P0 " - Nam Chronich. Wodrtosdm_t?temtttr. a, 1976 Wilder will become Fusiliers commander of M Langford Pl. Waterloo will become com- manding officer of The Highland Fusiliers of Can- ada Sunday during a change-of-command cere- mony at The Armoury, Cambridge. Special guests for the occasion will include Major- General Bruce J. Legge of Toronto, Commander of all Reserve Forces in Canada, and Brigadier - General Reg. W. Lewis. commander of Central Militia Area, Toronto. He succeeds Lieutenant- Colonel Robert F. Stuempfle of Cambridge who has com- manded the Militia in- fantry regiment since 1973. Lieut.-Col. Stuempfle was recently attached as a staff officer at Headquarters Central Militia Area in Toronto. A regimental parade and inspection, beginning at 2 pan. precedes the formal change-of-command core. mony. The Highland Fusiliers of Canada came into _being in 1965 with the amalgama- tion of The Scots Fusiliers of Canada (Kitchener) and The Highland Light Infantry of Canada (Carnbri4ge- Galtl. The unit is Waterloo County's only Reserve Force infantry regiment. Major Terry A. _Wilfttr - $fi' str,!ltll,tltliiiifMlliEi;l 9:. IlillllllMMllllllllllg, Brit' 4aitt', L' lax 3 P, . - - rl _'s. 1thS rir15,,F,jg' i'i'taR, Ill l 'sti,i'i'ir Mt' l ql a 'Rt Bltiri"ii"Sii,rii) ‘31] £5} B' da r "" \ ' 1% 'i'stitttr"C'i1'e"aiC'/1t"iii's'r _tl,; A). . '8rcira ___ T' "" e" l & Chr? o ‘1 -. '" 5 _ "eSlt Assorted (r? C" " ‘$ 9 / CJ: ‘1 cums-m Fluids ' sts. \" 0“ . 'rt _ . .\ Pd tly is g , 12it Fitted 'ltilg % sls \ ca, l9 696’ 'kfhl a: \:r rg SPORT SHIRTS $606299$ sp, g r-i" o.'ty" €3,395“ Christmas Special . ips' ". ' , ooi' st"'iil!!jr) $1299 . ' t I 0 km a a ' Christmas Hours il5l 111111111111 Mon. to Fri, 9 am. _ 9 pm Gift Certificates and Lay Away Saturday 9 am. -ti pm, available. Exchanges or Refunds ithio 10 day after Christma L'. 'iM, 'l111',rli'(', Bonsing Day. s PANTS PL] 1 ' _ - I 1 ' _ nan-n l-AII nu-...-l.u. Cans-n Christmas Hours Mon. to Fri. 9 am Saturday 9 am. -l ceived his education in K-W schools, including Waterloo College. He is president of Wilder Medical Supplies and chairman of the board of Medifax Lid, both Kitch- ener-based companies. strength units at armour- ies in Kitchener and Cam- bridge. ' It He began his Militia ca- reer in Kitchener in 1954 with the 24th Field Am- bulance Company, Royal Canadian Medical Corps, A baked goods and crafts sale will be held at the Wa- terloo Market this Saturday (Dec. 11) by the Kitchener- Waterloo Skating Club as the first step in a campaign to raise $100,000 to build a unique skating rink at Wa- terloo Park. The rink. to be annexed to Waterloo Arena, will be the first one in Western Ontario which is designed only for recreational pleas- ure skating and figure skat- ing. It will be large. 200 by 100-fett) will not have any hockey boards and will have a mezzanine viewing area which will serve as a com- munity hall as well. The rink is being built by the city of Waterloo with financial assistance from the local 40-year-old skating club which has been prom- Mijor Wilder was tom Exchanges or Refunds within 1 0 days after Christmas Excluding Boxing Day. later Joining the 13t Corn- mn! Rory “NEW! 'Sen'nce tam. In was lie received his commission with the nu of Canada and threeyears later. Major Wilder was pro- moted to his present rank in 1966. He has served as Command Compgmy. Camp Borden. and with Militia Headquarters, ML as a staff officer of operations and planning. He has been deputy commanding officer of The HF of C since 1973. Architects are now de- signing the rink and con- struction is expected to be- gin early spring for comple- tion next fail. The skating club has been organizing a wide var- iety of projects which will get under way early in the New Year but the baked goods and crafts sale will provide the parents in the club with their first ex- perience in raising money. Everything is being don- ated so that all proceeds will go to the fund. Or- ganizers are anticipating a good turnout at the market as people look for gifts and baked goods for Christmas. ised a $100,000 to $150,000 Wintario grant (depending upon need). The grant must be matched by pri- vate donations. captain A.“ If T' 7. <v. Bonny Smith (right) as Aunt Emm gives Heather Whittle aii Dorothy some advice in a scene from Bluevale collegiate's production The Wizard of Oz. The play will be presented Dec. , 5-1 B at the school. PANTS PLUS MAIN MALL Waterloo Square