- IS group _topire “a? Mr. Wells told the Legis- lature that teacher and parents clearly want more objective information about how well pupils are achiev- ing. The work group, un- der the chairmanship of Education Minister Thom- as Wells last week announce ed the (urination of a work grouflo recommend better methods pf pupil testing and evaluation and better reporting of pupil. progress tdparimts. " is involved in half the fatal accidents in Canada. OLYMPICS 1976 . . . . . . . . . . . . "CSO THE LEAFSrhomst Fifty Years . . . . . .12.95 NEW CROSS COUNTRY SKI BOOK CROSS COUNTRY SKIING IN ONTARIO SCRIBE BOOK STORE TOM and DOROTHY PAYTON 'I'IIIIK - Ml" DRINK BEBE] Wattqehto Regional Sultry Council 1360 Weber St. E., Kitchener Munroe CNOMcMW, cm a. 1m WE CARRY THE COMPLETE DIONITE LINES OF LUGGAGE “BEST LUGGAGE PRICES IN TOWN†Westmounl Place, Violation - 576-7290 Market Square, Kltchonot - 576-8270 FA VOURED TO WIN BONNEVILLE SERIES (Across From HiWay Market) Mrs. Claudette Foisy-Moon. executive assistant on the staff of the Ontario Teach- ers' Federation. has been asked to produce a definite ptan'of action on how begt to improve testing and evaluation in the classroom and how best to give parents a clear understanding of how their children are progressing? - The 13-member group, made up of seven named by the Ontario Teachers' Feds) eration, four Ministry of Education staff and two representatives from the Ontario Association of Edu- cation Administrative Of- ficials. has been asked to make recommendations by March. Mr. Wells said the prob- lem of evaluation and test- ing has been one of concern for both the Ministry and the Teachers" Federation for some time and he praised the Federation for joining the Ministry in seeking a solution. KIICIIEIEI'S NEWESI WHERE! STORE I the - M'illltllti'il!Et 'i"i"i"i"i'il Peter West as the Scarecrow and Bruce Mutton as the Cowardly Lion (tight) search for the Wizard in a scene from Bluevale collegiate's The Wizard of Oz. Close to 300 students are involved in the production set for Dec. 1 ti-I B. , About 600 scientists and engineers from universities, research institutes and Phone 744-5471 r'r"'"""""'C.C"'"li - how or t ' plasl f I rock . w' . Ther " ' pers LN tern; r“ fatig I ...i wank. 'l? fracl tl ture ' k“ J __ i and. J, i'tliilliltiliit _rr - will Ai' to e but well . Th teei SONY . Tapl . of N The A Change For The Better bd zatk When the Sony Company brings out a whole ago. [Em Tues &Vlgled 117.1'huts am 113.53! TOA, CLOSED MONDAYSA 7 _ When the Sony Company brings out a whole new line of stereo equipment, we, at Wes- seling Advanced Audio, are just naturally All great new quality components as befits one of the most respected names in Audio. All new inside and outside too, like putting memos! used controls together for great- er convenience So when you are thinking of that new re- ceiver. amplifier or turntable, think of Sony. the company that thinks of you! " Dunn s/C" "et-ee-e" V 7 " Queens Sq Kitchener 74216951 Cambridge iti) 653-2835 ,dvanccd audio In general. the confer- ence will be concerned with how and why things break or crack, be they metal, plastic, concrete. glass. rock ... or even human bone. There will be research pa- pers on brittleness, high temperature fracture, metal fatigue, bone fractures, fractures in pipelines, frac- temperature fracture, metal fatigue, bone fractures, fractures in pipelines, frac- tures in nuclear reactors, and. so on. The conference will be of interest not only to engineers and Scientists but to medical people as The organizing commit- tee is chaired by Dr. D.M. R. Taplin of UW's Department of Mechanical Engineering. The conference is sponsored by The International Con- gress of Fracture, an organi- zation formed about 10 years ago. The ICF' executive com- mittee includes fracture specialists from the United States, the USSR, the United Kingdom, West Germany, Czechoslovakia. Japan. Bel- gium, The Netherlands and Australia, as well as Can- ada. Registration is $150. In- quiries may be addressed to Prof. RU. Pick, Regis- tration Chairman, Depart- ment of Mechanical En- gineering, University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Ott- tario, N21. 361. The friendlv neighbour- hood emerri,se. mungâ€- “All .- Ii- . Ind-1r s,