Saturday at the Kâ€"W Handweavers‘ Guild‘s annual Christmas sale. Lei Clair Newberry examined some woven items strung on tree branches CARPROLL ALDERMAN IN WATERLOO REâ€"ELECT MARJORIEFE WATERLOO PUBLIC SCHOOL LYNNE WOOLSTENCROFT STANDS FOR: *_ QUALITY EDUCATION with HIGH STANDARDS â€" *_ INCREASED EMPHASIS on PRIMARY EDUCATION â€" where the BASICS are LEARNED & *_LONGâ€"RANGE PLANNING based on PRIORITIES set by the Board * BETTER COMMUNICATION between the BOARD and PARENTS. TEACHERS, TAXPAYERS * _ ATTENTION to ALL STUDENTS. with emphasis on the GIFTED as well as other EXCEPTIONAL CHILOREN DECEMBER 6. please vote LYNNE WOOLSTENCROFT HAS EXPERIENCE: *_TRUSTEE Waterloo County Board of Education, 197 1â€"71; 1975â€"76 * _ TRUSTEE Watertoo Public Library Board. 1973â€"74 *_Former HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER â€" Chairman of large Department of English â€" Curriculum Consultant â€" Coâ€"author of Teaching Guide . *_MOTHER of two children h : * BACHELOR OF EDUCATION. Secondary School Specialist WOOLSTENCROFT WOOLSTENCROFT, Lynne E. Dedicated, vigorous. responsive representative on the Waterioo County Board of Education _ For further information, please call 579â€"09 12 ae-us_éfg _ ~3 1978 C T ess N*\ A. C jkw _BOARD TRUSTEE CARROLL Job Center Committee First United Church ) Housewife and mother of two girls For further information 576â€"8843 Waterloo Alderman â€" elected 1974 Chairman of Community Services Kâ€"W Hospital Graduate 1953 Member of: Waterloo Public Library Board Kâ€"W Social Planning Council Board Grand River Conservation Authority Kâ€"W Philharmonic Choir Board Ontario Council of Health Canada Manpower Student Summer se 4 MARJORIE + oÂ¥