Synchronized (synchro) swimming is a water sport. not so very new, that is composed of float patterns. strokes, stunts, variations of swimming skills and most importantly synchron- By Lindsey Brown Ballet while bathing? Not quite, but the artful water sport of synchronized swimming incorporates such qualities as poise, body control, flexibility, balance. co-ordination, rhythm and understand- ably, breath control. Bauer Bruins pick up fifth shut-out of the first period. The goal was scored by Troy Fleming with the assist going to Quinn Harper. Twelve athletes were hon- ored by the Kitchener-Wa- terloo Minor Track and Field Association at its recent annual awards night held in Waterloo. They include senior win- ners Andrea Watcher, most outstanding female: Mike Forgiaves, outstand- ing male athlete: Debbie Chambers, most progres- sive female: Steve Thomas, and Roger Membury. most progressive male: Elean- or Fritz, most outstanding female cross country ath- Iete and John Mala. most outstanding male cross country athlete. Woodstock opened the scoring at the 7:32 mark In the junior division. winners were Carmen Led- vinka. most outstanding ath- lete, Michele Campbell, most involved athlete: Christine Anderson. most progressive tyke athlete: Charlene Fehrenbach. most progressive atom girl: Mark Anderson. most progresswc atom troy: and gresswc atom boy: and In Minor Pee Wee Hub League play, the Bauer Bruins met Woodstock on November 22. It was their closest match of this sea- son and their eighth straight win in Hub League. Playing without the sen vices of Seymour Hadwen. the outstanding volleyball and basketball player. the Four members of the Hala- shita Judo Club picked up gold medals Sunday at the South-Western Ontario Wm- tor Games In St. Thomas. Debbie Hatter won a gold in the junior division In the under 100 pound category Cam Baumhour also won a gold In this division In the over I40 pound class, In the youth division. Kar- on Millar was first In the open weight category Brenda McMillan picked up a gold In the under 106 pound category Other local WIDDPI’S were Linnea Ilormanco. second Assisted by John McKer- Four judoists win medals Synchro swim club presents show Dec._18 " top athletes honored volleyball team has 6 wins row, Blake Ellis came back to tie the game at the end of the first period. At that time the member- ship numbered only eight people. The Waterloo Family "Y" began its Sandpebble syn- chro swim course in the fall of 1975, at its centre on Lincoln Road. In the second period Mark Pace put Woodstock ahead with the assist going to David Pye. In the third period James Young put Waterloo in a tie situation. The assist went to Kevin Doucette. With two minutes left on the clock Blake Ellis scor- ed the winning goal for Wa- Waterloo Warriors swept a six game match Dee. 2 with Guelph. Scores for the games ization, not only to music but with a chorus-line of swimmers. The routines must be performed at pre- cisely the same times and to the same degree. It's al- so a sport that is becoming popular with people in Waterloo. Kelly Strauss. most out- standing cross country ath- lete, The Good Egg award for outstanding contribution was presented to Jamie Tigers pick up two victories The Waterloo Pizza De- light Tigers. edged Galt 4-3 on Dec, 2. Todd Loveday led the Major Pee Wees with three goals. Don Noble added the other goal. On Saturday, Nov. 27, the Tigers travelled to Bur- linglon where they edged the hometown double A team 4-3. The Pee Wees were out- hustled and out-muscled in a game Nov. 25 at Wa- tcrloo arena. Hespeler de- feated them 3-1. Pat Evans in the under 60 pound class: John Rahorat. second in the under I40 pound class: Dean Missikowski, third in the under 80 pound class: John Vandennouvel. fourth In the youth division, Hrendit McMillan also pick- ed up a silver in the open weight division Bill Stros» berg placed fourth in the under 143 pound class in the under 120 pound class: and Rick Strosberg. fourth in the under 100 pound class. Thlrtovn members of the Judo club took part In the Games The team was Now, just over a year la- ter, the club boasts a mem- bership ist 34 swimmers, in- athtding two boys and " adults. In Dec. 1975. the Sandpetr- bles performed at the Medi- cal Ball at the Valhalla Inn. A month later theirs per- formed for the Farmers' Convention also at the Val- halla Inn. In May 1976, the club com- peted in the Cambridge Just as the club has grown, so have its accomplish- ments. terloo. The assist went to John McKerrow. On Tuesday, November M, the Bruins, travelled to Simcoe and came home with their ninth win. It was the Bruins all the way. Scott Harris scored the first goal unassisted in the first period. Then Waterloo scored two goals in the second period and three in the third period for a 7 to were: 15-8, 15-9. 15-3,]5-10. 15-t3 and 15-2. Veteran players Bruce McDonald, Tom Jarv, Kevin Munhall. About 150 people attended the awards night. Guest speaker was Pat Walsh. coach of Michael Power Track Club of Toronto. scored the lone Tiger goal Organizers of the Tigers team believe it is suffering from a lack of ice time and competitive game exposure. The team has played only three games in the last 20 days. This does not seem to be enough to incorporate the new members of the team into a unit. coached by Wayne Erd- man and Bob Zetti. Zettl has been named coach for the South-Western Ontario Region for the upcoming Ontario Winter Games. They will be held in Thun- der Bay in February, Hember. The departure of Ron Motz from Waterloo's ranks leaves a large gap to be filled. This can only be accomplished with a lot of work. Fooling tired? Rundown? Take a walk arm-urn»- ".otts A Mo, b tod." b.3 Sports Festival winning several first, accord and third prizes. During Red Cross Water Safety Week in June, the club swam for Celebrity Night at the Wilfrid Laur- ier pool. The chtb's next show will be Saturday, Dec. 18 at 4 p.m. at the Waterloo Fam- ily "Y". Adults and youth alike, from nine to 40 years, will take in the colorful Christmas Pageant. Abby Hartlhan, Sandpeb- ble coach, said the show will 0 victory. Scorers were Brent Ellis, Tom MacMillan, Roger Carlaw. Greig Heidman. Blake Ellis and Shayne Ackerl. Assists went to Blake Ellis, Nicky Cipp, Brent Ellis, John Mcker- row and Jamey Gage with two. In the first game, Guelph took an early lead and the Warriors had to struggle to tie the game at 8-8. They fin- ished strong winning 15-8. The remaining games were decisively won by Waterloo. The team goes into re- tirement over the Christ- mas break and has its first big match against league leaders, Western, on January 13. The Warriors are now in second place with a 12-4 record. If they can hold that position by beating McMaster on January 21. they should have a playoff spot in the OUAA finals. Mike Bishop registered the shut-out. Jt was the team's fifth shut-out of the season. and Dave Monteith more than compensated for the absence of Hadwen with superb blocking and spiking. ClAU finals will be held at Waterloo and the Warriors will be playing as the home- team representative. 500 Glen Fdrrest Blvd. Waterloo - 885-3372 (in Lakeshore Village Waterloo) Wat-doc Chronicle, WM, Om tt. 1976 - Pop " "The skills aren't hard to learn but a lot of coordina- tion and synchronization is required." said the coach. Little previous swim- betteenfromttieadterBmt the sidelines, rather than The show will include 13 rputines to Christmas mu- snc. Show will be just as effec- tive with the use ttt colored lights and matching, decor- ated costumes. For those cold morning starts callus . . q We've got a cure We accept most motor League Vouchers. Motor-Tuneups - Brake Service - Genera Repairs I. and! ed for the sport. A liking for the water and some basic strokes and skills like the from crawl, breast stroke and treading water, are all that's necessary. Proceeds from the Show will help cover travelling err- penses when the 12 mem- bers of the Sandpebble com- petitive synchro team travel to Owen Sound. Guelph and Woodstock to