Knox Presbyterian Church choirs wtll present a Christ- mas concert and carol 5mg Sunday “or u. from 4 pm torl5 pm The church's four choirs - the xvmor. jumor. folk and enrichment - wlll Jotn forces with the rhythm Jim Hayden. a Wilfrid Laurier University student. carried the traditional Christmas cake in a procession prior to the annual Boar's Head dinner Dec. 1 at the university. About 500 people watched the student chefs serve the meal in a record time of about nine minutes. December 15 _ 8:00 pm December 16 _ 7:30 p m. December 17 - 8 oo pm December 18 - 2:00 pm. & 800me ADULTS - $2.00 - STUDENTS - $1.00 CHILDREN .- " - FAMILY PKG. - $5.00 Please Phone B.C.l Activities Office Knox has carol sing Dec. " "THE WIZARD OF 02" Presented By The Staff and Students 0F BlUEVAlE COllEGIATE A MUSICAL 885-4620 Choir' soloists will be Jean Shantz. Rita Yan and Joe Brute. The Junior choir Is composed of 40 children be- tween the ages of 5 and 13 The folk choir has mem- bers from all age groups m band and the brass players for the concert, the congregation and the rhythm band has members aged 4 to 7 years Babysttting and light re- tieshments will also be avallablo at the concert, f Iit""riftifJritltrn 14 Prmcess St West 8tMr2900 or 886 2322 WATERLOO BOWLING LANES . Daily 4 oo _6 30 pm 50c Game Saturday 12 Noon - 1 1 :00 pm Sunday 3:00 ---10:30 p.m. FAMILY BOWLING OPEN BOWLING for Infounauon can 'llllll' studentsw'zaapmm Senior student: and "mm of that Wt: Iran the following Outario high schools will, he visiting the University F of Waterloo on Friday, December 10: South- 'wood Collegiate Institute. Caspbrlthre; Bluevale Col- ietpSte Institute, Waterloo: Mitttieid Secondary School; Parry Sound: Grantham High School, St. Catharines The students will spend the day learning about com- puters. They will attend lec- tures during the morning and in the afternoon will use one of the multi-million dollar computers on the UW campus toHind their own solutions to problems. Those with sufficient knowledge may spend the entire day working with computers. Consultants will be avail- able to assist them. Students with no previous computer science experi- ence will receive lectures on problem solving and actual use of the computer using a FORTRAN-like language called TUTOR. In- struction in FORTRAN and APL languages will be available to those students having some computer back- ground. -- . and John Diefenbacher Secondary School, Hanover. In all, 241 students are in- volved. UW has been offering these "computer science days" to high school stu- dents for more than 12 years. Last year. 8.500 students from 227 Ontario high schools visited the campus. UW feels it is important to inform young people about PHONE OR COME IN TODAY WECAN ASSIST YOU HAVE YOU DELAYED PURCHASING A MEMORIAL? 523 V tctorta St. N . Kitchener (Bosnia Wesm Bakeriesl 7454t36 After hours 578-NM Large Indoor Showrooms SUPERIOR MEMORIAIS Rundown? Take a walk. Feeling tired? TF, ' tra-too-ttities-tst?-?,'?, 1916-sz! carpenters sirteeinere.asiite. antics teacher and their ly, society is W10 the principal. . computing profmion to solve its ipformtttiort-prxr cessing problems. r Waterloo also permits high school students who have completed grade It-- and who have a working knowledge of FORTRAN to enrol in one of its courses (carrying one-half credit to. wards a mathematics de- gree). Students wishing to participate in this course must have the.consept of their high school mathe- o Patient and Courteous Instructors for all ages q Modern Dual Control Cars q Free Pick-up oSame car available for Driving Test gs. * 0 Special care for nervous beginners v" _ Qi'iai"firejNiiild avnd Teifti% instructors licensed by the Ministry of Transporta- tion and Communications. DENTURE Therapy CLINIC BEREK GENES, MI. * CANADA t ' DRIVINGSCHOOL FOR PROFESSION“. DRIVER TRAINING CAll ans-4m OPEN 9 an. till " EM. Wishes to Announce the Relocation of His . WATERLOO, ONTARIO NM 3C6 TELEPHONE 884-8386 TO 48 BRiDGEPORT ROAD EAST (corner of Peppler Street) l would like to sincerely thank all those WhO’ supported me , the municipgl election. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated, Thank You