_ Choir 'iiii'ki"iil' I at the library Public Library Sunday. December5at2:30pt _ performed by the SOUTH WATERLOO COUNTY STRING ORCHESTRA, a group of twenty-two grades 7 and 8 students conducted by Mr. David Vernier of the Waterloo County Board of Education. A musical celebration 25 at 84, 22;?“ Perfect for any occasion BASIC BLACK ") A3mtttwithahatimedier offavort'teChrigtmasta- havenandBrhhms. Sawa. For further inrorm4tion, contact Mrs. Maureen AChristmasCarolsing- f8) 300 Weber St". I... 1fllatqtrttttt Lynne Fisher of Kitchener is framed inside the frame of her spinning wheel during a demonstration Satur- day at the Adult Recreation Centre. The demonstration was part of a sale organized by the K-W Hand- weavers' Guild. S _. t h l . h l Beginning early in the new year, Senior Citizens in Waterloo will have the opportunity to return to the classroom: - not as students. but as teacher's Under the supervision of the Waterloo County Board of Education, the Senior Volunteer in the Classroom. programme Git provide a new learning experience for both Senior Citizens and Students. Seniors having one morn- ing or afternoon to spare can utilize their talents by helping a child on a one-to- one basis with reading skills, reading to children in a group etc. Seniors will also have the chance to share with children per- sonal skills and experiences. vv'i‘iére are no spieciat skills necessary. The basic re- quirement is that the Sen- ior likes children and en- joys working with the teach- ers to help them. Primary consultants from the Board of Education will provide information and training sessions. Seniors will be placed in a school that is most convenient for them and if bus transportation is necessary the funds for this will be provided. The first training session will take place Thursday. December 9, 1976 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Adult Rec- reation Centre. Interested Seniors are asked to call the Centre for further in- formation. The training session will be under the direction of Mrs. Helen Koepke and Ms. Carol Marshall. Primary Con- sultants with the Waterloo County Board of Educa- tion. a