Bt-ttttttiight/hints-they, Doc-must I (Continued "on on! tit schools and call for more police. If there are persons still who like justice. and who think that Justice should be taught to the next genera- tion. please drop me a line. Ivan Jensen. Letters tettteedttatr PO. Box 1537 1nnistait.Atberta Boar's Head dinner tonight 70 THE EDITOR; Over the past several weeks the news media in Ontario have devoted con- siderable time and space to the question of Hydro rates. This emphasizes the importance of the con- sumer understanding the relationship between him- self and Ontario Hydro through the Municipal Hydro. in order to relate the impact of rates ob- jectively. _ Helen Worthington, col- umnist for the Toronto Star will be guest speaker at Wilfrid Laurier Univer- sit/s annual Boar's Head Dinner Dec. 1 at 7 pm. in the WLU theatre-auditor- ium. During her career as a journalist Mrs. Worth- ington wrote for the Ot- tawa Journal and opened the Moscow Bureau of the Telegram before she join- ed the Toronto Star. Mrs. Worthington's address at the dinner promises to be humorous. The speech is called the generations of the 50's, 60's and 70's. The Boar's Head Dinner is a re-creation of a 600- year-old ritual first enact- ed at Oxford University-In, ",'i'"rss1,iisl,,,',ib,," i: I 'orCr_/tAtAtERL00 “MOVED Waterloo Kitchener Ontario & Duke Sts Hydro in Ontario is di- vided into two respmtsi- bilities. the first for gen- eration and transmission. is given to the Crown Cor- poration known as Ontario Hydro. The second respon- sibility is vested in the Mu- nicipal Hydro. responsible for delivering electrical energy to the householder. the businessman. or the manufacturer. In addition. Ontario Hydro supplies energy to large industrial customers such as steel mills. paper mills au) chemical plants. and also those customers who live in small rural communi- ties and to summer cottages. It should be understood that when the news media talk about Ontario Hydro rates they are discussing the cost of power that will England. The celebration has carried on. The Laurier Choir will sing the traditional Boar's Head Carol and the tradi- tional processiory will take place. Each year the pro- cession is led by a pranc- ing jester, six chefs bear- ing the boat's head, a turkey, a cleaver. a flam- ing pudding and a Christ- mas cake. The dinner is sponsored and served by the Students Union. The members pride themselves on the speed at which the dinner is served. About 500 guests can be served in under 18 minutes. Tickets for students, faculty, and staff are $3. Waterloo Square lugs-3559 be charged to municipali- ties and large “mistrial customers. The cost of electrical energy to the householder and the busi- nessman id the community is determiped by the local Hydro Commission of the Municipality concerned. The increases imposed by local Municipal Hydro Commissions are not nec- essarily equal to the bulk power costs that Ontario Hydro charges to these local commissions. since each Commission must also cope With its own problems of system expan» sion. cost of labour. and debt encumbrance. The cost of power from Ontario Hydro constitutes a very large portion of a Municipal Hydro's operat- ing cost and it is common for the cost of power to range between 70c to 80c out of every operating dollar. This being a fact of utility operation. makes it quite obvious that what a utility pays Ontario Hydro for power must have a profound affect on the rate charges to householders and businesses in a com- munity. Public Utilities histori- cally operate at or near the break even point. Sur- pluses are not allowed to accumulate. therefore any drastic changes in the cost of power. cost of labour. or the cost of capital must be immediately taken in- to account with-rapid im- plementation of rate chang- es. As a result it is evident that a Municipal Hydro operating in our volatile and changing economy must impose rate changes frequently in keeping with the rapid changes in the cogt of power. labour and Alderman City of Waterloo December 6th, 1976 E} 7 jean Aldennanic Experience, f) 2 was Regional Councillot. RUISH ELECT Robert '