Ontario. (519) Waterloo committed to review pm- Ject. applications will be Wednesday,- January 12. fees to a minimum. About 221 girls am playing minor ringett’e this 'year. Thilt figure is up 40 from last year. There are still a few openings available for girls who would like to begin ringette. in January. More information on ringette can be obtained from the Water- loo eommmity services de- partment. Waterloo played one of its more effective games against Stratford later .in the week. John Conrad, who came up with some key saves, kept the game close when the score was bl for Stratford. Ron Young was Gardner lead the team in points as he picked up two goals and one assist. Tim Allan, who was injured in the third period, scored the opening goal and Tom Wolnoski and Dave Robb addedone each. without picking up penalties. He has only received five penalties this season. . John Conrad. who has been playing all recent games in net for Waterloo, has continually held the club in the game. Conrad has been fitting in for Carl Sawicki, who has been on the sick list. Sawicki will return to action this week. In the Woodstock game, Waterloo picked up 20 of 42 penalties. Ron Young scored the first two goals for Waterloo with assists by Mark Welsh and Terry Calder. Rob Richardson scored the tie goal with, an assist by Terry Calder. Richardson is third in the team's scoring statistics. Waterloo ‘will meet Sim- one Thursday night at 9 pan. at Waterloo arena. Simcoe is in second place in th_eleague._ the lone scorer for Water- loo. His goal was unassist- 'Neneertmeetingettthe