Winners of the book mark contest at the Parkside branch were Debbie Ford, Heidi Huber and Donna Scott. DEC. 6 RE-ELECT Winners of the book quiz contest at the Parkside branch were junior: Shauna Courtney: senior: Tracy Heisman, Craig Hunter and Jackie Wells. Winners of the book mark design contest at the main branch were Junior: James Cherry: intermediate:" Ste- ven Orr and Margaret Heard; senior: Daryl Beck- enhauer, Catherine Heard and Rick Orr. Prizes were given to win- ners of the book quiz and book mark contests. Win- nets of the book quiz at the main branch were junior: Marty Paleczny; inter- mediate: Chris Paleczny and Martha Kerr; senior: Christine Anderson. Michele Baumgarten, Cindy Boegel and Kevin Kroecker. Special awards were pre- sen_ted Thursday at Waterloo Public Library to children who participated in the library's Book Week events. Page 12 . Waterloo Chtonicle, Wednesday, December l. 1976 I have the TIME and WlLLlNGNESS to attend ALL meetings as your representalve. also the EXPERIENCE and KNOWLEDGE to serve YOU faithfully and well - A PROGRESSIVE, child-oriented educational system wherein each in. divudual child may realize her/his maximum potential. Quality education without costly frills. . - Equal educational opportunity for ALL children in the county. _ The return to compulsory core subjects as announced recently, - Making schools available for essential community use. - Better lines of communication to taxpayers, parents, teachers and stu- dents l wrll make my decrsrons on the basis of the children's best Interest Have been a property owner for 26 years. a taxpayer Since 1925 I am very concerned about getting the best value for the educational S. 9 Years a trustee on the Waterloo Public School Board 1960-1969. - 8 Years a trustee on the Waterloo County Board of Education. Princrpal at Central, Alexandra and MacGregor Schools 1925- 1959. Proven Leadership Experience . . 5 Consecutive years chairman Waterloo Public School Board . Past President Ontario Public School Trustees' Association. . Member of the Ontario School Trustees' Council 1966-1975. . Past President of the Waterloo Young Men's Club. . Awarded the 1967 Centennial Medal for services to education in Ontario . Working on 6 committees of the BOARD this year. Supports 1 1 " Schools. 50.183 Students. 2.600 Teachers Approximately 800 other Employees, 1976 Budget $75,332,100 EXPERIENCED TRUSTEES ARE ESSENTIAL FOR INFORMATION PHONE 884-8905 I'LL ALWAYS LISTEN The library honors Book Week, winnefs YOUR SCHOOL BOARD IS BIG B'USINESS Waterloo Public School Voters Some of the Waterloo children who receivod awards for their . Margaret Heard. Debbie Ford ind Christine Anderson. The book mark designs Thursday at the library were (left to right) book mark contest was held during Book Week at the library.' respectfully solicits your influence - and VQTE . Monday. December 6th. 1976 as ONE of the 3 City of Waterloo Trustees on the NEIL A. MacEACHERN WATERLOO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION to RE-ELECT him Anti-semitism in the New Testament and its modern interpreters will be the sub- ject for an address at Wil- Assbciation of Municipalities of Ontario . Responsible and Responsive For the Good ot Watedoo and Region Lecture planned at WLU DON MESTON ELECT FOR ALDERMAN 7 years on Waterloo Council 2 years on Regional Council Past President: TWO MINUTES OF YOUR TIME FOR 2 YEARS OF MINE trid Lauriér Universiy Dec. 2 at 10:30 am. in Centre Hall. The tails, sponsored try Professor John Lewis of McGill University will give a talk on "Modeling Urban Climate" at 2:30 p.m., Fri- day, December 3 in room 350, environmental studies bldg., University of Water- loo. His talk is sponsored by UW's dept. of geography. Everyone is welcome to at- Climate is _ talk subject the department of religion and culture. will be deliver.. ed by Dr. William Klassen. chairman of the depart- -ment of religious studies at the Uniirersity of Manitoba. Winnipeg. While the talk is meant essentially for students at WLU, the public is invited toattend. RE-ELECT 9 Years-Alderman Past Chairman Board of Management Sunnysode Home Past Prestdent Waterloo Lions Club Past Presudem Waterloo Monov Hockey 6.Years _ Chauman Commumty Servuces Board 2 years Regional Councillor RE-E1.ECT