He is past president of the Association of Munici- palities of Ontario and says he attended the meetings regularly. With this and his past experience as mayor. Mr. Meston be- lieves he has a broad back- ground in municipal life. "Waterloo has always been blessed with good administration," said Mr. Meston. "The city staff is excellent and it was the staff who educated me when I became mayor. I had never been an alder- man before this. .. The aldermen are re- quired to trade points of view and put forth both pro and con ideas until a compromise is obtained. Mr. Meston believes the councillor who sells his idea best will win out, “When it comes to mak- mg a decision council can't do something for one group of people when they have already told the majority Mr. Meston is involved in a new career and he does not want to jeopar- dize it. He realizes that to he mayor is a full-time job if the job is going to be done properly. Mr. Meston is presently the marketing manager for a computer consultant group in Water- loo. . Mr. Meston sees coun- cil as a variety of people trying to work together. He sees the role of the mayor as one who should be informed of all discus- sions that take place in council. He should sit and listen and his duty is to weigh what the aldermen are saying. “I have always known that if a person wants to do anything to contribute to Waterloo, they can do it just as effectively as an alderman as they can if they are mayor," said Mr. Meston. "I believe I can be Just as effective as alderman. A person only has one voice and can't doanymore" By Terry James Don Meslon of 119 Mae. Kay Cres. in Waterloo, served the city as mayor for seven years' until W was defeated in 1974 by Mayor Herb Epp. On Dec. 6, residents will read his name on the voting ballot as one of 18 people running for alderman. . 19ecttttilArytttllt, ", . . This stay is on. in a series about candida": in the Doc. 6 mum RAH-mm Th'fITlCL'3, cr,'? CHAPEI. ii a; 621 KING WEST. kiTCHENER - 745-9495 Convenient Parking. entering Wellington or King Street Meston thinks city will continue to grow Mr, Meston is convinced there iiiU definite problem between the role of the regional government and city council. "Under the regional act the responsibilities of the Region and the city were outlined. Either due to the way it was interpreted or the way it was written there are controversies as to who does what, .. he said. mince people who do not come off well in public. They present an entirely different image. People have to keep this in mind and get to know them better." he said. "Waterloo has ‘grown a lot and has handled' it well and that speaks highly of the city staff," he said. "If a city isn't running well then council is pt fault: The staff does what the councillors ask them to do. If regional government is going to succeed Mr. Meston does not think it should be in a rush to do things when people are still questioning its re- sponsibilities and are up- set about it. "There still seems to be that sort of inclination in people's minds that the when and when it will at- fectthecommunity. Mr. Manon made it clear that decisions are al- "a'ypriattletocttattge. . "Potieies are -- always made up for the ben1sfit of befo're they make their decision on election day according to Mr. Meston, He said attitude is very important and people have to get to know the candi- dates well before they can determine what their atti- tude is. As far as Mr. Meston is concerned 'Watertoo has very few problems and has no pressing needs. The people of Waterloo M" should know the candidates' um Induce." he said. the peoble and are basic- STUART scueoE’wn'z regional system isn't work- ing in the municipalities but they are considering the GEE system for Wa- terloo." said Mr. Meston. "With the ward system there will be people rep- resenting one area in the city and not representing the city gs a'whole. You samiprob1ems." ' Mr. Meston is not in fa- vor ot the/plans for a-new regional headquarters. He does not feel it is a ne-. cessity' and he likes the idea . of the various services be- ing spread throughout the municipalities. _ The shopping plaza in north Waterloo and the redevelopment of down- town are important steps he said, Up to now people have been going to Kitch- ener, for shopping variety. When a city grows, like Waterloo has. Mr. Meston said. people want to sup- port their own community. Waterloo is experiencing normal growth and this growth is going to be with the city for a long time as far as Mr. Meston can see. region! someth up Mr. Meston is proud of Waterloo iihd believes it is a good community. Like any growing city it has made its share of mistakes. "Waterloo and Kitchener have come a long way and Waterloo certainty doesn't have to take a back seat." In willie to “it munici- palities and are represent- edoncouncil." feel "gitteta1goootrsteett al- ways géts the best mem- wear" said Mr. Maine. "The municipalities m gested to him that regional council members should he elected at large but Mr. Meston believes this would be defeating the purpose of regional government. the future developers Service worthy of your . confidence --r- a tradition since 1925. to neti into the gQHN FEDY '53? not may be building houses mningofthecity,hesaid. which only last 15 years to "Industrial land is run- allow for change in the ning out and we may have Don Meston. a former Waterloo maven is acidity a seat on Watecloo coun- cil for the first time Dec. 6. -Y" - -Wm T q, _ . . «w‘ " Ce (3,“; to change residential land to industrial land in the distant future. .. _ 'jt9H' J? . J:"artis'i.